Protests in Syria

While declining to be interviewed, Hillary did assert carefully, “Um. We of course are always on the side of those fighting for democracy against violations of their rights. That is our, um, only interest in Syria. If the protesters happen to be Al Qaida we will need to consider exceptions to the NDAA statute. We are quite sure there is no inconsistency here. But we will need to get with our lawyers.”

Aww... Hillary had no idea the US has been supporting militant Islamists since 1970-s! Since Iranian "revolution", Taliban, through both wars in Chechnya, KLA in Serbia, Muslim Brotherhood, Libyan Al-Q "freedom fighters"...

Aww... bless...
Nevertheless, obama will be violating his very own law
No one is above the law not even the one who signed the bill into law.

Then why your 9/11 was not investigated? Why Colin Powell and Bush were not put on trial for lying to UN about WMD in Iraq?
part of the NDAA that obama violated
“A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”
No one is above the law not even the one who signed the bill into law.

Then why your 9/11 was not investigated? Why Colin Powell and Bush were not put on trial for lying to UN about WMD in Iraq?
part of the NDAA that obama violated
“A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”

All right, you don't want to respond to my questions, and want to believe that no one in America is above the law...

But Clinton and Bush also cooperated with Al-Q and Taliban in Serbia and Russia (OBL was involved in Chechnya wars)! Were they put on trial for that?
Then why your 9/11 was not investigated? Why Colin Powell and Bush were not put on trial for lying to UN about WMD in Iraq?
part of the NDAA that obama violated
“A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”

All right, you don't want to respond to my questions, and want to believe that no one in America is above the law...

But Clinton and Bush also cooperated with Al-Q and Taliban in Serbia and Russia (OBL was involved in Chechnya wars)! Were they put on trial for that?
What law was there that prevented anyone from helping al qeada until obama signed that law?
What law was there that prevented anyone from helping al qeada until obama signed that law?

But Al-Q "became" a terrorist organisation PRIOR to Obama. Didn't US have any law against cooperation with terrorist organisations?

Same about KLA/Clinton; Taliban/Bush...
What law was there that prevented anyone from helping al qeada until obama signed that law?

But Al-Q "became" a terrorist organisation PRIOR to Obama. Didn't US have any law against cooperation with terrorist organisations?

Same about KLA/Clinton; Taliban/Bush...

However the law obama signed made it a violation to aid them.
However the law obama signed made it a violation to aid them.

But was there any law prohibiting cooperation with terrorist organisations BEFORE Obama?

The one you mentioned is renewed every year as far as I know...

OK let's back up. What year did Clinton or bush give aid to Al Qaeda? Before the war on terror or after?
However the law obama signed made it a violation to aid them.

But was there any law prohibiting cooperation with terrorist organisations BEFORE Obama?

The one you mentioned is renewed every year as far as I know...

OK let's back up. What year did Clinton or bush give aid to Al Qaeda? Before the war on terror or after?

Al-Q and Taliban were fighting alongside KLA, US/NATO in Serbia.
Besides, let's not forget that KLA itself was a terrorist organisation.
Supported by US Al-Q was fighting in the second Chechen war.
But was there any law prohibiting cooperation with terrorist organisations BEFORE Obama?

The one you mentioned is renewed every year as far as I know...

OK let's back up. What year did Clinton or bush give aid to Al Qaeda? Before the war on terror or after?

Al-Q and Taliban were fighting alongside KLA, US/NATO in Serbia.
Besides, let's not forget that KLA itself was a terrorist organisation.
Supported by US Al-Q was fighting in the second Chechen war.

What year did either clinton or Bush give aid?
If I were Assad, looking at the election right now and the fractured amercian Israeli relationship, the confusion and lack of Realpolitik policy in that region exhibited by the obama admin. etc., I'd use the gas now, if I was going to use it at all.

Use gas on whom?

On Syrian population that has been supporting him and the government since the start of the war, or the gangs of "democratic" terrorists?

OK let's back up. What year did Clinton or bush give aid to Al Qaeda? Before the war on terror or after?

Al-Q and Taliban were fighting alongside KLA, US/NATO in Serbia.
Besides, let's not forget that KLA itself was a terrorist organisation.
Supported by US Al-Q was fighting in the second Chechen war.

What year did either clinton or Bush give aid?

What year US/NATO attacked Serbia?! What year there was second Chechen war?!

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