Protests in Syria

Syrian State TV Lashes Out at Hamas Leader, Calling Him a Traitor

BEIRUT, Lebanon — State television in Syria issued a withering attack late Monday on a longtime ally, the leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, Khaled Meshal, declaring him an ungrateful child and a corrupt traitor, saying he was having a “romantic emotional crisis” over the Syrian uprising and accusing him of selling out “resistance for power.”

The extraordinary reproof, a departure from the blander tone of most Syrian official statements, was the government’s first broadside against Hamas since the organization distanced itself from the embattled President Bashar al-Assad earlier this year, when most Hamas leaders left their refuge in Damascus and shuttered their office there.

The attack was a television editorial delivered by a newscaster in alternately stern and mocking tones, who reminded Mr. Meshal that he was “orphaned” by Arab countries who would not take him in when he fled Jordan in 1999. She implied that he must have sold out to Israel, saying that was the only explanation for the willingness of Qatar, his new host, to accept him.

Damascus seemed to be striking back after Mr. Meshal appeared at a news conference of the party of Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and after Mr. Erdogan and Egypt’s president, Mohamed Morsi, pointedly declared their shared priorities of opposing Mr. Assad and supporting the Palestinians — a blow to Mr. Assad’s longstanding and domestically compelling persona as the champion of Palestinian resistance against Israel.

Damascus is likely particularly furious that Mr. Meshal has taken up residence in Qatar, one of the countries, along with Saudi Arabia and the United States, that it accuses of bankrolling the insurgency.

Syria, Iran, the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah and Hamas long considered themselves an “axis of resistance,” in contrast to Arab countries — notably Egypt — that pursued a more accommodationist policy with Israel and the United States. But relations in the axis have teetered as some of Syrian’s Palestinians have joined the uprising and as some Hamas officials find it impossible not to sympathize with fellow Sunni Muslims in Syria, who form the bulk of the anti-Assad movement and have borne the brunt of Mr. Assad’s brutal crackdown.

This means absolutely nothing.

Yeah, OK.
Just close your eyes and cover your ears and sing "lalalalalalalalalalalalalala."
Syria: Dozens Killed In Series Of Suicide Bombings In Aleppo


DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — A Syrian government official says at least 27 people have been killed in a series of suicide bombings that struck the northern city of Aleppo.

The official also says that scores of people were wounded in the explosions, which went off Wednesday in a main square in the city, near an officers' club.

The official spoke to The Associated Press in Damascus on condition of anonymity in line with government regulations.

Aleppo-based activists also reported on the bombings, saying they went off minutes apart.

Syria: Dozens Killed In Series Of Suicide Bombings In Aleppo
Syria Crisis: Assad Tours Aleppo, Orders More Troops, Says Paper


BEIRUT, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is visiting the city of Aleppo to take a first-hand look at the fighting between government forces and rebels and has ordered 30,000 more troops into the battle, a Lebanese paper said on Tuesday.

Al-Diyar newspaper, which is known for its pro-Assad stance, said the president had flown by helicopter at dawn from the presidential palace in Damascus to Aleppo.

It did not specify what day the trip started but said that Assad was still in Aleppo. The visit was decided on after reports that the situation in the city, Syria's largest and its commercial center, had become very serious.

" President Assad ordered units 5 and 6, estimated to be 30,000 soldiers and 2,000 personnel carriers, to move from Hama to Aleppo and to attack any occupied areas of Aleppo province from the Turkish border," it said.

Reuters was unable to independently verify the report. An employee of al-Diyar told Reuters it had a correspondent in the city. Syrian state media made no mention of any visit.

Rebels mounted a new offensive last week to seize the city, which was until July firmly under Assad's control. They claim to hold most of the Old City but are struggling to hang on to their positions in the face of heavy artillery fire.

The rebel forces are in the east and Assad's forces in the west of Aleppo. Fires started by the combat have gutted the historic market in the Old City, a world heritage site.

Opposition activists say 30,000 people have been killed in the 18-month-old anti-Assad uprising, which has grown into a full-scale civil war.

For much of the revolt, Assad retained a grip on Aleppo. Many rich merchants and minority groups, fearful of instability, chose to stay neutral while pro-democracy protests spread.
Turkey Approves Military Action In Syria After Shelling Kills 5 In Akcakale

AKCAKALE, Turkey -- Turkey's deputy prime minister says Syria has admitted it was responsible for the shelling that killed five civilians in Turkey and has formally apologized for the deaths.

Besir Atalay says Thursday that Syria has reassured the U.N. that "such an incident will not occur again."

The cross-border tensions escalated on Wednesday after a shell fired from inside Syria landed on a home in the Turkish village of Akcakale, killing a woman, her three daughters and another woman, and wounding at least 10 others, according to Turkish media.

Turkey Approves Military Action In Syria After Shelling Kills 5 In Akcakale
Syria: Rebels Ambush Army Minibus In Damascus Suburbs, Kill 21 Elite Republican Guards

BEIRUT, Oct 4 (Reuters) - Syrian rebels killed 21 elite Republican Guards on Thursday in an ambush on an army minibus in a suburb northwest of Damascus, opposition activists said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights quoted a medical source and witnesses as saying the troops had been killed in Qudsayya, which has been shelled by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad after rebels moved into the area.

The Republican Guards are specifically entrusted with defending the capital, and the army stepped up operations in Qudsayya on Wednesday morning, Damascus residents said. They reported hearing loud explosions and said that a large military convoy was heading to the area.

Assad used force of arms to try to crush a peaceful pro-democracy movement when it erupted in March 2011. He now faces a full-scale armed revolt that has brought rebels into the suburbs of Damascus.

The army has responded with artillery and air strikes, even though many residents have been unable to flee.

An opposition activist who lives near Qudsayya said that Assad's forces had blocked the roads on Thursday and civilians were stuck in the area.

Syria: Rebels Ambush Army Minibus In Damascus Suburbs, Kill 21 Elite Republican Guards
right now-----if I lived in Syria------I think I would -----stay under my bed and keep very quiet Why would a bunch of military guys go around in a bus? why not draw targets on their asses somehow everytime I see a published picture of something happening in Syria-----there are ALL KINDS of people out in large opened spaces --------aren't there any cellars?? ------trees to climb?? large rocks? hills?
right now-----if I lived in Syria------I think I would -----stay under my bed and keep very quiet Why would a bunch of military guys go around in a bus? why not draw targets on their asses somehow everytime I see a published picture of something happening in Syria-----there are ALL KINDS of people out in large opened spaces --------aren't there any cellars?? ------trees to climb?? large rocks? hills?

Hiding under a bed wouldn't help you if Assads Military or Militias did house to house searches, they would find you. There really isn't any place to hide in Syria at the moment.
???? the people I see in the pictures-----are just people of all ages-------old--young---children THEY CAN'T ALL BE ON THE "GET LIST" It seems to me lots of BYSTANDERS are being killed simply because they are -----standing by -------and there are signs of explosions all around there are always places to hide--------it seems----somehow no one is trying ------but that is just my impression I expect to see FIGHTERS out on the streets if they happen to be so engaged-----but in the pictures I see-----it just looks like casual pedestrians with some lying dead on the ground
???? the people I see in the pictures-----are just people of all ages-------old--young---children THEY CAN'T ALL BE ON THE "GET LIST" It seems to me lots of BYSTANDERS are being killed simply because they are -----standing by -------and there are signs of explosions all around there are always places to hide--------it seems----somehow no one is trying ------but that is just my impression I expect to see FIGHTERS out on the streets if they happen to be so engaged-----but in the pictures I see-----it just looks like casual pedestrians with some lying dead on the ground

Well Assads goons are just killing, I don't think are going for particular people when they mortar and bomb the shit out of towns.
Fucking Saudi Arabia all they need to do is give some Sam missies about 1,000 of them. Smuggle them in if they really want to help solve the problem but nope they want to do the politics and make it happen slowly until Syria is completely destroyed and everything is very bad. They want a slow process. So it can happen like Libya and Syria will have to depend on Saudi Arabia for the next hundred years. They want a weak government. That's why I hope the Muslim BrotherHood also takes power in Syria. They will fix it faster
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has to be really smart and be awake 24/7. Everyone is trying to stir problems in Egypt but thank God the people are united and not gonna fall for instability
Syria Turkey Conflict: Turkish Military Retaliates To Syrian Shelling

BEIRUT — Syria's cross-border attacks on Turkey in the past week look increasingly like they could be an intentional escalation meant to send a clear message to Ankara and beyond, that the crisis is simply too explosive to risk foreign military intervention.

With Turkey eager to defuse the crisis, the spillover of fighting is giving new life to a longshot political solution, with the Turks floating the idea of making President Bashar Assad's longtime vice president, Farouk al-Sharaa, interim leader if the president steps aside.

A military option – which would involve foreign powers that already have expressed a deep reluctance to getting involved in the crisis – is still not on the table, analysts say, despite six consecutive days of Turkish retaliation against bombardment from inside Syria.

"Syria is aware that Turkey cannot go a step further," said Ali Tekin, assistant professor of International Relations at Ankara's Bilkent University. "The Turkish people don't want a war and there are no vital national interests at stake to warrant a war. Syria sees this."

The Syrian conflict has taken a prominent role in the U.S. presidential election at a time when the U.S. and its allies have shown little appetite for getting involved.

On Monday, Republican candidate Mitt Romney said the U.S. should work with other countries to arm the Syrian rebels, allowing the rebels to drive Assad from power themselves. Romney did not call for the U.S. to directly arm the Syrian rebels.

Syria Turkey Conflict: Turkish Military Retaliates To Syrian Shelling
U.S. Military Team In Jordan For Syria Crisis, Official Says


WASHINGTON -- A U.S. defense official says an American military team is in Jordan to help with upheaval created by the crisis in neighboring Syria.

He says some 100 military planners and other personnel stayed in Jordan after attending an annual May exercise and several dozen more have flown in since – operating from a joint U.S.-Jordanian military center north of Amman that Americans have used for years.

He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about the mission on the record.

The official stressed that the team is not there to fight, but rather for contingency planning on a number of issues including how to handle the flood of Syrian refugees in Jordan and creating a buffer zone to protect the ally in the continuing crisis.

U.S. Military Team In Jordan For Syria Crisis, Official Says
Turkey Intercepts Syrian Civilian Plane

ISTANBUL, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Turkey scrambled fighters to force a Syrian passenger plane to land on Wednesday, suspecting it of carrying military equipment from Moscow, while Turkey's military chief warned of a more forceful response if shelling continued to spill over the border.

Military jets escorted the Damascus-bound Airbus A-320, carrying around 30 passengers, into the airport in Ankara hours after Turkey's chief of staff said his troops would respond with greater force if bombardments from Syria kept hitting Turkish territory, Turkish state-run television said.

"We are determined to control weapons transfers to a regime that carries out such brutal massacres against civilians. It is unacceptable that such a transfer is made using our airspace," Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said.

"Today we received information this plane was carrying cargo of a nature that could not possibly be in compliance with the rules of civil aviation," he said in Athens during an official visit, in comments broadcast live on Turkish television.

Davutoglu said Turkey was within its rights to investigate planes suspected to be carrying military materials and that the plane would be allowed to continue if it was found to be clean. He declined to comment on what the banned materials might be.

He said Turkey would continue to investigate Syrian civilian aircraft using its airspace.

He also said Syrian airspace was no longer safe and that Turkish passenger planes should not fly there. A Reuters witness at the border saw at least one passenger plane turn around as it approached Syria and head back into Turkey on Wednesday.

More than 18 months into the battle for Syria, an estimated 30,000 people are dead and the country is disintegrating.

Turkey Intercepts Syrian Civilian Plane
According to Armenian media, Putin cancelled his visit to Turkey on the 15-th of October. If this is true, it is serious.
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