Protestors must be arrested or at least ticketed for blocking traffic in order to later charge them if something bad happens.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Even though the protestors in the following video were not intentionally blocking the ambulance, they created a roadblock and the ambulance could not get through. Drivers can be charged with obstruction of traffic, pedestrians should be charged as well. Arrest or at least ticket rioters blocking roads. If the blocked roads may have contributed to a death like they did in the following video, every single one of those rioters that could be identified (hundreds if neccessary) should go to prison for at least a few years for manslaughter.

Any protestors intentionally obstructing an ambulance running its lights under any circumstances should be charged with attempted murder if no one dies and murder if someone does.

Any protestors blocking a police car running its sirens should be charged with reckless endangerment of human life because the officers may very well have been responding to a 911 call for immediate assistance. If it is determined the police were delayed for even one minute and someone died, possibly as a result, video footage should later be used to round the protestors up and charge them with murder.

If an ordinary citizen is blocked while driving and he later claims he was on his way to the hospital, charge the rioters with reckless endangerment of human life.
Even though the protestors in the following video were not intentionally blocking the ambulance, they created a roadblock and the ambulance could not get through. Drivers can be charged with obstruction of traffic, pedestrians should be charged as well. Arrest or at least ticket rioters blocking roads. If the blocked roads may have contributed to a death like they did in the following video, every single one of those rioters that could be identified (hundreds if neccessary) should go to prison for at least a few years for manslaughter.

Any protestors intentionally obstructing an ambulance running its lights under any circumstances should be charged with attempted murder if no one dies and murder if someone does.

Any protestors blocking a police car running its sirens should be charged with reckless endangerment of human life because the officers may very well have been responding to a 911 call for immediate assistance. If it is determined the police were delayed for even one minute and someone died, possibly as a result, video footage should later be used to round the protestors up and charge them with murder.

If an ordinary citizen is blocked while driving and he later claims he was on his way to the hospital, charge the rioters with reckless endangerment of human life.

The BEST punishment would be that the guilty ones be subjected to listening ONLY to an endless loop of Air Supply AND Barry Manilow for a solid MONTH. They'd NEVER do that kind of sh*t again, GUARANTEED. ;)

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