Protesters Don't Know What They're Protesting About

I've seen a lot of middle age and older folks protesting. They are protesting against fascism.
They are protesting based on lies. Typical of the left.

in my experience----which dates all the way back to the 60s----"oldsters" who show up at demonstrations are doing it ONLY because they are desperate to BE YOUNG. They are the same types that attended
woodstock at the age of 70......... The same types that
adulate the burntout acid-head. .Bernie Sanders
PS ----they tend to be dressed up in silly over the top
"trend on the street" costumes
The protests are vaguely disguised anti-Trump rallies.
That's all the Democrat party wants, another reason to criticize Trump. The dopes who believe Democrats care about BLM are as clueless as the Democrats who thought their party cared about Blasey Ford. They dumped her as soon as she wasn't politically useful to them and they'll do the same with Blacks. Trump did more for Blacks in 3 1/2 years than all the Presidents since Kennedy.
Trump's claim of doing more for black Americans than any President since Kennedy is nothing more than a propaganda talking point. It really is meaningless to everyone except his die-hard followers. The reality of a temporary employment surge became evident with the immediate disproportionate downward surge showing the weakness and illusion of the temporary surge. Claiming Trump has done more than Johnson, Clinton, and Obama is simply ridiculous.
The protests are vaguely disguised anti-Trump rallies.
That's all the Democrat party wants, another reason to criticize Trump. The dopes who believe Democrats care about BLM are as clueless as the Democrats who thought their party cared about Blasey Ford. They dumped her as soon as she wasn't politically useful to them and they'll do the same with Blacks. Trump did more for Blacks in 3 1/2 years than all the Presidents since Kennedy.
Trump's claim of doing more for black Americans than any President since Kennedy is nothing more than a propaganda talking point. It really is meaningless to everyone except his die-hard followers. The reality of a temporary employment surge became evident with the immediate disproportionate downward surge showing the weakness and illusion of the temporary surge. Claiming Trump has done more than Johnson, Clinton, and Obama is simply ridiculous.

with the exception of Johnson-------all of the others---ie Clinton, Obama and Trump ----cited their "accomplishments" for the benefit of minorities in the same mode, ie propaganda talking points. I do believe that Johnson made a sincere effort. Trump's
focus seems to be something like that of Reagan----if the economy is "GOOD" everyone benefits. It seems to me that he is doing a credible job for.....everyone.
The current debacle was created for political nefarious
political advantage by today's pixelated democrats
The protests are vaguely disguised anti-Trump rallies.
That's all the Democrat party wants, another reason to criticize Trump. The dopes who believe Democrats care about BLM are as clueless as the Democrats who thought their party cared about Blasey Ford. They dumped her as soon as she wasn't politically useful to them and they'll do the same with Blacks. Trump did more for Blacks in 3 1/2 years than all the Presidents since Kennedy.
Trump's claim of doing more for black Americans than any President since Kennedy is nothing more than a propaganda talking point. It really is meaningless to everyone except his die-hard followers. The reality of a temporary employment surge became evident with the immediate disproportionate downward surge showing the weakness and illusion of the temporary surge. Claiming Trump has done more than Johnson, Clinton, and Obama is simply ridiculous.

so your issue is that whatevah trumpo has done to
improve the economy-----which is an unintended
consquence in your mind BUT ALSO benefits <gasp> "persons of color" will ------go BUST anyway? Oh----so then it does not count?
You is uncommonly bitter
I've seen a lot of middle age and older folks protesting. They are protesting against fascism.
Bullshit. I watch 5 different channels of protest coverage on Vizio Watch Free, with interviews that showed literally thousabds of protestors. You could barely see a single one over the age of 22. These are all high school and MISeducated college students.
so true----I is old and came of age in the 1960's---and attended my state college. DEMONSTRATIONS left and right. I was and am not all that well informed---I is a kinda reclusive person-----BUT I did have the presence of mind to actually ASK demonstrating kids
"what's this all about ? ....." The fact is----THEY WERE CLUELESS. I concluded ----way back in my early 20s------to get a BIG CROWD----just make a sign ----with an arrow pointing the way......"DEMONSTRATION"
My personal revelations rendered me a "nonjoiner"----
demonstrations are nothing but a social event----sometimes they include violence and even more attractive----LOOTING. For idiocy in society----read
"VANITY FAIR" the heroine understood the reason for "BALLS" in england----
Very true. A lot of these kids (if not most) are doing this as a form of recreation for them. Right wing reporters ought to get in there and interview these kids with some really tough questions. Only problem is mainstream media would never put it on the TV news, which is 99% leftist.
how do you know? Have you interviewed them?
can you describe the "fascist" issues that you imagine
bothers the old folks?
"Fascist" is a real word with a real meaning, but it is also just another catchword that the left uses, and throws around loosely. They have a collection of them >> xenophobe, conspiracy, white nationalist, diversity, tyranny, etc, ad nauseum.
Not to worry!

A lot of those silly and naïve kids are going to eventually learn the hard way that it was foolish to have been such bleeding hearts.
It could take a long time. I was a leftist radical in the 60s and early 70s. I voted for left presidential candidates from McGovern in '72, to Obama in 2008. Took me a long time to realize how wrong I was - mainly because of the blackout that the MSM news had on anything anti-leftist. I didn't know about Willie Horton until well into the 2000s. I voted for Dukakis in 1988, completely oblivious to that whole scenario.

I think most people don't realize how devastating is the left's control of our minds, by controlling the media and universities.
Actually, none of those people should have been shot. They weren't a threat to the officers involved.

It's a badge, not a hunting license.
This is a perfect example of what you get when your news media and universities are controlled by liberals. Even after it is explained to them (the OP did that), they still persist in contradiction. The programming of these robots goes deep.

Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand ? And if the guy you encounter who is your adversary somehow, reached into his pocket, you want to allow him the 1/2 second chance to shoot you ? You can do that. You might come out OK a few times, before you run into the wrong one, and then you're DEAD, with never knowing what hit you.
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Not to worry!

A lot of those silly and naïve kids are going to eventually learn the hard way that it was foolish to have been such bleeding hearts.
It could take a long time. I was a leftist radical in the 60s and early 70s. I voted for left presidential candidates from McGovern in '72, to Obama in 2008. Took me a long time to realize how wrong I was - mainly because of the blackout that the MSM news had on anything anti-leftist. I didn't know about Willie Horton until well into the 2000s. I voted for Dukakis in 1988, completely oblivious to that whole scenario.

I think most people don't realize how devastating is the left's control of our minds, by controlling the media and universities.


You know the saying that goes something like "When you are young and not a liberal, you have no heart; when you are old and not a conservative, you have no brain."

When I was young, I was a bleeding heart. An ACLU member, of course. As I came more and more into contact with some of the people for whom my heart had bled, I realized how wrong I had been.

It's been a year since I canceled my subscription to our local Los Angeles liberal rag. I feel so much better.
Those "victims" were criminals. Point a gun at police get shot, good job officers.
Even if they don't point a gun at police but merely set up the potential for that by not keeping their hands visible, they must be shot.
with the exception of Johnson-------all of the others---ie Clinton, Obama and Trump ----cited their "accomplishments" for the benefit of minorities in the same mode, ie propaganda talking points. I do believe that Johnson made a sincere effort. Trump's
focus seems to be something like that of Reagan----if the economy is "GOOD" everyone benefits. It seems to me that he is doing a credible job for.....everyone.
The current debacle was created for political nefarious
political advantage by today's pixelated democrats
You have good insights.

You know the saying that goes something like "When you are young and not a liberal, you have no heart; when you are old and not a conservative, you have no brain."

When I was young, I was a bleeding heart. An ACLU member, of course. As I came more and more into contact with some of the people for whom my heart had bled, I realized how wrong I had been.

It's been a year since I canceled my subscription to our local Los Angeles liberal rag. I feel so much better.
I had always been opposed to illegal immigration and affirmative action. Still, I voted for liberals like Nader (twice) Kerry, and Obama in 2008. What finally turned me around to becoming a conservative was 2 things >> Lou Dobbs, and the 2009 Fort Hood massacre.

As an Army veteran myself, I was stunned by that episode, and when I realized what a fundamental part Obama played in it, together with all the other Muslim terrorism, I knew what to do. I registered Independent, voted for Virgil Goode in 2012 (I wouldn't vote for Romney, ever), and I registered Republican in 2016, to vote for Trump in the primary.
I've seen a lot of middle age and older folks protesting. They are protesting against fascism.
More likely they are protesting against a clear case of police brutality, for which the cop faces a murder charge. Have you polled the folks to find out?
Trump's claim of doing more for black Americans than any President since Kennedy is nothing more than a propaganda talking point. It really is meaningless to everyone except his die-hard followers. The reality of a temporary employment surge became evident with the immediate disproportionate downward surge showing the weakness and illusion of the temporary surge. Claiming Trump has done more than Johnson, Clinton, and Obama is simply ridiculous.
YOU are who is ridiculous, The lowest unemployment rate for blacks in US history is not a "temporary" thing. Who told you it was ? Some BSer on CNN ? Trump has achieved the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in US history not only for blacks, but also for Asians, Hispanics, and the disabled, and this has held up FOR YEARS.

In addition Trump has achieved the highest median wage in US history and this has persisted for years also. You are brainwashed.

Johnson, Clinton, and Obama did not achieve the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in US history, also for Asians, Hispanics, and the disabled. Trump did that. Johnson, Clinton, and Obama did not achieve the highest median wage in US history ($61,400/yr), Trump did that. In addition, Johnson, Clinton, and Obama never made America the top energy producer in the world. Trump did that.

Clinton and Obama did not take China to task for its domination of the US economy. They CAUSED the domination, by stupidly giving China unrestricted access to our market, while China was restricting our exports to China. Trump is now cleaning up that mess that Clinton, Obama, and George W Bush left behind.

Many other things could be added to this list.
Philando Castille - shot dead by cop, while reaching into his jacket. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Horse SHIT, Philando Castille followed every fucking rule that you're supposed to follow and was still murdered. Even the other freaking cop knew there was no freaking reason to shoot. Jesus Freaking Christmas, people like you are a part of the problem, why shitty cops who MURDER people because their inherently afraid for no conceivable reason can't he held accountable.

Terrence Crutcher - shot dead by cop when reaching into his SUV. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Self Defense of WHAT, where was the weapon he was going to use hurt them? Oh that's right, there wasn't one.

Daniel Shaver - shot dead by cop while reaching behind his body. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Horse SHIT they shot a drunk unarmed person because he tried to reach for his shorts? Get the hell out of here, it boggles my mind how much leeway we give police for doing a bad job at something everyone knows is dangerous. How the HELL you can so easily justify an unarmed man who wasn't a danger to anyone is again, PART OF THE DAMNED PROBLEM.

Travon Martin -shot dead by security while attacking the security person. Justifiable shooting in self defense.
Now you're a liar too, Security implies a job or title that gives ol Zimmerman authority to follow someone. He was a stalker essentially, and somehow the kid that was probably scared somebody was following him, is dead without any repercussions.

The protesters, insufficiently educated by university teachers clueless on law enforcement, and even more clueless about guns, don't know that it is correct to shoot a suspect (armed or unarmed) when that suspect does not show his hands (empty of weapons). For cops to not shoot under that circumstance, is to risk their life, while giving suspect the benefit of the doubt that he will not shoot the cop, instantaneously. This is standard police academy training all across the US.
Somehow you're hitting on the problem but not getting it.

Those "victims" were criminals. Point a gun at police get shot, good job officers.
And you just sound ignorant as hell, which one of those people listed pointed a gun at an officer? How many of them where even armed, One? Which he promptly told the trigger happy officer about like you're supposed to.

God you're a trash human, an utter and complete Trash Human.

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