Protests in Syria

the islamo nazis have their story prepared ISRAELIS MADE EVERYONE ELSE ATTACK IRAN

reminds me of the muslim kids who were chanting "the jews went on vacation" on
9-10-01 in preparation for the JIHADIST MURDER FEST on 9-11-01

it all started when jews killed some jerk named ALI who was the son-in-law of AL NABI after al nabi dropped dead having been poisoned to death by a brave jewish rape victim

Why do you bitch so much about people who bitch about Israel on a Syrian related thread? Wrong thread and retarded rant
The West is increasing weapons supply to terrorists in Syria. In light of recent defeat of the international gangs at the hands of a Syrian army, the so called "Syrian opposition" is going to concentrate on terrorising civilian population in attempt to provoke an all-out war where everybody is fighting one another...
The West is increasing weapons supply to terrorists in Syria. In light of recent defeat of the international gangs at the hands of a Syrian army, the so called "Syrian opposition" is going to concentrate on terrorising civilian population in attempt to provoke an all-out war where everybody is fighting one another...

Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus

BEIRUT, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Two loud explosions targeted one of Syria's top military command buildings in the capital Damascus on Wednesday, engulfing the building in flames, residents and state-television said.

They said the explosions struck the General Staff Command Building (Hay'at al Arkan) in the Umayad Square in central Damascus, which is one of the top military headquarters in the country.

There was no immediate word on casualties but ambulances could be heard racing to the sealed-off area.

The Syrian information minister said the attack had caused "only material damage" and that security forces were chasing "armed terrorists" - a term the authorities use to refer to insurgents waging a violent uprising to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Gunfire and other smaller blasts could be heard after the explosions, as well as the sound of ambulance sirens. Many roads in the centre of the capital were blocked, residents said.

The explosions were heard around 7.00 am (0345 GMT), before regular working hours start in Syria.

"The explosions were very loud. They shook the whole city and the windows of our house were shuddering," one resident reached by telephone said.

"Black smoke was seen rising from the area near the army staff building," the resident, who declined to be named, said.

A Damascus bomb attack on July 18 killed several top security officials, including Assad's brother-in-law, the defence and interior ministers. That attack paved the way for a rebel advance into the centre of the capital, although they have since been pushed back to the outskirts.

Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus
Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus

BEIRUT, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Two loud explosions targeted one of Syria's top military command buildings in the capital Damascus on Wednesday, engulfing the building in flames, residents and state-television said.

They said the explosions struck the General Staff Command Building (Hay'at al Arkan) in the Umayad Square in central Damascus, which is one of the top military headquarters in the country.

There was no immediate word on casualties but ambulances could be heard racing to the sealed-off area.

The Syrian information minister said the attack had caused "only material damage" and that security forces were chasing "armed terrorists" - a term the authorities use to refer to insurgents waging a violent uprising to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Gunfire and other smaller blasts could be heard after the explosions, as well as the sound of ambulance sirens. Many roads in the centre of the capital were blocked, residents said.

The explosions were heard around 7.00 am (0345 GMT), before regular working hours start in Syria.

"The explosions were very loud. They shook the whole city and the windows of our house were shuddering," one resident reached by telephone said.

"Black smoke was seen rising from the area near the army staff building," the resident, who declined to be named, said.

A Damascus bomb attack on July 18 killed several top security officials, including Assad's brother-in-law, the defence and interior ministers. That attack paved the way for a rebel advance into the centre of the capital, although they have since been pushed back to the outskirts.

Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus

Assad will never admit losses. And he is hilarious with his tone as if he is only there to stop "terrorists" . Yet yesterday I saw a video of what Assad forces did to a protestor. Very sad and graphic. Fuck that devil piece of shit.
Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus

BEIRUT, Sept 26 (Reuters) - Two loud explosions targeted one of Syria's top military command buildings in the capital Damascus on Wednesday, engulfing the building in flames, residents and state-television said.

They said the explosions struck the General Staff Command Building (Hay'at al Arkan) in the Umayad Square in central Damascus, which is one of the top military headquarters in the country.

There was no immediate word on casualties but ambulances could be heard racing to the sealed-off area.

The Syrian information minister said the attack had caused "only material damage" and that security forces were chasing "armed terrorists" - a term the authorities use to refer to insurgents waging a violent uprising to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Gunfire and other smaller blasts could be heard after the explosions, as well as the sound of ambulance sirens. Many roads in the centre of the capital were blocked, residents said.

The explosions were heard around 7.00 am (0345 GMT), before regular working hours start in Syria.

"The explosions were very loud. They shook the whole city and the windows of our house were shuddering," one resident reached by telephone said.

"Black smoke was seen rising from the area near the army staff building," the resident, who declined to be named, said.

A Damascus bomb attack on July 18 killed several top security officials, including Assad's brother-in-law, the defence and interior ministers. That attack paved the way for a rebel advance into the centre of the capital, although they have since been pushed back to the outskirts.

Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus

Assad will never admit losses. And he is hilarious with his tone as if he is only there to stop "terrorists" . Yet yesterday I saw a video of what Assad forces did to a protestor. Very sad and graphic. Fuck that devil piece of shit.

Assad deserves to be wiped out, although the violence will increase when he is gone.
Syrian Rebels Seek Islamic Democracy


(RNS) Members of the Syrian opposition generally want a democratic government that protects the rights of minorities, though many also want a constitution based on Islam, according to a recent survey.

Their aspirations are important because the Obama administration has said it is refraining from arming the opposition, which has been pummeled by Syrian security forces for 18 months, in part out of fear of igniting sectarian violence. There's also fear that weapons would reach Islamist radicals who would threaten allies in the region.

The survey by the International Republican Institute, which trains democracy activists around the world, found high support for a government that "respectfully acknowledges religion" and treats all religions equally. The second-most popular model of choice was for a constitution "based on Islam."

"Most of the opposition is Sunni Muslims and they are democratically minded, but they want a government based on some kind of Islamic law or that follows Islamic guidelines," says Elizabeth O'Bagy, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War who helped the survey writers find contacts in the opposition movement.

The survey, released Sept. 21, was conducted with help from Pechter Polls of Princeton, N.J., which used personal networks of opposition members to reach 1,168 participants via the Internet, including 315 opposition members in Syria from June 1 to July 2.

Respondents were asked to rank their support, on a scale of 1 to 7, of various statements about a future Syrian government. A government styled on that of France, the United States and Turkey received the highest marks. A government styled on Iran or Iraq received the lowest marks.

They tended to agree that government should protect minorities, even members of President Bashar Assad's Alawite sect, atheists and apostates.

They agreed that the government and constitution should mention religion but otherwise be secular. They also agreed, though not as much, with the statement that the constitution should be "based on Islam."

O'Bagy said many Syrian opposition members she has spoken to compared what they want to the United States.

"People here are religious, and, yes, we have a secular constitution and government," she says. "But a lot of decisions that are made are based on religious beliefs."

Though that view is shared by the majority, religious extremists known as Salafis, who seek to rule according to an ultra-conservative version of Islam, are a small minority in the opposition that is growing in number and influence, said O'Bagy.

Syrian Rebels Seek Islamic Democracy
Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus

Syria: Explosions Strike Top Military Command Building In Damascus

Assad will never admit losses. And he is hilarious with his tone as if he is only there to stop "terrorists" . Yet yesterday I saw a video of what Assad forces did to a protestor. Very sad and graphic. Fuck that devil piece of shit.

Assad deserves to be wiped out, although the violence will increase when he is gone.

No it won't increase. You don't know Syrian people HG they all mostly want him gone. Some are forced to say Assad is good. They will literally come to your house. I know of a family who's neighbors on the bottom floor all got killed including their children for that. There might be a little violence after and hopefully it will end quickly. If even they are able to get rid of him. And the violence won't be horrific like the video I saw where they sliced the back part of a guys head. It didn't show it it just showed his dead body. That's cruel shit! Every Muslim thats capable and willing to give their life should go there and fight against those sick people
Assad will never admit losses. And he is hilarious with his tone as if he is only there to stop "terrorists" . Yet yesterday I saw a video of what Assad forces did to a protestor. Very sad and graphic. Fuck that devil piece of shit.

Assad deserves to be wiped out, although the violence will increase when he is gone.

No it won't increase. You don't know Syrian people HG they all mostly want him gone. Some are forced to say Assad is good. They will literally come to your house. I know of a family who's neighbors on the bottom floor all got killed including their children for that. There might be a little violence after and hopefully it will end quickly. If even they are able to get rid of him. And the violence won't be horrific like the video I saw where they sliced the back part of a guys head. It didn't show it it just showed his dead body. That's cruel shit! Every Muslim thats capable and willing to give their life should go there and fight against those sick people

I really hope your right, I just have a bad feeling once the Assads are gone it will be a fight for power.
Assad deserves to be wiped out, although the violence will increase when he is gone.

No it won't increase. You don't know Syrian people HG they all mostly want him gone. Some are forced to say Assad is good. They will literally come to your house. I know of a family who's neighbors on the bottom floor all got killed including their children for that. There might be a little violence after and hopefully it will end quickly. If even they are able to get rid of him. And the violence won't be horrific like the video I saw where they sliced the back part of a guys head. It didn't show it it just showed his dead body. That's cruel shit! Every Muslim thats capable and willing to give their life should go there and fight against those sick people

I really hope your right, I just have a bad feeling once the Assads are gone it will be a fight for power.

If it was a different Arabic country yes. But Syrians are actually very smart people and they know how to make good decisions. I don't see it unless Iran or hezbollah try to get an influence. I wonder what hezbollah is gonna do because there are gonna be no weopons going to them if the rebels get in power. Syrians are probably the most liked Arabs. Many of them here in America are very successful people and many are in the medical field. They are organized
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No it won't increase. You don't know Syrian people HG they all mostly want him gone. Some are forced to say Assad is good. They will literally come to your house. I know of a family who's neighbors on the bottom floor all got killed including their children for that. There might be a little violence after and hopefully it will end quickly. If even they are able to get rid of him. And the violence won't be horrific like the video I saw where they sliced the back part of a guys head. It didn't show it it just showed his dead body. That's cruel shit! Every Muslim thats capable and willing to give their life should go there and fight against those sick people

I really hope your right, I just have a bad feeling once the Assads are gone it will be a fight for power.

If it was a different Arabic country yes. But Syrians are actually very smart people and they know how to make good decisions. I don't see it unless Iran or hezbollah try to get an influence. I wonder what hezbollah is gonna do because there are gonna be no weopons going to them if the rebels get in power. Syrians are probably the most liked Arabs. Many of them here in America are very successful people and many are in the medical field. They are organized

Hezbollah and the Iranians are in Syria right now, they would definently try to stir up shit and stop Syria from becoming stable, they did the same thing next door in Iraq for years.
I really hope your right, I just have a bad feeling once the Assads are gone it will be a fight for power.

If it was a different Arabic country yes. But Syrians are actually very smart people and they know how to make good decisions. I don't see it unless Iran or hezbollah try to get an influence. I wonder what hezbollah is gonna do because there are gonna be no weopons going to them if the rebels get in power. Syrians are probably the most liked Arabs. Many of them here in America are very successful people and many are in the medical field. They are organized

Hezbollah and the Iranians are in Syria right now, they would definently try to stir up shit and stop Syria from becoming stable, they did the same thing next door in Iraq for years.

Hezbollah isn't actually in there. It's mostly Syrian forces. Iran is interfering there though. And they need to quit with that. But they do it because that's an important ally and the are gonna try building up Iraq now since they see where Syria is going but it won't work their way. They know it and they have to change their ways. I hate how Iran approaches things. They need to just fuck off. But I still think hezbollah approaches it differently and they are gonna be smart about it. No one really knows how hezbollah works. So I can't predict what will happen if Assad falls
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If it was a different Arabic country yes. But Syrians are actually very smart people and they know how to make good decisions. I don't see it unless Iran or hezbollah try to get an influence. I wonder what hezbollah is gonna do because there are gonna be no weopons going to them if the rebels get in power. Syrians are probably the most liked Arabs. Many of them here in America are very successful people and many are in the medical field. They are organized

Hezbollah and the Iranians are in Syria right now, they would definently try to stir up shit and stop Syria from becoming stable, they did the same thing next door in Iraq for years.

Hezbollah isn't actually in there. It's mostly Syrian forces. Iran is interfering there though. And they need to quit with that. But they do it because that's an important ally and the are gonna try building up Iraq now since they see where Syria is going but it won't work their way. They know it and they have to change their ways. I hate how Iran approaches things. They need to just fuck off. But I still think hezbollah approaches it differently and they are gonna be smart about it. No one really knows how hezbollah works. So I can't predict what will happen if Assad falls

Hezbollah is in Syria and has been for some time, so is Hamas, the Hamas headquarters is in Damascus. Hezbollah recently saved an Iranian base from being overtaken by Syrians.

Hezbollah Saves Iranian Base in Syria; Is Assad Preparing for Chemical Warfare? | Act for Australia
Hezbollah and the Iranians are in Syria right now, they would definently try to stir up shit and stop Syria from becoming stable, they did the same thing next door in Iraq for years.

Hezbollah isn't actually in there. It's mostly Syrian forces. Iran is interfering there though. And they need to quit with that. But they do it because that's an important ally and the are gonna try building up Iraq now since they see where Syria is going but it won't work their way. They know it and they have to change their ways. I hate how Iran approaches things. They need to just fuck off. But I still think hezbollah approaches it differently and they are gonna be smart about it. No one really knows how hezbollah works. So I can't predict what will happen if Assad falls

Hezbollah is in Syria and has been for some time, so is Hamas, the Hamas headquarters is in Damascus. Hezbollah recently saved an Iranian base from being overtaken by Syrians.

Hezbollah Saves Iranian Base in Syria; Is Assad Preparing for Chemical Warfare? | Act for Australia

Dude I know you would like to believe that. Hezbollah does support Assad but the don't have their reserves there. I've been following it for a while. And that site is wierd...all of it is speaking on Islam. :cool:. Hezbollah has been helping in a few ways. They need to change their policy.

Iran has had people there but it's mostly Syrian forces still, they are still strong and have a big number of troops.

Hamas had their headquarters there but one of their guys was killed. And they don't support Assad and they aren't interfering in the conflcit. They just have thier political leadership there but they are moving it.

BBC News - Hamas member 'assassinated' in Syrian capital Damascus

They spoke against Assad
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Hezbollah isn't actually in there. It's mostly Syrian forces. Iran is interfering there though. And they need to quit with that. But they do it because that's an important ally and the are gonna try building up Iraq now since they see where Syria is going but it won't work their way. They know it and they have to change their ways. I hate how Iran approaches things. They need to just fuck off. But I still think hezbollah approaches it differently and they are gonna be smart about it. No one really knows how hezbollah works. So I can't predict what will happen if Assad falls

Hezbollah is in Syria and has been for some time, so is Hamas, the Hamas headquarters is in Damascus. Hezbollah recently saved an Iranian base from being overtaken by Syrians.

Hezbollah Saves Iranian Base in Syria; Is Assad Preparing for Chemical Warfare? | Act for Australia

Dude I know you would like to believe that. Hezbollah does support Assad but the don't have their reserves there. I've been following it for a while. And that site is wierd...all of it is speaking on Islam. :cool:. Hezbollah has been helping in a few ways. They need to change their policy.

Iran has had people there but it's mostly Syrian forces still, they are still strong and have a big number of troops.

Hamas had their headquarters there but one of their guys was killed. And they don't support Assad and they aren't interfering in the conflcit. They just have thier political leadership there but they are moving it.

BBC News - Hamas member 'assassinated' in Syrian capital Damascus

They spoke against Assad

Iran and its proxies have too much to lose if Assad falls, they will continue to make this as difficult as possible for the Syrian people.
Hezbollah is in Syria and has been for some time, so is Hamas, the Hamas headquarters is in Damascus. Hezbollah recently saved an Iranian base from being overtaken by Syrians.

Hezbollah Saves Iranian Base in Syria; Is Assad Preparing for Chemical Warfare? | Act for Australia

Dude I know you would like to believe that. Hezbollah does support Assad but the don't have their reserves there. I've been following it for a while. And that site is wierd...all of it is speaking on Islam. :cool:. Hezbollah has been helping in a few ways. They need to change their policy.

Iran has had people there but it's mostly Syrian forces still, they are still strong and have a big number of troops.

Hamas had their headquarters there but one of their guys was killed. And they don't support Assad and they aren't interfering in the conflcit. They just have thier political leadership there but they are moving it.

BBC News - Hamas member 'assassinated' in Syrian capital Damascus

They spoke against Assad

Iran and its proxies have too much to lose if Assad falls, they will continue to make this as difficult as possible for the Syrian people.

That's true and hezbollah will give up. I'm not sure about Iran....this thing is gonna be really long maybe another few years still unless the international world starts bombing Syrian forces and military equipment. But Russia is giving/selling them weopons constantly so it won't happen(a intervention military style)
Dude I know you would like to believe that. Hezbollah does support Assad but the don't have their reserves there. I've been following it for a while. And that site is wierd...all of it is speaking on Islam. :cool:. Hezbollah has been helping in a few ways. They need to change their policy.

Iran has had people there but it's mostly Syrian forces still, they are still strong and have a big number of troops.

Hamas had their headquarters there but one of their guys was killed. And they don't support Assad and they aren't interfering in the conflcit. They just have thier political leadership there but they are moving it.

BBC News - Hamas member 'assassinated' in Syrian capital Damascus

They spoke against Assad

Iran and its proxies have too much to lose if Assad falls, they will continue to make this as difficult as possible for the Syrian people.

That's true and hezbollah will give up. I'm not sure about Iran....this thing is gonna be really long maybe another few years still unless the international world starts bombing Syrian forces and military equipment. But Russia is giving/selling them weopons constantly so it won't happen(a intervention military style)

Yup and China is helping them as well, this could very well last years but the longer it goes on the worse things will get Assad. Dictators usually do well when they put down rebellions quickly like Saddam used to, when you let them go on for years your time will run out sooner or later.
Iran and its proxies have too much to lose if Assad falls, they will continue to make this as difficult as possible for the Syrian people.

That's true and hezbollah will give up. I'm not sure about Iran....this thing is gonna be really long maybe another few years still unless the international world starts bombing Syrian forces and military equipment. But Russia is giving/selling them weopons constantly so it won't happen(a intervention military style)

Yup and China is helping them as well, this could very well last years but the longer it goes on the worse things will get Assad. Dictators usually do well when they put down rebellions quickly like Saddam used to, when you let them go on for years your time will run out sooner or later.

The violence is very sad...I can't forget what happened to many people....when Assad is overthrown God willing they should just declare all the dead as martyrs so they can forget the sad violence...:(. And I think it's a big step forward as no other dictator will ever be allowed in these countries that overthrow them. It's better.
I think Morsi can play a big part in this. I'm glad at what he said at the UN general assembly on Syria. Arab countries need to do something damn it. Not the ones involved in a conflcit or have too many problems. But I want to see them going hard at Assad. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Qatar and other gulf countries need to start taking it really serious. Even though they have sent weopons and etc. they need to do more
I do not believe that MORSI is going to live long-----he helped kill SADAT and now he is trying to ACT LIKE SADAT------his pals---the same kind of people who wanted to kill Sadat-----are probably going to kill him------IF HE ACTUALLY ACTS THE WAY HE CLAIMS HE "BELIEVES" IN THE UN today.--------I do not believe he will-----he was lying just as that other pig ABU MAZEN------lies

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