Protests in Syria

Will Russians actively come out into the streets and start killing Syrians? will they go that far to keep their base? they may have to.

Would we? Of course, if nothing else, then by covert operations. Russians have the same special forces we do.

They are probably already out there doing it than.

Count on it. Look at it from a Russian perspective. The fundamentalists topple Assad, then target the military base. The Russians will either have to start slaughtering on a wholesale basis or take a chance that weapons will go to... to.... you can guess. Fundamentalist muslims in Chechnya!
Would we? Of course, if nothing else, then by covert operations. Russians have the same special forces we do.

They are probably already out there doing it than.

Count on it. Look at it from a Russian perspective. The fundamentalists topple Assad, then target the military base. The Russians will either have to start slaughtering on a wholesale basis or take a chance that weapons will go to... to.... you can guess. Fundamentalist muslims in Chechnya!

Well if Assads government falls the Russians will be asked to leave, just like in Bahrain in the government there falls, we can kiss the 5th fleet goodbye.
I should have paid better attention. As you posted, Russian Troops are already helping Assad.

Russia doesn't have any ships stationed in Syria or in the Mediteranean in general. The facility in Syria is just a supply/replenishment center.

This so-called "Russian troop" landing in Syria is just a civilian-ship guarded by Army personnel onboard, passing Syria on its way to Gulf of Aden to provide Russian Naval ships which are engaged in Anti-piracy operations with fresh food and supplies.
Russia Denies Warship Report, MEP Demands Syria Inquiry | World | RIA Novosti
They are probably already out there doing it than.

Count on it. Look at it from a Russian perspective. The fundamentalists topple Assad, then target the military base. The Russians will either have to start slaughtering on a wholesale basis or take a chance that weapons will go to... to.... you can guess. Fundamentalist muslims in Chechnya!

Well if Assads government falls the Russians will be asked to leave, just like in Bahrain in the government there falls, we can kiss the 5th fleet goodbye.

and the Saudis will lose their influence there.
Would we? Of course, if nothing else, then by covert operations. Russians have the same special forces we do.

They are probably already out there doing it than.

Count on it. Look at it from a Russian perspective. The fundamentalists topple Assad, then target the military base. The Russians will either have to start slaughtering on a wholesale basis or take a chance that weapons will go to... to.... you can guess. Fundamentalist muslims in Chechnya!

looking at it form the Russian perspective, supplying Syria is payback for obama screwing them on Libya.
Count on it. Look at it from a Russian perspective. The fundamentalists topple Assad, then target the military base. The Russians will either have to start slaughtering on a wholesale basis or take a chance that weapons will go to... to.... you can guess. Fundamentalist muslims in Chechnya!

Well if Assads government falls the Russians will be asked to leave, just like in Bahrain in the government there falls, we can kiss the 5th fleet goodbye.

and the Saudis will lose their influence there.

The Saudis are already backing the Syrian rebels with arms and cash.
Syria Crisis: UN Security Council Agrees On Statement Backing Annan Peace Plan


UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The previously divided U.N. Security Council sent a strong and united message to the Syrian government and opposition on Wednesday to immediately implement proposals by international envoy Kofi Annan to end the yearlong bloodshed.

A nonbinding statement approved by the 15 council members and read at a formal meeting spells out Annan's six proposals which include a cease-fire first by the Syrian government, a daily two-hour halt to fighting to evacuate the injured and provide humanitarian aid, and inclusive Syrian-led political talks "to address the legitimate concerns of the Syrian people."

Annan, the joint U.N.-Arab League envoy, appealed to the Security Council last Friday for its backing, saying the stronger and more unified the message, the better the chances of shifting the dynamics of the conflict.

The U.N. estimates that well over 8,000 people have been killed over the past year.

Britain's U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant, the current council president, said the council statement sends "precisely the strong and united message to the Syrian government and all other actors in Syria that they need to respond, and respond quickly and immediately, to the six-point plan."

In a bid to win support from Russia and China, which have twice vetoed European and U.S.-backed resolutions condemning President Bashar Assad's crackdown on protesters, France watered down the statement to eliminate possible consideration of "further measures" which could include sanctions or military action.

Instead, the presidential statement now asks Annan to update the council regularly on the progress of his mission and says that "in the light of these reports, the Security Council will consider further steps as appropriate."

A presidential statement, which needs approval from all council members, becomes part of the council's permanent record. It is stronger than a press statement, which does not. But unlike resolutions, neither statement is legally binding.

Russia and China had called the earlier resolutions unbalanced, saying they only blamed the Syrian government and demanded an end to government attacks, not ones by the opposition. Moscow also argued that the resolutions promoted regime change in Syria and expressed fear of outside intervention to support the rebels, as happened in Libya.

Syria Crisis: UN Security Council Agrees On Statement Backing Annan Peace Plan
Well if Assads government falls the Russians will be asked to leave, just like in Bahrain in the government there falls, we can kiss the 5th fleet goodbye.

and the Saudis will lose their influence there.

The Saudis are already backing the Syrian rebels with arms and cash.

The Saudis also want to break Shite Iranian influence in the region as well, since Syria hosts Iran-funded Hezbollah and Hamas.

This is no Arab spring of Democracy in Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc. and in all event possibilities, one thug regime will replace another just as in those other countries.

and the Saudis will lose their influence there.

The Saudis are already backing the Syrian rebels with arms and cash.

The Saudis also want to break Shite Iranian influence in the region as well, since Syria hosts Iran-funded Hezbollah and Hamas.

This is no Arab spring of Democracy in Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc. and in all event possibilities, one thug regime will replace another just as in those other countries.


Of course the only question is if the new regimes will be less thuggish than the ones before, looking at Libya and Egypt as example they have gotten worse, Libya in regards to how they are treating Black Africans and Egypt with how they fuck over the Christians and their women, shit in Syria the Kurds are not fighting with the rebels because they are scared they will massacre them once Assad is out. If the rebels can get the aid of the Kurds, that may tip the plate over.
The Saudis are already backing the Syrian rebels with arms and cash.

The Saudis also want to break Shite Iranian influence in the region as well, since Syria hosts Iran-funded Hezbollah and Hamas.

This is no Arab spring of Democracy in Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc. and in all event possibilities, one thug regime will replace another just as in those other countries.


Of course the only question is if the new regimes will be less thuggish than the ones before, looking at Libya and Egypt as example they have gotten worse, Libya in regards to how they are treating Black Africans and Egypt with how they fuck over the Christians and their women, shit in Syria the Kurds are not fighting with the rebels because they are scared they will massacre them once Assad is out. If the rebels can get the aid of the Kurds, that may tip the plate over.

urkish Kurd militants threatened on Thursday to turn all Kurdish populated areas into a "war zone" if Turkish troops entered Syria, a sign the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has allies in Syria may be taking sides in the conflict there.
A renewed alliance between Damascus and the PKK would anger Turkey and could prompt it to take an even stronger line against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over his brutal repression of anti-government protesters.

It's not against Assad though as it's a flanking of the Kurds and with the support of Damascaus. This is a lie and it is the Kurds who will die. They can not defend themselves against the might of Turkey and that buffer zone?

That's where Kurdistan once had a majority population. (when they had a country)


There should be an Independent Kurdistan, much larger than the current Iraq Kurd area. There should also be an Independent Pastunistan, since 2/3 of Afghanistan’s area is Pashtun populated, Pashtuns number over 40 Million and have no home country. There should be an Independent Balochistan, with over 7 Million population, and over 45% of the Pakistan country lands. The Durand Line that cut up parts of Central Asia in 1893, and other political divisions were wrong.

The Durand Line.

The Durand Line is a good read with regards to a decent outcome in this event rather than genocide imo.
The Saudis also want to break Shite Iranian influence in the region as well, since Syria hosts Iran-funded Hezbollah and Hamas.

This is no Arab spring of Democracy in Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc. and in all event possibilities, one thug regime will replace another just as in those other countries.


Of course the only question is if the new regimes will be less thuggish than the ones before, looking at Libya and Egypt as example they have gotten worse, Libya in regards to how they are treating Black Africans and Egypt with how they fuck over the Christians and their women, shit in Syria the Kurds are not fighting with the rebels because they are scared they will massacre them once Assad is out. If the rebels can get the aid of the Kurds, that may tip the plate over.

urkish Kurd militants threatened on Thursday to turn all Kurdish populated areas into a "war zone" if Turkish troops entered Syria, a sign the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) which has allies in Syria may be taking sides in the conflict there.
A renewed alliance between Damascus and the PKK would anger Turkey and could prompt it to take an even stronger line against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over his brutal repression of anti-government protesters.

It's not against Assad though as it's a flanking of the Kurds and with the support of Damascaus. This is a lie and it is the Kurds who will die. They can not defend themselves against the might of Turkey and that buffer zone?

That's where Kurdistan once had a majority population. (when they had a country)


There should be an Independent Kurdistan, much larger than the current Iraq Kurd area. There should also be an Independent Pastunistan, since 2/3 of Afghanistan’s area is Pashtun populated, Pashtuns number over 40 Million and have no home country. There should be an Independent Balochistan, with over 7 Million population, and over 45% of the Pakistan country lands. The Durand Line that cut up parts of Central Asia in 1893, and other political divisions were wrong.

The Durand Line.

The Durand Line is a good read with regards to a decent outcome in this event rather than genocide imo.

Ah I see what your saying, if the Kurds join in on this the Turks will fuck them up with the blessings of Damascus, and the Turks want these "buffer zones" to be in the predonimantly Kurdish areas, my thats awfully convenient eh?
Ah I see what your saying, if the Kurds join in on this the Turks will fuck them up with the blessings of Damascus, and the Turks want these "buffer zones" to be in the predonimantly Kurdish areas, my thats awfully convenient eh?

You've got it but even if they don't join against Syria, Turkey is creating the buffer to do them in regardless. This is one layer of the Kurdish Onion that Turkey wishes to peel as they have peeled before.
Ah I see what your saying, if the Kurds join in on this the Turks will fuck them up with the blessings of Damascus, and the Turks want these "buffer zones" to be in the predonimantly Kurdish areas, my thats awfully convenient eh?

You've got it but even if they don't join against Syria, Turkey is creating the buffer to do them in regardless. This is one layer of the Kurdish Onion that Turkey wishes to peel as they have peeled before.

I don't blame the Kurds for sitting this one out, all the countries in the arena seem to have the deck stacked against them.
Ah I see what your saying, if the Kurds join in on this the Turks will fuck them up with the blessings of Damascus, and the Turks want these "buffer zones" to be in the predonimantly Kurdish areas, my thats awfully convenient eh?

You've got it but even if they don't join against Syria, Turkey is creating the buffer to do them in regardless. This is one layer of the Kurdish Onion that Turkey wishes to peel as they have peeled before.

I don't blame the Kurds for sitting this one out, all the countries in the arena seem to have the deck stacked against them.

There's no sitting out for them though. Turkey is planning their slaughter regardless of what they do. Hence the buffer zone.
You've got it but even if they don't join against Syria, Turkey is creating the buffer to do them in regardless. This is one layer of the Kurdish Onion that Turkey wishes to peel as they have peeled before.

I don't blame the Kurds for sitting this one out, all the countries in the arena seem to have the deck stacked against them.

There's no sitting out for them though. Turkey is planning their slaughter regardless of what they do. Hence the buffer zone.

Very true, I think its only a matter of time now, this was all timed in step with US Troops leaving Iraq imo.
You've got it but even if they don't join against Syria, Turkey is creating the buffer to do them in regardless. This is one layer of the Kurdish Onion that Turkey wishes to peel as they have peeled before.

I don't blame the Kurds for sitting this one out, all the countries in the arena seem to have the deck stacked against them.

There's no sitting out for them though. Turkey is planning their slaughter regardless of what they do. Hence the buffer zone.
Turkey has been at war with its minorities for centuries, unfortunately for the Turkish political elite, demographically Kurds will soon outnumber 'Turks' to the extent they can no longer keep control over the country.

Turkey is the sad case of a failing nation-state, that has to cling to power by government propaganda in schools, silencing and jailing dissidents, state sponsored killings, as well as appealing to islamo-fascists and extreme nationalists. Its economic growth hides political instability, poverty, ethnic-religious conflict and racism, that hasn't gone away since Ottoman times.
I don't blame the Kurds for sitting this one out, all the countries in the arena seem to have the deck stacked against them.

There's no sitting out for them though. Turkey is planning their slaughter regardless of what they do. Hence the buffer zone.
Turkey has been at war with its minorities for centuries, unfortunately for the Turkish political elite, demographically Kurds will soon outnumber 'Turks' to the extent they can no longer keep control over the country.

Turkey is the sad case of a failing nation-state, that has to cling to power by government propaganda in schools, silencing and jailing dissidents, state sponsored killings, as well as appealing to islamo-fascists and extreme nationalists. Its economic growth hides political instability, poverty, ethnic-religious conflict and racism, that hasn't gone away since Ottoman times.

Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria just need to cut the bullshit and just let the Kurds have their own country, the Kurds have their own language, culture and traditions and obviously the Turks, Arabs and Persians can't stand them, the Kurds having their own country is the right thing, the thing that boggles my mind is the Kurds are Muslims are still despised and loathed by their neighbors.
Syria Crisis: Fierce Clashes Across Country


BEIRUT — Syrian government forces fired machine guns and mortars Friday in fierce clashes with rebel army defectors in a town near the Turkish border, a Syrian activist group reported, as European Union foreign ministers imposed sanctions on the wife and three other close relatives of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Eight government ministers will also be targeted in the latest round of sanctions aimed at stopping the violent crackdown on the Syrian opposition, several officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a decision that will be announced later Friday.

The EU has imposed 12 previous rounds of sanctions against the Syrian regime, so far with no appreciable effect on its behavior. The crackdown has only intensified.

Asma Assad, 36, the president's wife, was born in London, spent much of her life there, and has British citizenship. Britain's Home Office said that a British citizen subject to a EU travel ban could not be refused entry into the country.

International condemnation of Assad's regime and high-level diplomacy have failed to ease the year-old Syria conflict, which the U.N. says has killed more than 8,000 people.

But diplomatic pressure appears to be mounting. In Geneva, the U.N.'s top human rights body sharply condemned Syria's bloody crackdown, and extended the mandate of a U.N. expert panel tasked with reporting on alleged abuses in the country.

The 47-member U.N. Human Rights Council's resolution condemned "widespread, systematic and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms perpetrated by the Syrian authorities" including summary executions, torture and sexual abuse of detainees and children, and other abuses.

Syria Crisis: Fierce Clashes Across Country
There's no sitting out for them though. Turkey is planning their slaughter regardless of what they do. Hence the buffer zone.
Turkey has been at war with its minorities for centuries, unfortunately for the Turkish political elite, demographically Kurds will soon outnumber 'Turks' to the extent they can no longer keep control over the country.

Turkey is the sad case of a failing nation-state, that has to cling to power by government propaganda in schools, silencing and jailing dissidents, state sponsored killings, as well as appealing to islamo-fascists and extreme nationalists. Its economic growth hides political instability, poverty, ethnic-religious conflict and racism, that hasn't gone away since Ottoman times.

Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria just need to cut the bullshit and just let the Kurds have their own country, the Kurds have their own language, culture and traditions and obviously the Turks, Arabs and Persians can't stand them, the Kurds having their own country is the right thing, the thing that boggles my mind is the Kurds are Muslims are still despised and loathed by their neighbors.
They don't even have to go that far, the only reason why Kurds are at war with Turkey is because they are repressed (genocide and massacres included) by the government, and denied their human rights. Even people designated 'Turks' by the government are persecuted if they dare discuss the genocide, if they try to convert to Christianity then they can end up dead.

If Turkey just opened its door to freedom of speech and expression, and embraced multiculturalism, then the war would be over. But the way things are going the Kurds will likely get their own state, because the people running Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq can't see sense.
Turkey has been at war with its minorities for centuries, unfortunately for the Turkish political elite, demographically Kurds will soon outnumber 'Turks' to the extent they can no longer keep control over the country.

Turkey is the sad case of a failing nation-state, that has to cling to power by government propaganda in schools, silencing and jailing dissidents, state sponsored killings, as well as appealing to islamo-fascists and extreme nationalists. Its economic growth hides political instability, poverty, ethnic-religious conflict and racism, that hasn't gone away since Ottoman times.

Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria just need to cut the bullshit and just let the Kurds have their own country, the Kurds have their own language, culture and traditions and obviously the Turks, Arabs and Persians can't stand them, the Kurds having their own country is the right thing, the thing that boggles my mind is the Kurds are Muslims are still despised and loathed by their neighbors.
They don't even have to go that far, the only reason why Kurds are at war with Turkey is because they are repressed (genocide and massacres included) by the government, and denied their human rights. Even people designated 'Turks' by the government are persecuted if they dare discuss the genocide, if they try to convert to Christianity then they can end up dead.

If Turkey just opened its door to freedom of speech and expression, and embraced multiculturalism, then the war would be over. But the way things are going the Kurds will likely get their own state, because the people running Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq can't see sense.

The people running Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey see the Kurds as a burden and don't want to be bothered with them, the Kurds need and deserve their own country.

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