Protesters Don't Know What They're Protesting About

First of all you can take that chart and throw it right out the window because I don't believe a word of it, (my VA Hospital example shoots it right out of the sky),
Your VA hospital example was devoid of links proving your claims. The simple facts are black Americans have been denied equal opportunities to amass wealth since the first slave ship landed four hundred years ago. Your criticism of affirmative action policies serves only the blame the victims of four centuries of white supremacy in the Land of the Free.
Make no mistake, Joe Biden is among these nutjobs, and this is just another reason why he must not be allowed to become president in 2021, or we will have a social catastrophe on our hands.
Anyone who's old enough to remember Biden before Obama or Trump before the Apprentice realizes neither buffoon is qualified to become POTUS. In addition, Trump is a pathological liar with a room temperature IQ who doesn't spend as much time reading as he does watching Fox TV. Giving Don the Con a second term will produce much worse than a social catastrophe even if Republicans lose control of Congress.
Your VA hospital example was devoid of links proving your claims. The simple facts are black Americans have been denied equal opportunities to amass wealth since the first slave ship landed four hundred years ago. Your criticism of affirmative action policies serves only the blame the victims of four centuries of white supremacy in the Land of the Free.
HA HA. Look at the programming that leftists are immersed in. I mention a source of proof that is REAL LIFE, that you can go to, and SEE WITH YOUR EYES, and this idiot says it was devoid of a link.

Yes Mr Link, it was without a link, because it did NOT NEED a link, because seeing what is in front of your eyes is far more substantial, than a "link" which is nothing more than somebody saying something.

What you call "simple facts" is simple BULLSHIT. The VA hospital is absolute 100% UNDENIABLE PROOF that black Americans most certainly are NOT being denied the ability to amass wealth. It is also proof that they are being given a BETTER opportunity to amass wealth (through a good paying job) than whites are.

As I said before >> my VA Hospital example shoots your nonsense chart right out of the sky.

Your support of affirmative action policies serves only to the blame the victims of 56 years of Affirmative Action black supremacy in the Land of the Free to racially discriminate,as long as the beneficiaries are black, and the victims are white. You should be ashamed of your self.
Make no mistake, Joe Biden is among these nutjobs, and this is just another reason why he must not be allowed to become president in 2021, or we will have a social catastrophe on our hands.
Anyone who's old enough to remember Biden before Obama or Trump before the Apprentice realizes neither buffoon is qualified to become POTUS. In addition, Trump is a pathological liar with a room temperature IQ who doesn't spend as much time reading as he does watching Fox TV. Giving Don the Con a second term will produce much worse than a social catastrophe even if Republicans lose control of Congress.
1. His IQ is high enough to have him traveling around in a private 757 jet. And how is your 757 doing lately ?


2. The left has accrued a list of alleged "lies" told by Trump. When one examines these, it quickly becomes apparent that the left sees Trump statements as lies, only because of the left's different definitions of words being used. Maybe if Trump meant what the left claims he did, those would be lies, but he didn't mean them the way the left describes, because the definitions are different.

3. The left twists and distorts Trumps words into negative things, These are lies of the left, not Trump (ex. Khizir Khan, Access Hollywood, Made in China ties, McCain, Serge Kovaleski)
The left has accrued a list of alleged "lies" told by Trump. When one examines these, it quickly becomes apparent that the left sees Trump statements as lies, only because of the left's different definitions of words being used. Maybe if Trump meant what the left claims he did, those would be lies, but he didn't mean them the way the left describes, because the definitions are different.
How's that April Miracle working out, Loon?

All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

"President Donald Trump has repeatedly lied about the coronavirus pandemic and the country’s preparation for this once-in-a-generation crisis.

"Here, a collection of the biggest lies he’s told as the nation endures a public-health and economic calamity. This post will be updated as needed."
Trump was born rich, a millionaire in his own name by age eight. Do you think that helped him "earn" his private jet?
Lots of people were born to rich parents. They were not still rich at the age of 74. Or even 30. Trump inherited some money when his father died in 1999, but it was insignificant, relative to the multibillion $$$ fortune he had amassed by that time, on his own.
What you call "simple facts" is simple BULLSHIT. The VA hospital is absolute 100% UNDENIABLE PROOF that black Americans most certainly are NOT being denied the ability to amass wealth. It is also proof that they are being given a BETTER opportunity to amass wealth (through a good paying job) than whites are.
And yet...

"The black-white economic divide is as wide as it was in 1968"
How's that April Miracle working out, Loon?

All the President’s Lies About the Coronavirus

"President Donald Trump has repeatedly lied about the coronavirus pandemic and the country’s preparation for this once-in-a-generation crisis.

"Here, a collection of the biggest lies he’s told as the nation endures a public-health and economic calamity. This post will be updated as needed."
I don't see any "collection of lies" And I told you about those so-called "lies" told to us by fake news liberals.

PS - the US hasn't gotten to the warmest months of 2020 yet. They arrive in July August & September.
And yet...

"The black-white economic divide is as wide as it was in 1968"
I pay zero attention to anything from the Washington Post.

2. In 1968, the James A Haley VA hospital had about 5% black employees. Now it has about 60% black. Another 30% Hispanic and Indian (from India). Same with VA hospitals all over the country. Same with many other government facilities.

Your bold print statement is poppycock.
Lots of people were born to rich parents. They were not still rich at the age of 74. Or even 30. Trump inherited some money when his father died in 1999, but it was insignificant, relative to the multibillion $$$ fortune he had amassed by that time, on his own.
You believe every lie Don the Con peddles, don't you?

Decades of Trump’s inheritance fail to explain how he’s funding mysterious cash purchases

"Between the ages of 3 and 58, president Donald Trump inherited at least $413 million from his father’s business empire using some potentially fraudulent tax-dodging methods, a blockbuster New York Times investigation shows. "
Just because they don't buy the right-wing spin doesn't mean they don't have the facts. Actually hearing the right wing spin tends to make people forget the facts and replace them with specious fictions. This OP being a classic case in point.
You believe every lie Don the Con peddles, don't you?

Decades of Trump’s inheritance fail to explain how he’s funding mysterious cash purchases

"Between the ages of 3 and 58, president Donald Trump inherited at least $413 million from his father’s business empire using some potentially fraudulent tax-dodging methods, a blockbuster New York Times investigation shows. "
Whole post in invalidated by using New York Times as a "source" (Horsefeathers)

And you believe every lie they peddle, don't you ?
Just because they don't buy the right-wing spin doesn't mean they don't have the facts. Actually hearing the right wing spin tends to make people forget the facts and replace them with specious fictions. This OP being a classic case in point.
Of you have a problem with anything in the OP, spit it out. Just your leftist hot air doesn't count for anything.

You mentioned "facts". Yeah ? So what are yours ?
Oh, you wanna talk about clandestine enrichement schemes, do you ? OK. Let's do that. How about Joe Biden and his whole family living in mansions on big estates, with net worths in the millions, when Biden only had government service jobs that couldn't pay anywhere near those amounts.

You think Hunter is the only one that benefitted from Quid Pro Joe's corruption ? Not hardly. Check out James Biden and his HillStone international scandal, with James going from middle class to multimillionaire during brother Joe's Vice-President years.

Not to be outdone, Joe's other brother, Frank, cashed in big from Joe's Vice presidency, after Joe's visit to Costs Rica, with big $$$ deals connecting support from the highest levels of the Costa Rican government, and Guanacaste Country Club. “He met with the Costa Rican ministers of education and energy and environment, as well as the president of the country.” according to Peter Schweitzer, in a piece for the New York Post. Frank's Latin American deals flourished after that.

Note that both Frank and James Biden had no experience with housing construction, country clubs, or real estate in general. All they had was the Joe Biden connection.

Next Joe Biden relative to cash in on Joe's vice presidency >> Howard Krein (Joe's son-in law). After visits to the White House, by Krein et al company executives, StartUp Health, an investment consultancy (which Howard was chief medical officer of) went from “barely up and running” to highly successful in a short time.

Also not to be outdone was Joe Biden's sister, Valerie. She ran his Senate campaigns and his 1988 and 2008 presidential campaigns. As a senior partner in the political messaging firm named Joe Slade White & Company, which had an eighteen-year history with Biden and his campaigns. “The firm received large fees from the Biden campaigns that Valerie was running. Two and a half million dollars in consulting fees flowed to her firm from Citizens for Biden and Biden For President Inc. during the 2008 presidential bid alone.”
And where did that money come from ? Some of it from low income Biden supporters, sending donations$$ that were supposed to be for Joe's campaign, not Joe Slade White & Company, or sister Valerie.

These, and more examples of corruption and abuse of power in the Democratic Party are detailed in Peter Schweizer’s new book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite

There’s a long history of politicians using their power to enrich their families, but according to Peter Schweizer, Joe Biden “emerges as the king of the sweetheart deal, with no less than five family members benefiting from his largesse, favorable access and powerful position, for commercial gain.” These sweetheart deals include foreign partners, and sometimes taxpayer dollars.

Here's How Joe Biden's Family Got Rich While He Was Vice-President
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Oh, you wanna talk about clandestine enrichement schemes, do you ? OK. Let's do that. How about Joe Biden and his whole family living in mansions on big estates, with net worths in the millions, when Biden only had government service jobs that couldn't pay anywhere near those amounts.
Can we agree Trump should release his tax returns as soon as Biden does? Whatever else you can say about Biden's income, it didn't come from a rich father.

Decades of Trump’s inheritance fail to explain how he’s funding mysterious cash purchases

"Between the ages of 3 and 58, president Donald Trump inherited at least $413 million from his father’s business empire using some potentially fraudulent tax-dodging methods, a blockbuster New York Times investigation shows."
Protestor's are leaderless.
They're making crap up as they go along, so they've become a confederacy of dunce collegiate Marxists.
And most do not understand Marxism.
They're F'ed up and totally lost.
AOC and the Squid Squad is trying to rescue them.
Can we agree Trump should release his tax returns as soon as Biden does? Whatever else you can say about Biden's income, it didn't come from a rich father.

Decades of Trump’s inheritance fail to explain how he’s funding mysterious cash purchases

"Between the ages of 3 and 58, president Donald Trump inherited at least $413 million from his father’s business empire using some potentially fraudulent tax-dodging methods, a blockbuster New York Times investigation shows."
Trump's income didn't come from a rich father either. His father died in 1999, and there was some inheritance which was moot, when Trump was already a well-known multi-billionaire real estate investor for years. You are misled.

And no, maybe we cannot agree about Trump's tax returns, I don't give rat's ass about his tax returns. I care about the way he has made America great again, and if you aren't aware of that, it's probably because you restrict yourself to, and being a sucker for liberal OMISSION media.

Trump's income isn't the issue in this campaign. Biden's income and wealth is, and that of 5 of his family members.
I'm not stupid enough to believe Trump.

All of Donald Trump's Lies
Perfect example of the left's cockamamie way of spinning Trump's words into making them look like lies. Oh, so Trump was only on the cover of TIME 11 times, when he said it was 14 ? Well heavens to Betsy,

Obviously, Trump was talking off the cuff, and was just issuing a guesstimate, as evidenced by his use of the word "or".

This is like when they attacked Trump for saying "thousands" of Muslims were on rooftops celebrating the 9/11 attacks. (you mean it was only 143 ?)
Well, just yesterday, I told somebody I was getting "hundreds" of robo calls, Actually, it was about a dozen. It's just an expression, but the left jumps on these things, and then goes around telling everyone that Trump lied. How lame.

They also dishonestly twist things to how they want them to appear, like Trump's Access Hollywood tape, the Serge Kovaleski thing, and the classic case of all, the Rodney King arrest. All leftist, LYING bullshit.

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