Protesters stormed the stage and yelled 'Jews against DeSantis' while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event

Magas don't go around saying Maga Country, and Jewish people don't go around screaming "Jews" drawing negative attention to their lansman. "Jewish People" is the preferred term,
"THE JEWS" is often used in snidey defamatory ways, so in some context we cringe when we hear certain use of the shortened term.
Stephen Miller is the son of Jewish immigrants and hates immigrants.

There’s nothing in that leftist article that indicates he hates immigrants. The article wasn’t even about immigrants. It was about illegal aliens, and trying to bolster the border.

Also, what is the fact that he is the son of Jewish immigrants have to do with anything? Were his parents illegal aliens?
All that article shows is that Democrats wanted Miller fired for linking to articles in conservative websites that are opposed to illegal immigration. The “white nationalist publications” he supposedly linked to were never even named in the article because….duh….they were merely conservative websites.

To Dems, any website that opposes illegal immigration is a “white nationalist” website. LMOA.
The media is trying to convince the gullible, useful idiots that DeSantis is antisemitic. Said idiots will not read the article, or comprehend what happened, just fall in line behind the antisemitism charge.

There was a Republican candidate for my district some years back, and I kept being asked how I could plan to vote for an antisemite. (I’m Jewish.) I kept asking why he’s said to be antisemitic, and nobody could tell me. I tried researching it myself, and the only thing I could find is that he condemned George Soros in an interview some years prior.

I guess you didn't read the book. He hates Jews. So do other Republicans. What does it say about you that you side with those who hate you? Even the posters here trash you right in this thread.

Why any woman would vote Republican either? No rights, no equal pay.
There’s nothing in that leftist article that indicates he hates immigrants. The article wasn’t even about immigrants. It was about illegal aliens, and trying to bolster the border.

Also, what is the fact that he is the son of Jewish immigrants have to do with anything? Were his parents illegal aliens?

Miller lead Trump's drive against immigrants. Read about him. He's a creep.
Miller lead Trump's drive against immigrants. Read about him. He's a creep.
Why don’t you explain what you interpret to be a drive against immigrants? Ensuring they are legal? That they have the means and ability to contribute to society rather than be a drain on it? We NEED common-sense regulations as to who can immigrate here.
Democrats don't hate Soros or spread lies about him. Do your homework.
Why don’t YOU link to what you claim? You make unsubstantiated statements and then tell ME to research it.

Soros has proven dangerous to America, funding progressive DA’s that will allow criminals to roam free. It’s all part of his drive to bring down America.
Stephen Miller is the son of Jewish immigrants and hates immigrants.

I know plenty of Jews who are not happy with the Israeli policy in the West bank...
Actually I know Israeli's who serve in the IDF who are not happy with Israeli policy in the West bank...

Think about it... You have to spend 6 weeks of each year of your life to protect a bunch of mad fucking idiots who armed themselves to the moved their family into a war zone.
The guys say you as worried about the the nutjob settlers behind your back than the Palestinians who hate in front of you...
As one said " What fucking idiot moves his family into a war zone"
Why don’t YOU link to what you claim? You make unsubstantiated statements and then tell ME to research it.

Soros has proven dangerous to America, funding progressive DA’s that will allow criminals to roam free. It’s all part of his drive to bring down America.
Show us that proof.
Oh yes they are…..when they are trying to conflate hatred of Soros with being an antisemite.
All the while they (Democrats) have major issues with Practicing Jews and Israel ( The Tiny Jewish State)
Thanks. About what percentage of Jews are bad? And bad in what way?
Up to 75% of Non Practicing Ethnic Only Jews are rabid or tacit Socialists from a long line of Marxists dating back to the Sacco & Vanzetti era and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the pre war Red Diaper camps
Up to 75% of Non Practicing Ethnic Only Jews are rabid or tacit Socialists from a long line of Marxists dating back to the Sacco & Vanzetti era and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the pre war Red Diaper camps
Yup. The worst radical left-wing socialists (or worse) always turn out to be non-practicing Jews. And don’t forget the Rosenbergs.

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