Protests in Syria

aiding the "rebels" in syria is not much different from aiding THE TALIBAN which we did in Afghanistan thru in the 1980s and 90s BIG MISTAKE I wish the white house would ask me The "rebels" are, indeed, rebelling against a pig-------but the unfortunate fact is that they are ISLAMICIST pigs themselves --------you are right-----even if some are not "al queida" they are "al queida like" and given the chance will impose the vile filth of shariah in Syria The only action the US should be taking in syria is AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!!!
aiding the "rebels" in syria is not much different from aiding THE TALIBAN which we did in Afghanistan thru in the 1980s and 90s BIG MISTAKE I wish the white house would ask me The "rebels" are, indeed, rebelling against a pig-------but the unfortunate fact is that they are ISLAMICIST pigs themselves --------you are right-----even if some are not "al queida" they are "al queida like" and given the chance will impose the vile filth of shariah in Syria The only action the US should be taking in syria is AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!!!

aiding the "rebels" in syria is not much different from aiding THE TALIBAN which we did in Afghanistan
There is a big difference, there was no law preventing it in the 80's
Enough already, you dumb fuck. There was no law preventing the U.S. from helping Al quade until the war on terror.So stop with the clinton and bush bull shit

Enough of what? Of reminding you the simple facts of reality:

ALL of your presidents and governing elites supported terrorist organisations on US terrorist list! Not just Obama. And don't tell me US was composing terrorist lists so it can allow itself to support the listed! Tell this bollox to your mirror reflection.

Your laws are written to those on a lower branches of your societal palm: to the biological mass consisting of dumb twats like yourself. US power elites are UNACCOUNTABLE!

And you know it! That's why you refused to answer my questions and started grasping at the straw -- "before "war on terror", or after "war on terror".
Syrian rebels (Al-Qaeda) attack Alawites, Christians
Do we really want to help these people?

You already "helped" CHRISTIANS in Serbia! Shall I remind you how your presidents Clinton and Bush made sure the genocide of Christian Serbs in Kosovo went according to US + KLA plan?!

The only way Americans can help the world is by committing mass suicide. Or shoot each other...
Two events happened recently:

1. Al-Arabia declared it was given "materials" by "Syrian opposition" who refused to disclose their source, that Turkish military airplane (the one Turkish PM said was shot down by Assad, and Turkish military said it never happened) was shot down by Russian Grad, pilots were captured and killed on orders from Moscow.

2. Turkish PM issued threats against Russia, China and Iran...

Now, one can tell when Al-Arabia is lying: it broadcasts. When Al-Arabia broadcasts sighting "Syrian opposition" as its source, it is lyingx2; when Al-Arabia broadcasts sighting "Syrian opposition" who refuse to disclose their source it's quadruple lying...

But it's beyond the point. Their lie is going to be pronounced an indisputable truth and spread globally as such. Couple it with Erdogan's hysterical threats to three major nations delivered, no doubt, either after a considerable bribe or considerable ass whooping, signify a close approach of a hot phase of the world war...
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What's wrong with some Americans who think the Syrian rebels are an AQ group? They aren't...they are defected Syrian soldiers who were in the Army and left to the rebels side. Many generals, etc,etc. Some grow beards because they are very close to dying and they want to perfect themselves before they possibly die. They are just being very religious now.

There are some outsiders who just happen to be sort of like people who will fight in any conflict where there are Muslims. You can call them jihadists or mujahideen. Those are there and they do help a little bit. Now I don't agree with how all the violence is happening and the methods to kill people in some incidents are wrong but we can't do anything....they have experienced bad violence and massacres so it makes everyone like that for now..
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Enough already, you dumb fuck. There was no law preventing the U.S. from helping Al quade until the war on terror.So stop with the clinton and bush bull shit

Enough of what? Of reminding you the simple facts of reality:

ALL of your presidents and governing elites supported terrorist organisations on US terrorist list! Not just Obama. And don't tell me US was composing terrorist lists so it can allow itself to support the listed! Tell this bollox to your mirror reflection.

Your laws are written to those on a lower branches of your societal palm: to the biological mass consisting of dumb twats like yourself. US power elites are UNACCOUNTABLE!

And you know it! That's why you refused to answer my questions and started grasping at the straw -- "before "war on terror", or after "war on terror".

Enough with your bullshit. At the time before 9/11 Al-Qaeda was not on the terrorist watch list as an enemy of America.
So stop it.
What's wrong with some Americans who think the Syrian rebels are an AQ group? They aren't...they are defected Syrian soldiers who were in the Army and left to the rebels side. Many generals, etc,etc. Some grow beards because they are very close to dying and they want to perfect themselves before they possibly die. They are just being very religious now.

There are some outsiders who just happen to be sort of like people who will fight in any conflict where there are Muslims. You can call them jihadists or mujahideen. Those are there and they do help a little bit. Now I don't agree with how all the violence is happening and the methods to kill people in some incidents are wrong but we can't do anything....they have experienced bad violence and massacres so it makes everyone like that for now..

God damn your a dumb sum bitch.
Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria | World news | The Guardian
Obama administration sending $45 million in aid to al Qaeda in Syria - National Government |
Putin suggests U.S. backing al Qaeda in Syria civil war - World Watch - CBS News
Enough with your bullshit. .

Yes, before US elites decided OBL outlived his usefulness, the so called "al-q" was not on US terrorist list, but KLA was!!!!!
Face the reality, twat, and stop attempting to hide behind your lame excuses: ALL of your presidents and governing elites supported terrorist organisations on US terrorist list! Not just Obama. And don't tell me US was composing terrorist lists so it can allow itself to support the listed!

Your laws are written to those on a lower branches of your societal palm: to the biological mass consisting of dumb twats like yourself. US power elites are UNACCOUNTABLE!
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What's wrong with some Americans who think the Syrian rebels are an AQ group? They aren't...they are defected Syrian soldiers who were in the Army and left to the rebels side. Many generals, etc,etc. Some grow beards because they are very close to dying and they want to perfect themselves before they possibly die. They are just being very religious now.

There are some outsiders who just happen to be sort of like people who will fight in any conflict where there are Muslims. You can call them jihadists or mujahideen. Those are there and they do help a little bit. Now I don't agree with how all the violence is happening and the methods to kill people in some incidents are wrong but we can't do anything....they have experienced bad violence and massacres so it makes everyone like that for now..

God damn your a dumb sum bitch.
Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria | World news | The Guardian
Obama administration sending $45 million in aid to al Qaeda in Syria - National Government |
Putin suggests U.S. backing al Qaeda in Syria civil war - World Watch - CBS News

Asswipe those aren't links. I don't give a fuck what Russia says! They are allies with the Syrian government. Meanwhile I'm an Arabic who knows everything going on there. There is no such thing called Al Qaeda there. Just because there are militants and rebels who were masks and yell Islamic phrases doesn't make them AQ. Shut up about it
Enough with your bullshit. .

Face the reality, twat: ALL of your presidents and governing elites supported terrorist organisations on US terrorist list! Not just Obama. And don't tell me US was composing terrorist lists so it can allow itself to support the listed!

Your laws are written to those on a lower branches of your societal palm: to the biological mass consisting of dumb twats like yourself. US power elites are UNACCOUNTABLE!

Again their was NO LAW dictating to the U.S. Government not to give aid to al-qaeda
Not until 911 and more specific after the signing of the NDAA 2012
What's wrong with some Americans who think the Syrian rebels are an AQ group? They aren't...they are defected Syrian soldiers who were in the Army and left to the rebels side. Many generals, etc,etc. Some grow beards because they are very close to dying and they want to perfect themselves before they possibly die. They are just being very religious now.

There are some outsiders who just happen to be sort of like people who will fight in any conflict where there are Muslims. You can call them jihadists or mujahideen. Those are there and they do help a little bit. Now I don't agree with how all the violence is happening and the methods to kill people in some incidents are wrong but we can't do anything....they have experienced bad violence and massacres so it makes everyone like that for now..

God damn your a dumb sum bitch.
Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria | World news | The Guardian
Obama administration sending $45 million in aid to al Qaeda in Syria - National Government |
Putin suggests U.S. backing al Qaeda in Syria civil war - World Watch - CBS News

Asswipe those aren't links. I don't give a fuck what Russia says! They are allies with the Syrian government. Meanwhile I'm an Arabic who knows everything going on there. There is no such thing called Al Qaeda there. Just because there are militants and rebels who were masks and yell Islamic phrases doesn't make them AQ. Shut up about it

As I said you're a dumb son of a bitch. yes those are links.
Are you a member of al-qaeda?

Asswipe those aren't links. I don't give a fuck what Russia says! They are allies with the Syrian government. Meanwhile I'm an Arabic who knows everything going on there. There is no such thing called Al Qaeda there. Just because there are militants and rebels who were masks and yell Islamic phrases doesn't make them AQ. Shut up about it

As I said you're a dumb son of a bitch. yes those are links.
Are you a member of al-qaeda?

Again their was NO LAW dictating to the U.S. Government not to give aid to al-qaeda
Not until 911 and more specific after the signing of the NDAA 2012

What about KLA? Why are you pretending you can't read?

Was KLA recognised as a terrorist organisation by US in 1990-s or not?!

You know what? Piss off. You are as stoopid as they make you in US. Go eat some doughnuts...
Again their was NO LAW dictating to the U.S. Government not to give aid to al-qaeda
Not until 911 and more specific after the signing of the NDAA 2012

What about KLA? Why are you pretending you can't read?

Was KLA recognised as a terrorist organisation by US in 1990-s or not?!

You know what? Piss off. You are as stoopid as they make you in US. Go eat some doughnuts...

1990 is not after 911 or the signing of H.R. 1540 (NDAA 2012)
Asswipe those aren't links. I don't give a fuck what Russia says! They are allies with the Syrian government. Meanwhile I'm an Arabic who knows everything going on there. There is no such thing called Al Qaeda there. Just because there are militants and rebels who were masks and yell Islamic phrases doesn't make them AQ. Shut up about it

As I said you're a dumb son of a bitch. yes those are links.
Are you a member of al-qaeda?


No wonder you are objecting you are a member.

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