Protesters lay seige to Pelosi's home - hang curlers in protest

Are you kidding me? Of course you're a Republican. A white, man, straight, I too am a white straight man. But I'm college educated. I also came from poverty so I appreciate social programs and safety nets. I'm not religious.

Look at how you deny the insurrection was a big deal. You deny science. You deny global warming. You believe the election was stolen from Trump. You are the one who sounds brainwashed. You believe anything Republicans say. That call to Ukraine and that call to Georgia, both perfect huh? Fuck you.

I'm a white male with no debt and I make good money. I have every reason to be a selfish Republican. I'm too liberal for that. Plus I love me some abortion.

You'll even argue Hershel Walker is a good candidate worthy of high office. Sad you are.
I thought abortion was supposed to be a necessary evil that we have to put up with because desperate women have no other recourse and will die if they can't get one, right up until the moment the baby come out?

That puts you out there on the extreme fringe.
Proof that nut job with a hammer and zip ties was one of yours. Thank you.


A lot of far left nuts are pissed at the old hag Pelosi and this dude is one of them...

Please stop. If anyone tries to hurt Hillary, Pelosi, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Gabby Gifford, Kamala, Whitmer it's because of right wing media and you guys are the culprits every time. Trying to intimidate good people from running for office. You guys are truly deplorable.
I thought abortion was supposed to be a necessary evil that we have to put up with because desperate women have no other recourse and will die if they can't get one, right up until the moment the baby come out?

That puts you out there on the extreme fringe.
None of your business. Between the woman and her doctor, scumbag.


The suspect posted memes and conspiracy theories on Facebook about Covid-19 vaccines, the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021, insurrection renewed the debate about how much responsibility political leaders have to temper inflammatory rhetoric in order to avoid triggering violence.

many Republican candidates have tried to energize their base by putting Trump’s false claims about a stolen election in 2020 at the center of their midterm election campaigns.

“What makes us think that one party can talk about ‘stolen elections,’ ‘Covid being a hoax,’ ‘this is all a bunch of lies,’ and it not affect people who may not be so well balanced?” Biden said on Friday.

Leading Democrats were quick to make a link between such extremist rhetoric and the rise of violence and intimidation that has seen threats rise against political candidates and even some groups show up to monitor drop boxes in states like Arizona in moves Democrats have criticized as attempts at voter intimidation.

The suspect posted memes and conspiracy theories on Facebook about Covid-19 vaccines, the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021, insurrection renewed the debate about how much responsibility political leaders have to temper inflammatory rhetoric in order to avoid triggering violence.

many Republican candidates have tried to energize their base by putting Trump’s false claims about a stolen election in 2020 at the center of their midterm election campaigns.

“What makes us think that one party can talk about ‘stolen elections,’ ‘Covid being a hoax,’ ‘this is all a bunch of lies,’ and it not affect people who may not be so well balanced?” Biden said on Friday.

Leading Democrats were quick to make a link between such extremist rhetoric and the rise of violence and intimidation that has seen threats rise against political candidates and even some groups show up to monitor drop boxes in states like Arizona in moves Democrats have criticized as attempts at voter intimidation.

Yeah? So? That just proves a loon.

He CLEARLY was swallowing right wing media lies. Wasn't he a Alex Jones fan? Alex is a Republican dude.
I never heard he was an Alex Jones fan and I've never seen a connection between Jones and Trump... the media is lying about this...
He is a left wing nut and pissed at Pelosi for losing the House... for one....
I never heard he was an Alex Jones fan and I've never seen a connection between Jones and Trump... the media is lying about this...
He is a left wing nut and pissed at Pelosi for losing the House... for one....
You always believe the media is lying when the facts aren't favorable to your brainwashed beliefs.
You always believe the media is lying when the facts aren't favorable to your brainwashed beliefs.
They are lying... did they report that he lives in an old bus with BLM flag and a Gay Pride painting on it?... they haven't told you that have they?... that's called lying by omission and they do that to you daily... so you aren't getting the whole truth....
Are you kidding me? Of course you're a Republican. A white, man, straight, I too am a white straight man. But I'm college educated. I also came from poverty so I appreciate social programs and safety nets. I'm not religious.

Look at how you deny the insurrection was a big deal. You deny science. You deny global warming. You believe the election was stolen from Trump. You are the one who sounds brainwashed. You believe anything Republicans say. That call to Ukraine and that call to Georgia, both perfect huh? Fuck you.

I'm a white male with no debt and I make good money. I have every reason to be a selfish Republican. I'm too liberal for that. Plus I love me some abortion.

You'll even argue Hershel Walker is a good candidate worthy of high office. Sad you are.
You continue to make up things that you have np knowledge of and no facts to back you up, as usual. You continue to lie and cast false claims about. In other words, you continue with your lies and create doubt about anything that you say.

All of your claims say just one thing about you, you are a phony with delusions about yourself which are false and just go to show that you aspire to be something that you are not. As usual.
He CLEARLY was swallowing right wing media lies. Wasn't he a Alex Jones fan? Alex is a Republican dude.
Continuing to lie, as usual. You don't even bother to listen to the police reports which show just the opposite of what you hope. Just continue to spew what your liberal masters tell you to claim. This shows a complete lack of intelligence on your part, which is no surprise coming from a hate filled moron such as yourself.

You should be glad that there is no agency to combat misinformation as you put yourself right at the forefront or that disease and your hate of this nation. You bring shame to your liberal masters with your every idiotic post.
Please stop. If anyone tries to hurt Hillary, Pelosi, AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Gabby Gifford, Kamala, Whitmer it's because of right wing media and you guys are the culprits every time. Trying to intimidate good people from running for office. You guys are truly deplorable.
And you claim that their policies have nothing to do with it? Further proof of a mental deficiency on your part. Seek help, as soon as possible BooBoo.
They are lying... did they report that he lives in an old bus with BLM flag and a Gay Pride painting on it?... they haven't told you that have they?... that's called lying by omission and they do that to you daily... so you aren't getting the whole truth....
How do you know that's the truth? And what does that prove?

Your side says schools are letting students identify as cats. You have to dig in to each lie to figure out it's a lie. Most of you are lazy and just accept.
How do you know that's the truth? And what does that prove?

Your side says schools are letting students identify as cats. You have to dig in to each lie to figure out it's a lie. Most of you are lazy and just accept.
Projection again. Blame others for what you are truly doing.
How do you know that's the truth? And what does that prove?

Your side says schools are letting students identify as cats. You have to dig in to each lie to figure out it's a lie. Most of you are lazy and just accept.
Because some real reporters went to the bus and snapped pictures of it and talked to neighbors who said he had a lot of drug addicts living in the bus with him... they knew he was from Canada and marched nude in Gay Pride parades... he was well known in the most liberal part of San Francisco....
remember when CNN did that kind of reporting?...
Because some real reporters went to the bus and snapped pictures of it and talked to neighbors who said he had a lot of drug addicts living in the bus with him... they knew he was from Canada and marched nude in Gay Pride parades... he was well known in the most liberal part of San Francisco....
remember when CNN did that kind of reporting?...
Link please! I think you are swallowing lies. Like Pelosi picked him up at a gay bar. Remember those lies from Republicans just days ago?
Link please! I think you are swallowing lies. Like Pelosi picked him up at a gay bar. Remember those lies from Republicans just days ago?
I don't search for links because the biased web hides the truth... if you want you can... but I watched this on Tucker last night... he showed the bus (an old school bus) and talked to the two reporters... I'm sure you can find his show from last evening on YouTube....

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