Protesters stormed the stage and yelled 'Jews against DeSantis' while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event

Can one tell by a DNA test? I am 99% Ashkenazi Jew.

Ashkenazi Jews are mostly European, and a very few apparently came from Iran, so thanks for proving me right. Even 90% of Sepharidics are descended from converts mainly form North Africa, not from Israel or Judah regions. Ezra and the Pharisees lied to you, as does your rabbi.
Semitic Jews are really non-existent. Why modern Jews - from Europe or wherever - mixed with left-wing moonbat kooks is beyond me; they're smarter than that.

Now most Jews in America are left-wing moonbat kooks, like those two in the OP.
Disagreeing with your idiotic babbling isn't 'antisemitic', so there's that. I probably have more 'Jewish DNA' than you do, so there is that, too, plus there is the fact you can't find anything 'antisemitc' I've ever said, yet you continue to lie about that. You just think you're a 'Master Race' Jew and can't stand to be ctiticized by what you perceive to be your 'racial inferiors' is all, like the other counterfeit Jewish bigots you hang with here.
^^^ Look at who thinks he’s not showing contempt for Jews.
^^^ Look at who thinks he’s not showing contempt for Jews.

^^^Look who is still stupid and still can't show anything 'antisemitic' I've ever said. that's because all of my criticisms of Orthodox and Hasidics comes from Jewish news sources themselves. They're mostly racists like Lisa here.
^^^Look who is still stupid and still can't show anything 'antisemitic' I've ever said. that's because all of my criticisms of Orthodox and Hasidics comes from Jewish news sources themselves. They're mostly racists like Lisa here.
Talking to a Jewish woman and saying she thinks part of the “Master Race Jew” and on and on about how they think others are inferior just drips with contempt for Jews, you bigot.
Everyone knows tha Bedouin Arabs have the Lions share of Nobel Prizes

Everyone knows they were European or American mostly, and nothing to do with being 'Jewish' per se. Einstein would never have been noticed if a British Protestant hadn't sponsored him and his paper on Relativity wouldn't have been published. Even with that he never did much after that, just got a cushy teaching job and fucked off the rest of his life.
Talking to a Jewish woman and saying she thinks part of the “Master Race Jew” and on and on about how they think others are inferior just drips with contempt for Jews, you bigot.

You aren't 'Jewish', you're just a snotty Euro counterfeit, is all. Christianity is an older Jewish sect than rabbinical Judaism, and has for more of a tie with the Hebrewism of Moses than the cults the Babylonians and Ezra invented for themselves. The average Baptist is more Jewish than you will ever be.
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The media has overplayed this to a ridiculous level.
"Protestors stormed the stage" - "Crowd erupts at DeSantis"
These are two actual headlines.
What actually happened? For a total of 6 seconds - TWO - hyped up females ran on stage and incoherently yelled something about Jews.
6 seconds. Two people.
The crowd didn't erupt, and no protestors "stormed" the stage.

God our media sucks.
They did status quo leftist tactics.. given what we know about these performances put on for the media.. it has to be assumed these were leftist democrats playing a role so the media can use it to attack the people they hate.

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