Protests in Syria

The question is not what it can contribute, but what it is prepared to contribute. And if the mentioned incident is anything to go by, Egypt's contribution is of a far reaching destabilising nature.

Morsi came to power through free and fair elections.
His election ended the Mubarak (Dictator) chapter in Egypt's history.
With his statements on Syria he just shows, that Egypt wants to stand on the right side of history.

Nothing "destabilizing in nature".
What's your problem?

His problem is he sees everything through his hate-for-America prism which, as most rational people know, can be very narrow, depending on how you hold it.
Good news:
Syrian army is pushing international gangs of "freedom fighters" towards the Turkish border! Effectively, this is the end of an open war on Syria.

Bad news:
Since "opposition" has lost an open war, it is now concentrating on terrorism. If before "opposition" was committing terrorist acts mainly against military/government targets; now it is moving the focus of its activities onto civilians population.
The question is not what it can contribute, but what it is prepared to contribute. And if the mentioned incident is anything to go by, Egypt's contribution is of a far reaching destabilising nature.

Morsi came to power through free and fair elections.
His election ended the Mubarak (Dictator) chapter in Egypt's history.
With his statements on Syria he just shows, that Egypt wants to stand on the right side of history.

Nothing "destabilizing in nature".
What's your problem?

His problem is he sees everything through his hate-for-America prism which, as most rational people know, can be very narrow, depending on how you hold it.

You are putting a cart before a horse: its not the "hatred" that came first. Its US actions on international stage led to wide-spread resentment of US.
Morsi came to power through free and fair elections.
His election ended the Mubarak (Dictator) chapter in Egypt's history.
With his statements on Syria he just shows, that Egypt wants to stand on the right side of history.

Nothing "destabilizing in nature".
What's your problem?

His problem is he sees everything through his hate-for-America prism which, as most rational people know, can be very narrow, depending on how you hold it.

You are putting a cart before a horse: its not the "hatred" that came first. Its US actions on international stage led to wide-spread resentment of US.

I said nothing and care not at all how you came to hate America, Princess. I simply commented on your hateful nature and the hateful nature of your posts.
BTW, you don't speak for others ... just your own hateful self.
I said nothing and care not at all how you came to hate America, Princess.

Liar! If you did not care about the fact that millions of people either hate or strongly dislike US, you would not have brought it up in an unrelated thread.

I simply explained to you the facts of life. But if you are not ready to accept them, then dry your eyes, princess -- US will reap what it sows.
I said nothing and care not at all how you came to hate America, Princess.

Liar! If you did not care about the fact that millions of people either hate or strongly dislike US, you would not have brought it up in an unrelated thread.

I simply explained to you the facts of life. But if you are not ready to accept them, then dry your eyes, princess -- US will reap what it sows.

Be careful you don't reap what you sow. One of your America-hatin' comrades was just picked up in Chicago while trying to act on his hate:

Chicago-area man facing charges in car-bomb plot - Washington Times
Be careful ......

You are a dimwit, a coward and a liar. I have no more use for you.

I have no doubt that you are proud that your tax dollars are wrecking the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world from Africa to Europe! You are proud that your tax dollars are financing poverty in Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaris, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Esstonia, Georgia, the list goes on. You are proud that your tax dollars finance genocide of Ossetians, wars in Yugoslavia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria... You are proud that your tax dollars finance terrorism in ME, Africa, Russia.
And for that all those people affected by your proudly spent tax dollars hate Americans (and now also British).

from: Sayit
Woo. You are farther gone than I realized.
So while you are posting the link to a credible source that supports your outrageous claims about Gorbachov's, Yeltsyn's, and Kravchuk's bank accounts and the US/UK connection to their wealth, could you post a link to a credible source to all the outrageous claims you just posted and my connection to them?

Be careful ......

You are a dimwit, a coward and a liar. I have no more use for you.

Yeah, that's fine, Princess, but before you run away could you post the links to all the outrageous claims you have posted here in just the past 24 hours?
I included them in this post for your convenience.
Syrian forces break up Damascus protest


DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Security forces wielding batons dispersed 150 demonstrators who had gathered in central of Damascus on Wednesday in the most serious protest against Syria's ruling hierarchy since revolts spread in the Arab world.

Scores of plainclothes security officers charged the demonstrators assembled outside the Interior Ministry to demand the release of political prisoners, a Reuters witness said.

One demonstrator suffered a gash on his head, others were beaten and at least 15 were detained, including leading political activist Suhair al-Attasi.

Attasi had said Syrian authorities would not be able to escape the tumult shaking the Arab world by refusing to open the country's political system and allowing free expression.

"They pulled Suhair by her hair and took her away," one demonstrator said.

Among those arrested were Tayyib Tizini, 69, a professor of philosophy at Damascus University, and the sister and son of Kamal Labwani, a doctor jailed for "weakening national morale" and "inciting a foreign country to invade Syria."

The gathering in Marjeh square, an Ottoman-era square in the centre of the capital, had been silent, with protesters raising pictures of imprisoned relatives and friends, before security forces started hitting them with their batons.

Syrian forces break up Damascus protest | World | Reuters
It's best we leave this alone, we have enough trouble with interfering in Libya.
I have no doubt that you are proud that your tax dollars are wrecking the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world from Africa to Europe! You are proud that your tax dollars are financing poverty in Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaris, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Esstonia, Georgia, the list goes on. You are proud that your tax dollars finance genocide of Ossetians, wars in Yugoslavia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria... You are proud that your tax dollars finance terrorism in ME, Africa, Russia.
And for that all those people affected by your proudly spent tax dollars hate Americans (and now also British).

from: Sayit
Woo. You are farther gone than I realized.
So while you are posting the link to a credible source that supports your outrageous claims about Gorbachov's, Yeltsyn's, and Kravchuk's bank accounts and the US/UK connection to their wealth, could you post a link to a credible source to all the outrageous claims you just posted and my connection to them?

Yeah, that's great, Princess, but could you post some proof of all the lies and absurd conspiracy theory BS you posted here the past 24 hours? I included them in this post for your convenience.
It's best we leave this alone, we have enough trouble with interfering in Libya.

There is no "protest" in Damascus. The city is clear off "rebels" and operations are moved to the outskirts of the city.

Reuters did its usual and lied.
It's best we leave this alone, we have enough trouble with interfering in Libya.

There is no "protest" in Damascus. The city is clear off "rebels" and operations are moved to the outskirts of the city.
Reuters did its usual and lied.

As one who lies like it's her job, you have no business tossing stones at Reuters, Princess. It's time to stop running and stand behind the BS you've alraedy posted:

I have no doubt that you are proud that your tax dollars are wrecking the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world from Africa to Europe! You are proud that your tax dollars are financing poverty in Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaris, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Esstonia, Georgia, the list goes on. You are proud that your tax dollars finance genocide of Ossetians, wars in Yugoslavia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria... You are proud that your tax dollars finance terrorism in ME, Africa, Russia.
And for that all those people affected by your proudly spent tax dollars hate Americans (and now also British).

from: Sayit
Woo. You are farther gone than I realized.
So while you are posting the link to a credible source that supports your outrageous claims about Gorbachov's, Yeltsyn's, and Kravchuk's bank accounts and the US/UK connection to their wealth, could you post a link to a credible source to all the outrageous claims you just posted and my connection to them?
Circus... US-paid and supported Syrian opposition burns US flag

[ame=]US-Backed Syrian "Opposition" Burn American Flag in Aleppo and Chant Anti-American Slogans - YouTube[/ame]
Syria Jets Hit Lebanese Border Town Of Arsal


BEIRUT — Missiles fired by Syrian warplanes hit Lebanese territory Monday in one of the most serious cross-border violations since Syria's crisis began 18 months ago, security officials in Beirut and Lebanese state media said.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with regulations, said four missiles fired by two Syrian jets hit a rugged and remote area on the edge of the Lebanese border town of Arsal. No casualties were immediately reported.

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman ordered an investigation into the border shelling Monday, without openly blaming Syria.

Lebanon's state-run National News Agency reported that the warplanes fired three missiles that fell on the outskirts of Arsal about 500 meters (yards) from the border between the two countries.

"I heard several explosions and saw four clouds of dust billowing from the area," Arsal resident Nayeh Izzedine said by telephone referring to the border. "I don't know if it was an air raid but there was a plane in the sky."

He added that the town had been quiet two hours after the 10 a.m. attack.

The Syrian forces were believed to be chasing rebels in the area, which has been the site of clashes in the past between opposition fighters battling Syrian troops just on the other side of the frontier. Lebanese armed forces have in the past detained people in the region for trying to smuggle weapons into Syria from Lebanon.

Arsal is a predominantly Sunni Muslim town, like the majority of Syria's opposition that is trying to oust President Bashar Assad from power. Assad belongs to the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

Syria Jets Hit Lebanese Border Town Of Arsal
Syrian Crisis: Regime Helicopter Crashes After Clipping Passenger Jet Near Damascus, Says State TV

BEIRUT -- A Syrian military helicopter clipped the tail of a Syrian passenger jet with 200 people aboard in mid-air Thursday, but the larger aircraft landed safely and no one aboard was hurt, Syria's state TV said.

The helicopter crashed near the capital of Damascus, though it was not clear if there were any casualties in that crash or what had led the two aircraft to touch in mid-air.

The close call came at a time when Syria is embroiled in a civil war between the supporters of President Bashar Assad and those trying to topple him. The 18-month rebellion has claimed the lives of more than 23,000 people, according to activists, and Syria has descended into chaos.

The Syrian government has increasingly been using helicopters and other aircraft in its fight against the rebels. Rebels have claimed to have shot down helicopters and warplanes in the past, although the regime has blamed most of the problems on mechanical difficulties.

In Thursday's incident, the helicopters rotor clipped the tail of a Syrian Arab Airlines jet, the state TV said. The passenger plane "landed safely at the airport and none of the 200 passengers were harmed," the report said.

Syrian Crisis: Regime Helicopter Crashes After Clipping Passenger Jet Near Damascus, Says State TV
Syria Crisis: Air Strike Reportedly Kills Dozens In Al Raqqa

BEIRUT, Sept 20 (Reuters) - At least 54 people were killed when a Syrian air strike hit a fuel station in the northern province of al-Raqqa on Thursday, a British-based violence watchdog said, an area of heavy fighting between government and rebel forces.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which has a network of activists across Syria reporting on government violence during the 18-month-old revolt, cited an activist in the region saying that more than 110 people were dead or wounded.

A video published by activists, said to be from al-Raqqa, showed black clouds of smoke rising from the wreckage of the petrol station as bewildered residents examined the scene following the attack by a Syrian air force jet.

It came a day after insurgents seized a border crossing with Turkey some 30 km (18 miles) away on the northern fringes of al-Raqqa province, consolidating their grip on a frontier through which they ferry arms for battle.

It was impossible to verify the authenticity of the video, and most foreign journalists are barred entry into Syria, making varying accounts of events difficult to confirm.

President Bashar al-Assad has used helicopters and fighter jets to fire at and bomb parts of the country where insurgents have been operating, including residential districts of the capital and Syria's main cities.

Assad's forces have targeted petrol stations in rural towns and villages and along main roads to deprive rebels of fuel. Civilians have set up smaller, discreet fuel outlets.

Syria Crisis: Air Strike Reportedly Kills Dozens In Al Raqqa
Despite Syria’s Bloodbath, Libya-Style Intervention Remains Unlikely


On Wednesday, Syrian National Council head Abdulbaset Sieda invoked Libya when calling for international intervention to topple the regime of President Bashar Assad. He may not have realized the extent to which, after last week’s attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya weighs heavily on American minds. The chaos that prevails almost a year after the overthrow of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi allowed a radical Islamist militia to operate unmolested and use a demonstration over an Islam-bashing film made in California as an opportunity to attack and kill Americans. So, despite the escalating brutality in Syria, a repeat of the Libya model is unlikely to get many takers in Washington. “No one outside Tehran and Moscow wants to bolster Bashar al-Assad, but the images of infuriated young men in Egypt, Libya and Yemen have given outsiders greater pause about Syria’s fragmented, radicalized and increasingly well-armed opposition,” noted Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group risk-management firm. “That conflict will drag on without intervention by outsiders for some time to come.”

Yet, in the Hague, another meeting of the Friends of Syria group of Western and Arab backers of the rebellion ended on Wednesday. They made plans to escalate the slow-burning sanctions that are doing little to change the regime’s course, even as they constrict Syrians’ ability to make ends meet. The group vowed to meet again before the end of 2012, but set no date. Even before last week’s tragedy in Libya, Syria’s plight was simply not near the top of the to-do list of Western leaders, partly as a result of more pressing priorities and partly because they see no good options for effecting a positive outcome.

The Syrian conflict pits a predominantly Sunni rebellion against a regime based on an Alawite security core with a measure of support from Christians and other minorities, as well as a declining share of the Sunni elite (numerous exceptions notwithstanding). From the outside, at least, it is beginning to look more like the civil war that broke out in Lebanon in the late 1970s than the rebellions of Tunisia and Egypt. Mindful of the regional consequences of picking a side in such a civil war, and of the danger of being sucked in with no exit strategy, Western powers are, if anything, growing increasingly reluctant to intervene directly.

Syria’s opposition remains deeply divided. The armed rebellion remains disorganized, with dozens of rival militias fighting under autonomous commanders. The growing influence of both Syrian and foreign jihadists among the armed formations reinforces the West’s hesitance. Indeed, even the U.S. that hoped, together with France, Turkey and Qatar, to anoint the Syrian National Council as a government-in-waiting, has been forced to distance itself from the group in light of its limited authority over revolutionaries on the ground.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, whose new envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has been meeting with stakeholders across the region in recent weeks, pointedly warned this week that there could be “no military solution” to the Syrian conflict. But as Ban’s last envoy, Kofi Annan, found, neither the opposition nor the regime, nor the foreign backers of either side, appears to be ready to embrace that reality. Assad hopes to blast his way out of trouble, while the rebels appear to believe that even if they lack the military capacity to topple the regime themselves, putting up enough of a fight will eventually prompt Western powers to intervene, as in Libya, to destroy the regime’s fighting capacity.

Read more: Despite Violence in Syria, Libya-Style Intervention Remains Unlikely | World |
the islamo nazis have their story prepared ISRAELIS MADE EVERYONE ELSE ATTACK IRAN

reminds me of the muslim kids who were chanting "the jews went on vacation" on
9-10-01 in preparation for the JIHADIST MURDER FEST on 9-11-01

it all started when jews killed some jerk named ALI who was the son-in-law of AL NABI after al nabi dropped dead having been poisoned to death by a brave jewish rape victim

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