Protesters stormed the stage and yelled 'Jews against DeSantis' while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event

Nope. DeSantis is a glorified bully who will get creamed on the national stage if he runs. IF he runs, we don't know because he doesn't even have the balls to announce one way or the other. He may get away with his shit in Florida with his staged news conferences etc but when he's on the campaign trail if he runs the Country will see he's just an empty suit, a bullshit artist.

A year from now he'll be back to sucking hind tit for Trump, unless he's under house arrest wearing an ankle bracelet.
You just described Shitstain BiDumbfuck to a tee, Commie.
George Wallace ( D) ?

Wallace actually improved govt. services for blacks as Governor; he increased their welfare benefits and improved their schools. He got NAACP endorsements over the candidates he ran against in the 1950's. So, while he was a segregationist, he at least applied it fairly and gave black communities their due cut of taxes collected. 'Diversity' Democrats just hand over control of black politics to assorted thugs and commies and then tell them they love them.

They are probably Democrats, using the usual Democrat tactic: to call their opponent, be he Trump or DeSantis, the usual “raaaaacist!!” and “antisemite!!”

I’m Jewish and pray to Gd that Trump or DeSantis is our next president.

But you do not want the 911 investigation to be re-opened...
Why are they against DeSantis?

Good question, given DeSantis is palling around with Rove and Jeb Bush...

Maybe DeSantis has finally realized that hanging out with the W crowd isn't exactly helping him in the polls... and hence now they're gonna "sink him..."
Why are they against DeSantis?
Or the other way if DeSantis - or anyone else - had arranged this: Why likes de Santis to get votes from anti-Semites? Did this really happen and if so: had this people really been Jews? If it shouöd be Jews - how representative is this for all Jews? And then is the question: "Why are this people against DeSantis?"
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The ultimate Khazarian strategy .
Get mind controlled Sheeple to work for Khazarians ( the pretend Jews) using the ultimate weapon -- accusations of anti semitism .

Works brilliantly . Especially if you can get the Holocaust into the narrative.
Anti-Semite #1.

They are probably Democrats, using the usual Democrat tactic: to call their opponent, be he Trump or DeSantis, the usual “raaaaacist!!” and “antisemite!!”

I’m Jewish and pray to Gd that Trump or DeSantis is our next president.
What has g'd to do with such a decision?
I don’t believe we have any Jewish bigots here. What Jew here conflated attacks on George Soros as antisemitic? The only ones doing that are Christian Democrats.

Anti-Christian statement #1 - combined with anti-Semitism. Way of prejudices: Christians are liars - the (not existing) Jewish international movement never would criticize a Jew - in this case Mr. Soros (who is by the way a Catholic as far as I heard and only for Nazis a Jew).
On second thought, it IS possible these were Democrat Jews. They put their liberalism ahead of their Judaism, and are outraged at any candidate who supports Israel.

It’s like a group of turkeys, protesting a candidate’s wish to make Thanksgiving vegetarian.

Dehumanizing of human beings (Jews=Turkeys) is a typical Nazi strategy. Also a typical Nazi strategy is it to cause an ostracing laughter. Not to forget: For Turkeys exists a very good reasons to be vegetarians - and who remembers in this conetext Easter (Sunday last week) knows that Jesus did not eat a real lamb at Easter - but was on his own the Easter lamb- That's why we bake "vegetarian" Easter lambs today.
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Well some of it might be the neo-NAZIs supporting DeSantis.
You want revenge? Collapse the economy. Many people in Florida live off of pensions, government checks, private benefits and public benefits. They came from other parts of the nation depriving those areas of the resources they are collecting if localized. Florida's economy will regress, and reality will sink in. I type this because Prog elites know this.
Semitic Jews are really non-existent. ...

Anti-Semitism is a "scientific" fake form for "hate on Jews". With "Semites" has this indeed nothing to do. Structural Nazis hate all "Jews". In worst case everyone is an anti-American who not votes for the own political party. And anti-Americans are Jews - how "everyone" knows - except they are Ukrainians - then they are American anti-Russians. :lol:
Disagreeing with your idiotic babbling isn't 'antisemitic', so there's that. I probably have more 'Jewish DNA' than you do, so there is that, too, plus there is the fact you can't find anything 'antisemitc' I've ever said, yet you continue to lie about that. You just think you're a 'Master Race' Jew and can't stand to be ctiticized by what you perceive to be your 'racial inferiors' is all, like the other counterfeit Jewish bigots you hang with here.

THIS is what anti-semitism looks like.
Weirdos and better get more security.

  • Two protesters ran up on stage during a GOP event while Governor Ron DeSantis was speaking.
  • The protesters shouted "Jews against DeSantis" before they were carried off stage.
  • The governor brushed off the protests before continuing his speech.

Anti-Semitism is a "scientific" fake form for "hate on Jews". With "Semites" has this indeed nothing to do. Structural Nazis hate all "Jews". In worst case everyone is an anti-American who not votes for the own political party. And anti-Americans are Jews - how "everyone" knows - except they are Ukrainians - then they are American anti-Russians. :lol:
The Earliest Photography showed Jews in Jerusalem in 1800s , When European Jews Started arriving in British Palestine after WW2 there were 10th Generation Jews already there ( Just as there were ancient Jewish populations in Egypt , Syria Jordan , Lebanon and Bedouin Jews and Persian Jews in Iran in the 20th Century . There were many Jews with limited or no European Ancestry .

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