Protests in Syria

Who gives a flying fuck? .

Those whose heads are designed not only for eating, but also for THINKING -- a concept alien to you; so, don't worry your pretty little head. Go, have another Big Mac.


Intelligence did not disfigure this face... American, clearly.
You are kind'a slow, aren't cha? I say: I got it, no need to post pictures of all your relatives and friends to illustrate the results of American alternative upbringing.
Syrian government refused a demand of UN secretary general to cease fire. Instead, Syrian government advised UN secretary general to address his demand to SA, Qatar and Turkey -- the countries that supply terrorists and militants with weapons and money.
Syrian government made a decision to intercept (or shoot down) all Turkish airplanes that will cross into Syrian airspace.
Syrian government made a decision to intercept (or shoot down) all Turkish airplanes that will cross into Syrian airspace.

Yesterday, Turkish Civil Aviation Authority forbid civilian aircrafts to enter Syria because it is unsafe.
International Airline companies will read between the lines, and will know, that it's the last step before Syria's airspace will be militarized.
Syrian government refused a demand of UN secretary general to cease fire. Instead, Syrian government advised UN secretary general to address his demand to SA, Qatar and Turkey -- the countries that supply terrorists and militants with weapons and money.

Syrian "government" is in no position to demand anything.
Syrian government refused a demand of UN secretary general to cease fire. Instead, Syrian government advised UN secretary general to address his demand to SA, Qatar and Turkey -- the countries that supply terrorists and militants with weapons and money.

Syrian "government" is in no position to demand anything.

Neither is UN.
Syria Crisis: Turkey Scrambles Fighter Planes To Border


HACIPASA, Turkey, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Turkey scrambled two fighter planes to the border with Syria on Friday after a Syrian military helicopter bombed the Syrian border town of Azmarin, a Reuters witness said.

There has been intense fighting between rebels and Syrian government forces this week in Azmarin and neighbouring towns, an area strongly opposed to President Bashar al-Assad's rule.

Shells fired onto the town from surrounding hills sent thick plumes of smoke and dust rising into the air during fighting on Thursday and a voice amplified through loudspeakers, audible from the village of Hacipasa in Turkey's Hatay province, called on rebel fighters to surrender, warning of an air assault.

Fighting along Turkey's 900-km (560-mile) border with Syria has repeatedly spilled over into Turkish territory in the past week, with the Turkish army responding in kind to gunfire and mortar shells fired from Syria.

Syria Crisis: Turkey Scrambles Fighter Planes To Border
Syria Fighters Reportedly Seize Al Taaneh Air Defense Base Near Aleppo


BEIRUT — A shadowy jihadi group believed to be linked to al-Qaida fought alongside rebels who seized a government missile defense base in Syria on Friday, activists said, heightening fears that extremists are taking advantage of the chaos to acquire advanced weapons.

Videos posted online Friday said to have been shot inside the base said the extremist group, Jabhat al-Nusra, participated in the overnight battle for the air defense base near the village of al-Taaneh, east of Aleppo in northern Syria. The videos show dozens of fighters inside the base near a radar tower, along with rows of large missiles, some on the backs of trucks.

A report by a correspondent with the Arabic satellite network Al-Jazeera who visited the base Friday said Jabhat al-Nusra had seized the base. The report showed a number of missiles and charred buildings, as fighters covered their faces with black cloths.

Two Aleppo-based activists and Rami Abdul-Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, also said Jabhat al-Nusra fought in the battle.

Little is known about Jabhat al-Nusra, or the Support Front, which began claiming attacks in Syria earlier this year in postings on jihadi forums often used by al-Qaida. While neither group has officially acknowledged the other, analysts say al-Nusra's tactics, jihadist rhetoric and use of al-Qaida forums point to an affiliation.

Western powers – and many Syrians – worry that Islamist extremists are playing an increasing role in Syria's civil war, which started in March 2011 as a mostly peaceful uprising against President Bashar Assad.

Activist say more than 32,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

Despite their opposition to the Assad regime, the U.S. and others have cited the presence of extremists among the rebels as a reason not to supply them with weapons. Rebel leaders argue that the lack of military aid leaves a vacuum that extremists can exploit.

Syria Fighters Reportedly Seize Al Taaneh Air Defense Base Near Aleppo
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Syria Fighters Reportedly Seize Al Taaneh Air Defense Base Near Aleppo


BEIRUT — A shadowy jihadi group believed to be linked to al-Qaida fought alongside rebels who seized a government missile defense base in Syria on Friday, activists said, heightening fears that extremists are taking advantage of the chaos to acquire advanced weapons.

Videos posted online Friday said to have been shot inside the base said the extremist group, Jabhat al-Nusra, participated in the overnight battle for the air defense base near the village of al-Taaneh, east of Aleppo in northern Syria. The videos show dozens of fighters inside the base near a radar tower, along with rows of large missiles, some on the backs of trucks.

A report by a correspondent with the Arabic satellite network Al-Jazeera who visited the base Friday said Jabhat al-Nusra had seized the base. The report showed a number of missiles and charred buildings, as fighters covered their faces with black cloths.

Two Aleppo-based activists and Rami Abdul-Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, also said Jabhat al-Nusra fought in the battle.

Little is known about Jabhat al-Nusra, or the Support Front, which began claiming attacks in Syria earlier this year in postings on jihadi forums often used by al-Qaida. While neither group has officially acknowledged the other, analysts say al-Nusra's tactics, jihadist rhetoric and use of al-Qaida forums point to an affiliation.

Western powers – and many Syrians – worry that Islamist extremists are playing an increasing role in Syria's civil war, which started in March 2011 as a mostly peaceful uprising against President Bashar Assad.

Activist say more than 32,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

Despite their opposition to the Assad regime, the U.S. and others have cited the presence of extremists among the rebels as a reason not to supply them with weapons. Rebel leaders argue that the lack of military aid leaves a vacuum that extremists can exploit.

Syria Fighters Reportedly Seize Al Taaneh Air Defense Base Near Aleppo

If obama supports the rebels in any way he should be charged and prosecuted
Rebel Arms Flow Is Said to Benefit Jihadists in Syria


WASHINGTON — Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster, according to American officials and Middle Eastern diplomats.

That conclusion, of which President Obama and other senior officials are aware from classified assessments of the Syrian conflict that has now claimed more than 25,000 lives, casts into doubt whether the White House’s strategy of minimal and indirect intervention in the Syrian conflict is accomplishing its intended purpose of helping a democratic-minded opposition topple an oppressive government, or is instead sowing the seeds of future insurgencies hostile to the United States.

“The opposition groups that are receiving the most of the lethal aid are exactly the ones we don’t want to have it,” said one American official familiar with the outlines of those findings, commenting on an operation that in American eyes has increasingly gone awry.

The United States is not sending arms directly to the Syrian opposition. Instead, it is providing intelligence and other support for shipments of secondhand light weapons like rifles and grenades into Syria, mainly orchestrated from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The reports indicate that the shipments organized from Qatar, in particular, are largely going to hard-line Islamists.

The assessment of the arms flows comes at a crucial time for Mr. Obama, in the closing weeks of the election campaign with two debates looming that will focus on his foreign policy record. But it also calls into question the Syria strategy laid out by Mitt Romney, his Republican challenger.

In a speech at the Virginia Military Institute last Monday, Mr. Romney said he would ensure that rebel groups “who share our values” would “obtain the arms they need to defeat Assad’s tanks, helicopters and fighter jets.” That suggests he would approve the transfer of weapons like antiaircraft and antitank systems that are much more potent than any the United States has been willing to put into rebel hands so far, precisely because American officials cannot be certain who will ultimately be using them.

But Mr. Romney stopped short of saying that he would have the United States provide those arms directly, and his aides said he would instead rely on Arab allies to do it. That would leave him, like Mr. Obama, with little direct control over the distribution of the arms.
sending amaments to ANYONE in Syria is an utterly idiotic idea-----have we not learned anything from our experience with the TALIBAN?. The only action the US should be carrying out in Syria is airlift the christians out of that islamic hell hole

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