Protesters stormed the stage and yelled 'Jews against DeSantis' while the Florida governor spoke at a GOP fundraising event

The Earliest Photography showed Jews in Jerusalem in 1800s, When European Jews Started arriving in British Palestine after WW2 there were 10th Generation Jews already there ( Just as there were ancient Jewish populations in Egypt , Syria Jordan , Lebanon and Bedouin Jews and Persian Jews in Iran in the 20th Century . There were many Jews with limited or no European Ancestry

And what do you like to say to me with this words?
I didn’t say that. I DO believe that Democrat Jews are voting against their own self-interests. In another generation or so, most Jews will vote Republican.

What do you know about Jews? Nothing or nothing - like very most Germans in 1933 when many started to learn less than nothing about Jews?

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What do you know about Jews? Nothing or nothing - like very most Germans in 1933 when many started to learn less than nothing about Jews?

Americans realize DeSantis is right. It's time to stand up to minority groups in this country.
Were they escorted by Police Officers? If not it's a trespassing charge worth 4 years in the slammer.
I know plenty about Jews, considering I’ve been one for more than 60 years.

Real Jew or a "convert" from the own grace? And what is the background of your opinion "most Jews vote Republican"? Because you vote "Republican"? And why should it be against the interest of Jews - ¿what form of interest, what kind of Jews? - to vote for the political party "the Democrats" in the USA?

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Americans realize DeSantis is right. It's time to stand up to minority groups in this country.

I don't know DeSantis. I hope he is a real Republican and not a lover of autocracies as it is for example the political full-time superidiot Donald Trump. The stupid public game that two "Jews" - or not Jews, who knows? - made such a nonsense is for sure queer and alarms me because of the will to manipulate.

In Germany for example exist people who try to forbid Germans to wear a Kimono, a Sombrero, dreadlocks and so on. They say they think it's a kind of thievery (annexation) to do so. Stupid idiots who manipulate indeed the public life in Germany because other idiots take serios this idiots and such idiocies. The same time I guess this full-time idiots never would waste their life to learn in Germany from a German the Japanese way of tea for example - and I think such people also don't have any idea about that Beethoven's 9th symphony is not only a German "product" - but not their own "product"!!! The 9th symphony is for example also an integrated part of the Japanese culture - what makes me personally very happy because Beethoven - a lotus flower in a sea of dirt - for sure has earned this honor.

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I don’t believe we have any Jewish bigots here. What Jew here conflated attacks on George Soros as antisemitic? The only ones doing that are Christian Democrats.

Ignorant Christians usually aren't Democrats.

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