Protesters stormed the stage and yelled 'Jews against DeSantis' while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event

When emoters are not held responsible then there is irresponsibility .
Lack of consequences has consequences
I don’t believe we have any Jewish bigots here. What Jew here conflated attacks on George Soros as antisemitic? The only ones doing that are Christian Democrats.
How'd that comment age? How does it ever age in these threads Lisa? Its like that parable about frog carrying the scorpion across the river and then asking why the scorpion stung them halfway there.


And do they really represent Jews?

Good luck finding anybody who does. They're all over the place, and half of them can't even agree on who is a Jew and who isn't. Fortunately a brilliant rabbi came along a couple of thousand years ago and founded a far more socially and theologically advanced Jewish sect that went on to do great things while the Babylonian cultists and their later cult scammers have been sniveling and whining ever since.
Good luck finding anybody who does. They're all over the place, and half of them can't even agree on who is a Jew and who isn't. Fortunately a brilliant rabbi came along and founded a far more advanced Jewish sect that went on to do great things while the Babylonian cultists and their later scammers have been sniveling and whining ever since.
Many liberal & Non Practicing Ethnic only Jews simply can not bring themselves to supporting Israel ( The tiny Jewish State ) and will kneejerk support the poor oppressed people of Color ( Arabs) at almost every turn .
Good luck finding anybody who does. They're all over the place, and half of them can't even agree on who is a Jew and who isn't. Fortunately a brilliant rabbi came along a couple of thousand years ago and founded a far more socially and theologically advanced Jewish sect that went on to do great things while the Babylonian cultists and their later cult scammers have been sniveling and whining ever since.
Same could be said about Christians and Muslims. They both have many sects and sub-sects.
A Kentucky Snake Handler and a Nevada Pentecostal are Far more on the same page than a Sunni and a Kurd
Kurds are Sunnis. One is an ethnic designation, the other religious.
Weirdos and better get more security.

  • Two protesters ran up on stage during a GOP event while Governor Ron DeSantis was speaking.
  • The protesters shouted "Jews against DeSantis" before they were carried off stage.
  • The governor brushed off the protests before continuing his speech.

Did Ronny soil himself?
And you think Democunts are clean and pure as the wind driven snow and the only ones anointed to rule the masses, asswip
Nope. DeSantis is a glorified bully who will get creamed on the national stage if he runs. IF he runs, we don't know because he doesn't even have the balls to announce one way or the other. He may get away with his shit in Florida with his staged news conferences etc but when he's on the campaign trail if he runs the Country will see he's just an empty suit, a bullshit artist.

A year from now he'll be back to sucking hind tit for Trump, unless he's under house arrest wearing an ankle bracelet.

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