Protests in Syria

I do not believe that MORSI is going to live long-----he helped kill SADAT and now he is trying to ACT LIKE SADAT------his pals---the same kind of people who wanted to kill Sadat-----are probably going to kill him------IF HE ACTUALLY ACTS THE WAY HE CLAIMS HE "BELIEVES" IN THE UN today.--------I do not believe he will-----he was lying just as that other pig ABU MAZEN------lies

What kind of bs lie was that. No he didn't. I believe what he is saying should happen
UN came to a conclusion that situation in Syria can not be resolved by outside military intervention.

It means that "civilised democratic community" failed to push through UN its idea of open aggression.

But it doesn't mean that "civilised" accepted the defeat. Now, Qatar was given a wave to attack Syria without UN sanctions.
UN came to a conclusion that situation in Syria can not be resolved by outside military intervention.

It means that "civilised democratic community" failed to push through UN its idea of open aggression.

But it doesn't mean that "civilised" accepted the defeat. Now, Qatar was given a wave to attack Syria without UN sanctions.

Who gives a fucking shit?
UN came to a conclusion that situation in Syria can not be resolved by outside military intervention.

It means that "civilised democratic community" failed to push through UN its idea of open aggression.

But it doesn't mean that "civilised" accepted the defeat. Now, Qatar was given a wave to attack Syria without UN sanctions.

Who gives a fucking shit?

You do. Otherwise, why would you be lurking on this thread?
UN came to a conclusion that situation in Syria can not be resolved by outside military intervention.

It means that "civilised democratic community" failed to push through UN its idea of open aggression.

But it doesn't mean that "civilised" accepted the defeat. Now, Qatar was given a wave to attack Syria without UN sanctions.

Who gives a fucking shit?

You do. Otherwise, why would you be lurking on this thread?

I created this thread you fucking dumb ****, go lick Assads ass some more and shut up.
Assad Regime Sends Text Message To Syrian Rebels: 'Game Over'


BEIRUT — Cellphones in Syria rang, buzzed and chirped Thursday with an ominous text message from the military to members of the armed rebellion: "Game over."

The rebels provided their own response to the regime's warning to surrender and disarm by launching new attacks to drive government troops out of the largest city of Aleppo.

There's no indication that the stalemated civil war has taken a decisive turn in any direction, however, and the bloodshed that has already claimed more than 30,000 lives looks likely to drag on for many more months.

Compounding the grim outlook, sharp disagreements between Syria's foreign friends and foes – on display at the U.N. General Assembly this week – have prevented a diplomatic solution from taking shape.

Syrians with subscriptions to the country's two cellphone service providers said they began receiving the text messages signed by the Syrian Arab Army urging the rebels to surrender their weapons and warning that a countdown to evict any foreign fighters in the country has begun. Those with prepaid phones did not receive a message, according to residents in the capital of Damascus.

The texts appeared to be a kind of psychological warfare against the rebels by the regime of President Bashar Assad. In August, army helicopters dropped leaflets warning rebels in Damascus to disarm and seek amnesty. Government officials were not available for comment.

The messages are highly unlikely to have any effect on fighters intent on toppling Assad, and rebel supporters shrugged off the regime's warning as a sign of desperation.

Ali, a 28-year-old member of the rebels' Free Syrian Army, said he found the message comical.

"I will never hand over my weapon because the game is not over yet," he said, giving only his first name for fear of reprisals. "It won't be over until Assad's death."

Assad Regime Sends Text Message To Syrian Rebels: 'Game Over'
I created this thread

Aww... my pet igit created a thread ... aww...

Did you say you created a THREAD or a pen specifically so you can frolic there in your own opinions and copy-paste efforts?

corn hole
fuck .

Your choice of figurative language betrays your deep seated issues. You don't have to be shy of your ... hmm... preferences; didn't you hear: mrs Clinton encourages all deviants to come out of the closet. :D
to what "civilized" do you refer mememe? the "civilized" hezbollah or the "civilized" al queida or the "civilized" hezbollah supporter Assad? how do you define "civilized" ? using planes to smash into large buildings in New York City as a CALIPHATE BUILDING MOVE ---or the obscene mutilation murders favored by the worshippers of the black turd of mecca?
Aww... my pet igit created a thread ... aww...

Did you say you created a THREAD or a pen specifically so you can frolic there in your own opinions and copy-paste efforts?

corn hole
fuck .

Your choice of figurative language betrays your deep seated issues. You don't have to be shy of your ... hmm... preferences; didn't you hear: mrs Clinton encourages all deviants to come out of the closet. :D

You are all over my junk like some teen slut groupie, why don't you just come over here and swallow my hog already and get it over with.
gravity-----I understand that you use language appropriate to the person you are addressing----but to be honest----I have led an almost-----well SEPARATED LIFE -----I missed some of the lingo that is obviously well known to mememe Lingo is very important -----and I am not trying to cramp your attempt to communicate with mememe ----in fact I admire your efforts
gravity-----I understand that you use language appropriate to the person you are addressing----but to be honest----I have led an almost-----well SEPARATED LIFE -----I missed some of the lingo that is obviously well known to mememe Lingo is very important -----and I am not trying to cramp your attempt to communicate with mememe ----in fact I admire your efforts

When you talk to a cum guzzling gutter slut you have to talk in their language, which is what I am doing with the salad tossing cum gargling call girl mememe.
corn hole
fuck .

Your choice of figurative language betrays your deep seated issues. You don't have to be shy of your ... hmm... preferences; didn't you hear: mrs Clinton encourages all deviants to come out of the closet. :D
corn hole
teen slut


When I advised you to come out of your closet, I did not expect such eagerness on your part...

Sigismund Schlomo Freud would've loved you!

Go on, deliver some more "Freudian slips". :D
If I were Assad, looking at the election right now and the fractured amercian Israeli relationship, the confusion and lack of Realpolitik policy in that region exhibited by the obama admin. etc., I'd use the gas now, if I was going to use it at all.
The Muslims can lose a hundred times in a row and come back to fight the 101st time.

But Israel only has to lose once and it's all over. :cool:

Israel has been persecuted (lost) since Jacob wanted to marry Racheal. They have been enslaved, captured, murdered, droughted, diseased, and yet, they are still here. Can you name any other culture that has survived those odds/challenges, and is still producing world leaders (many winning Noble prizes, when it still meant something), in every field of human endeavor (just maybe, you might want to rethink that "belief" that they are not the Lord's chosen, how else could they have survived?). Feel free to list all those great accomplishments of the "culture" that conquered and pillaged for its wealth, and claims it is "most civilized" and educated. Don't go Persian empire, that was before the "culture" of death and destruction.
The Jews lost their "Chosen People" status a long, long time ago.

They are referred to as the members of the "synagouge of satan" in the New Testament. :cool:

When reading meccaist filth ---it is important to understand that most muslims never read the koran ----let alone THE NEW TESTAMENT

The allusion in the NEW TESTAMENT is made by Jesus. In order to understand it (something which is of no interest to meccaist pigs) one must know that the word "synagogue" is a greek word----which means "place of assembly" ----ie any building or place in which people MEET It is not a hebrew word and is not even used by hebrew speaking people. The comment by jesus did not refer to jewish houses of worship in general at all--------it referred to the meetings of evil people----more specifically people who CLAIM TO BE JEWS BUT ARE NOT. Islamo nazi pigs have focused on the word "synagogue" AS IF IT REFERS TO JEWS IN GENERAL-----because islamo nazi pigs have no interest in logic or reality I am always amused when an islamo nazi pig quotes ANY scriptural source-----even the koran which ----chances are----they never read
While declining to be interviewed, Hillary did assert carefully, “Um. We of course are always on the side of those fighting for democracy against violations of their rights. That is our, um, only interest in Syria. If the protesters happen to be Al Qaida we will need to consider exceptions to the NDAA statute. We are quite sure there is no inconsistency here. But we will need to get with our lawyers.”

Obama Charged With NDAA Violation |
If I were Assad, looking at the election right now and the fractured amercian Israeli relationship, the confusion and lack of Realpolitik policy in that region exhibited by the obama admin. etc., I'd use the gas now, if I was going to use it at all.

Use gas on whom?

On Syrian population that has been supporting him and the government since the start of the war, or the gangs of "democratic" terrorists?
While declining to be interviewed, Hillary did assert carefully, “Um. We of course are always on the side of those fighting for democracy against violations of their rights. That is our, um, only interest in Syria. If the protesters happen to be Al Qaida we will need to consider exceptions to the NDAA statute. We are quite sure there is no inconsistency here. But we will need to get with our lawyers.”

Aww... Hillary had no idea the US has been supporting militant Islamists since 1970-s! Since Iranian "revolution", Taliban, through both wars in Chechnya, KLA in Serbia, Muslim Brotherhood, Libyan Al-Q "freedom fighters"...

Aww... bless...
There is no question that the WHITE HOUSE did not understand that they were supporting islamicist filth in Afghanistan. I do recall----way back in the early 1980s the Taliban pigs were presented in the US media as idealistic pakistanis------well---to people who support shariah shit ----they are----but in the USA most people do not understand the true disgusting nature of shariah shit The misfortune is that the white house did not ask me. I have read posts on messageboards -----in which innocent posters have written "If a nation votes for shariah----then they should have it----that's democracy"

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