Protesters lay seige to Pelosi's home - hang curlers in protest

Pretty good spin. Got to respect that amount of bullshit.

You know what? My nephew is a Republican now. Nothing I could do about it. He went to MSU and has to deal with the WOKE movement. But I still love him. I still love you misguided idiots.

And he at least qualifies to be a Republican. Rich, white, man, entitled. I understand why he doesn't want women and blacks getting jobs over him. He wants the good old days for us white men.


What part of that description resembles a repub?

I don't know guys. Sounds like a Republican conspiracy theory nut to me

A pair of web blogs posted in recent months online under the name David DePape contained rants about technology, aliens, communists, religious minorities and global elites.

An Aug. 24 entry titled “Q,” displayed a scatological collection of memes that included photos of the deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and made reference to QAnon, the baseless pro-Trump conspiracy theory that espouses the belief that the country is run by a deep state cabal of child sex traffickers, satanic pedophiles and baby-eating cannibals.

“Big Brother has deemed doing your own research as a thought crime,” read a post that appeared to blend references to QAnon with George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.”

In an Aug. 25 entry titled “Gun Rights,” the poster wrote: “You no longer have rights. Your basic human rights hinder Big Brothers ability to enslave and control you in a complete and totalizing way.”

In a Sept. 27 he wrote any journalists who denied Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election “should be dragged straight out into the street and shot.”
Yet the authorities have stated that this individual made no posts on social media prior to the October attack.

To use your methodology, this dispels your rants and cherished wishes. In other words, it says you are lying.

But you and yours never wait for actual facts, just decide what you want to believe and claim anyone who differs is a Republican radical. I can hardly wait for the elections to be over and have you tuck your tail and whimper away to your cave waiting for further instructions as to what you believe. After all, you never have had an original thought.
Pretty good spin. Got to respect that amount of bullshit.

You know what? My nephew is a Republican now. Nothing I could do about it. He went to MSU and has to deal with the WOKE movement. But I still love him. I still love you misguided idiots.

And he at least qualifies to be a Republican. Rich, white, man, entitled. I understand why he doesn't want women and blacks getting jobs over him. He wants the good old days for us white men.
Sounds more like a democrat, if he has those beliefs you claim. Or perhaps he looked at you and went the opposite way out of sheer intelligence, which you lack.

What part of that description resembles a repub?


How many pervs have we seen exposed for being pervs in my 50 plus years of being alive? A LOT. They are all up on Capitol Hill with girlfriends or under age boyfriends.

So what hemp making jewelry? So what?

We know this. He liked Trump and swallowed a lot of Trump's lies. HE wrote to Trump and said PLEASE pick Tulsi. So he's one of those types. A Trump/Gabbard 2024 type.

What part of that description resembles a repub?


I found this thread title

Tulsi Gabbard correctly identifies the southern border as a serious national security threat. Says Trumps policy at the border should be reinstated​

So it's weird if he's an illegal or likes illegals, that he would be a fan of her's and want Trump to pick her as his running mate in 2024. How do you explain this?

Tulsi isn't a Green party.

Pedo? Do you know that Dennis Hastert, once the highest ranking Republican in the House, 3rd in line to be POTUS, was a PEDO? Literally.

And Trump was a pedo with Jeff Epstein.
How many pervs have we seen exposed for being pervs in my 50 plus years of being alive? A LOT. They are all up on Capitol Hill with girlfriends or under age boyfriends.

So what hemp making jewelry? So what?

We know this. He liked Trump and swallowed a lot of Trump's lies. HE wrote to Trump and said PLEASE pick Tulsi. So he's one of those types. A Trump/Gabbard 2024 type.
And you would be one of those pervs. You speak from personal experience.

As for you claims re: Trump. Any actual proof or is y our perverted imagination going at full tile again? And you have seen this alleged letter to Trump? Or any actual evidence at all?

Truyth be told, you are just a major pervert making things up to tickle his own fancy, and doing it poorly.
I found this thread title

Tulsi Gabbard correctly identifies the southern border as a serious national security threat. Says Trumps policy at the border should be reinstated​

So it's weird if he's an illegal or likes illegals, that he would be a fan of her's and want Trump to pick her as his running mate in 2024. How do you explain this?

Tulsi isn't a Green party.

Pedo? Do you know that Dennis Hastert, once the highest ranking Republican in the House, 3rd in line to be POTUS, was a PEDO? Literally.

And Trump was a pedo with Jeff Epstein.
You claim anyone who you want in your club to be what you have declared yourself to be, a pedophile.

BTW, you do know that this premier member of your club came through the NORTHERN border, right? And that Trump and his administration relied (poor judgment) on the DOJ to enforce the laws concerning that border.

Go back to your pedo friends and try to get some facts before lying again.
How many pervs have we seen exposed for being pervs in my 50 plus years of being alive? A LOT. They are all up on Capitol Hill with girlfriends or under age boyfriends.

So what hemp making jewelry? So what?

We know this. He liked Trump and swallowed a lot of Trump's lies. HE wrote to Trump and said PLEASE pick Tulsi. So he's one of those types. A Trump/Gabbard 2024 type.
Just out of fairness, how do you know that he wrote Trump, just like hundreds of thousands of others and what was contained in this alleged letter? Somehow, I doubt that you are on the distribution list for Trumps mail. The Pervert Quarterly yes, but his mailing list, doubtful.
And you would be one of those pervs. You speak from personal experience.

As for you claims re: Trump. Any actual proof or is y our perverted imagination going at full tile again? And you have seen this alleged letter to Trump? Or any actual evidence at all?

Truyth be told, you are just a major pervert making things up to tickle his own fancy, and doing it poorly.
You believe Trump when he's flat out lying so I'm sure unless you saw Trump's wang up a minors hoohoo you would never believe it. Even though he was very friendly with Jeff Epstein.

Clinton was too busy to hang with Epstein. Trump partied with the guy. Do you think Jeffrey didn't introduce Trump to his world?

Who was in charge of the Federal Prison System and entire country when Epstein was in custody? Trump was. Who could get to Epstein Bill and Hillary or the President of the God Damn United States? Trump killed Jeffrey. I'm surprised Jeff's girlfriend is still alive. But notice she ain't talkin? Trump could be POTUS again in 2 years. She scared.

But then again, so could Hillary.
You believe Trump when he's flat out lying so I'm sure unless you saw Trump's wang up a minors hoohoo you would never believe it. Even though he was very friendly with Jeff Epstein.

Clinton was too busy to hang with Epstein. Trump partied with the guy. Do you think Jeffrey didn't introduce Trump to his world?

Who was in charge of the Federal Prison System and entire country when Epstein was in custody? Trump was. Who could get to Epstein Bill and Hillary or the President of the God Damn United States? Trump killed Jeffrey. I'm surprised Jeff's girlfriend is still alive. But notice she ain't talkin? Trump could be POTUS again in 2 years. She scared.

But then again, so could Hillary.
Resorting to slander can get you sued. But then you would go to prison to be the butt hole buddy of any who asked.

Also, your lies are getting repetitive yet remain false. They are just something that wish were true to make you seem slightly normal with you deviate condition.

You, again, have no evidence to support your spurious claims except for the projection that you always practice.

Somehow, being the coward you are, I doubt you would ever say anything like this to anyone's face. You would get your ass kicked in real life. But perhaps you like that being the pervert that you admit to being.
Resorting to slander can get you sued. But then you would go to prison to be the butt hole buddy of any who asked.

Also, your lies are getting repetitive yet remain false. They are just something that wish were true to make you seem slightly normal with you deviate condition.

You, again, have no evidence to support your spurious claims except for the projection that you always practice.

Somehow, being the coward you are, I doubt you would ever say anything like this to anyone's face. You would get your ass kicked in real life. But perhaps you like that being the pervert that you admit to being.

You mean like the way My Pillow Guy slandered Dominion?

Notice Diebold Voting Company 2000 didn't sue anyone after they were accused of rigging the 2000 election for Bush. The owner was even a big time reason Bush got re elected in 2004 Ohio. Shady shit my friend.

Not a shred of evidence against Dominion. That's why My Pillow, Fox News, Rudy and maybe even Trump are going to pay Dominion billions. So I agree with you slander can get you sued. Trump's a public figure. He's fair game.
You believe Trump when he's flat out lying so I'm sure unless you saw Trump's wang up a minors hoohoo you would never believe it. Even though he was very friendly with Jeff Epstein.

Clinton was too busy to hang with Epstein. Trump partied with the guy. Do you think Jeffrey didn't introduce Trump to his world?

Who was in charge of the Federal Prison System and entire country when Epstein was in custody? Trump was. Who could get to Epstein Bill and Hillary or the President of the God Damn United States? Trump killed Jeffrey. I'm surprised Jeff's girlfriend is still alive. But notice she ain't talkin? Trump could be POTUS again in 2 years. She scared.

But then again, so could Hillary.

Trump was the only person to help epslimes victims.

The only one. Your lies say a lot about you.

You are a sick, demented perv.

That's what they say about you.

Not Trump
You mean like the way My Pillow Guy slandered Dominion?

Notice Diebold Voting Company 2000 didn't sue anyone after they were accused of rigging the 2000 election for Bush. The owner was even a big time reason Bush got re elected in 2004 Ohio. Shady shit my friend.

Not a shred of evidence against Dominion. That's why My Pillow, Fox News, Rudy and maybe even Trump are going to pay Dominion billions. So I agree with you slander can get you sued. Trump's a public figure. He's fair game.
Now you can tell the fictional truth? You can tell it is frictional because it hasn't happened, and YOU are stating it as fact. That is a sure sign that it is false.

As with all your hopes and fantasies it will come crashing down on you, just like your bunkmate.
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Now you can tell the frictional truth? You can tell it is frictional because it hasn't happened, and YOU are stating it as fact. That is a sure sign that it is false.

As with all your hopes and fantasies it will come crashing down on you, just like your bunkmate.
He slandered that companies name. He lied. Slam dunk case. His Pillows will soon be Dominion Pillows.
Yet the authorities have stated that this individual made no posts on social media prior to the October attack.

To use your methodology, this dispels your rants and cherished wishes. In other words, it says you are lying.

But you and yours never wait for actual facts, just decide what you want to believe and claim anyone who differs is a Republican radical. I can hardly wait for the elections to be over and have you tuck your tail and whimper away to your cave waiting for further instructions as to what you believe. After all, you never have had an original thought.
I heard the account was created in August and is now shut down. so no one can see what was there. hmmmmmmmm and yet demfoks are bragging about something that at this time is nonexistent. his house is still there with his personal history longer than august.
He slandered that companies name. He lied. Slam dunk case. His Pillows will soon be Dominion Pillows.
And yet nothing has happened to it except the elites are pissed off at them.

BTW, it seems that you have finally gotten it through your skull that no one byes your comments that apply to this topic, so you hastily try to change the topic. Another sure sign that you have been lying and are indeed a moron.
I heard the account was created in August and is now shut down. so no one can see what was there. hmmmmmmmm and yet demfoks are bragging about something that at this time is nonexistent. his house is still there with his personal history longer than august.
That is their typical method of trying to create a false narrative.

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