Proud Boys and Antifa clash in Portland"

Palace Revolution. Been That Way for 200 Years.

The prep school is the cradle of Marxism. The university is its nursery school. The law school is its kindergarten. Marxism appeals to those who feel they were Born to Rule, that's why it has always been nothing more than a faction of the ruling class it preaches that it will replace with democracy.
Define "marxism" for us.
Silence as a result of timidity will not push this problem away.

silence is complicity

Beat it dumfuk

Some members are unhappy with other members that went to the 1/6 riot?

That is why you hate them?

Can you please expand on that? I'm not really seeing how that leads to you hating them and wishing them dead.
Some members are unhappy with other members that went to the 1/6 riot?

That is why you hate them?

Can you please expand on that? I'm not really seeing how that leads to you hating them and wishing them dead.

Ask your buddy Toilet Purge and his goofy, dishonest OP about that loon. Returning the favor seemed fair.

We NEED DEAD ANTIFA in the streets....lots and lots of them!!

I actually don't want Proud Boys dead - Merely imprisoned where they can do no further harm.
Ask your buddy Toilet Purge and his goofy, dishonest OP about that loon. Returning the favor seemed fair.

We NEED DEAD ANTIFA in the streets....lots and lots of them!!

I actually don't want Proud Boys dead - Merely imprisoned where they can do no further harm.

What about the ones that opposed going to the riots and are unhappy with their fellow members that did?

Are they bad people that need looked up?
What about the ones that opposed going to the riots and are unhappy with their fellow members that did?

Are they bad people that need looked up?

No, not until the next time they behave very badly when they show up in Portland. These Boys are after all members of a self-described "male chauvinist fight club". It's pretty much what they get off on.
No, not until the next time they behave very badly when they show up in Portland. These Boys are after all members of a self-described "male chauvinist fight club". It's pretty much what they get off on.

Every time I have seen reports of them in Portland, the scenario is always the same.

They march in a "self described Freedom of Speech parade" and then rabid lefties attack them and the Proud BOys defend themselves.

What part of that do you not support?
We NEED DEAD ANTIFA in the streets....lots and lots of them!!

It is another staged event.

Why is it that these brawls only happens in Blue countries, where it is being overseeing by Blue officials.

For right now, Pres. Trump is going to be reinstated but the Globalists are trying to create another Jan 6th.

and so right now, everyone should stay at home and ignore all the things that the left are trying to taunt at us. And wait for Pres. Trump to be reinstated.
he is going to be reinstated and don't believe anyone that tells you he isn't.

And so just stay at home and watch something that is very educational like the Simpsons.

Every time I have seen reports of them in Portland, the scenario is always the same.

They march in a "self described Freedom of Speech parade" and then rabid lefties attack them and the Proud BOys defend themselves.

What part of that do you not support?

We know the sources you use for your brilliant assessments. They make you clearly misinformed. These assholes show up looking for trouble same as they did many of the BLM marches. Sometimes they even turn on the cops, same as they did on 1/6.

Every time I have seen reports of them in Portland, the scenario is always the same.

They march in a "self described Freedom of Speech parade" and then rabid lefties attack them and the Proud BOys defend themselves.

What part of that do you not support?

The freedom part. Dr hate is a avowed fascist.
We know the sources you use for your brilliant assessments. They make you clearly misinformed. These assholes show up looking for trouble same as they did many of the BLM marches. Sometimes they even turn on the cops, same as they did on 1/6.

Show up looking for trouble? That's a pretty vague and subjective answer.

Are you saying that their normal S.O.P. is NOT to march in a "Free Speech Parade", or are you saying that the act of marching in support of "free speech" is "looking for trouble"?
Show up looking for trouble? That's a pretty vague and subjective answer.

Are you saying that their normal S.O.P. is NOT to march in a "Free Speech Parade", or are you saying that the act of marching in support of "free speech" is "looking for trouble"?

Yes, they show up looking for trouble wherever they can find it.
Bitches need to cool their heels .. like these two.

So, you didn't answer the question again.

Do you think that marching in a self identified "Free Speech Parade" is "looking for trouble"?

But dude, you gotta understand that there m.o. is NOT to randomly hold free speech parades. Nope, they go wherever they figure there will be butt-tons of bleeding heart lib-ruls holding their own marches.

By any definition, that is "looking for trouble".

Btw, you really shouldn't support them anymore knowing that their leader turned out to be a prolific FBI informer and they no longer like Trumpy Bear. ;)

I have often wondered if something is going on that we are not aware of.

Perhaps an asteroid is headed towards us that is big enough to wipe us off he face of the earth. Perhaps the Chinese have told us that we either turn Marxist or they will destroy us with their nukes. Our counter strike would only solve the overpopulation problem in China.

Now I doubt either one of those theories is true bad something seems to be going on we don’t yet understand. I suspect we may be in the process of moving toward a global government which is why Trump’s nationalism upset the political establishment so much.

Our Only Hope Is That Sheep Become Rams

The transnationalist hereditary ruling class dodged a bullet during the Depression. When that was over, they anticipated not being so lucky the next time. So they concentrated on taking the pride, energy, and will away from traditional Americans, aggravating that humiliation by turning loose thugs, foreigners, girlymen, know-it-all nobodies, and high-and-mighty lowlife on us.
But dude, you gotta understand that there m.o. is NOT to randomly hold free speech parades. Nope, they go wherever they figure there will be butt-tons of bleeding heart lib-ruls holding their own marches.

By any definition, that is "looking for trouble".

So, the very fact that they are marching in a parade to support Freedom of Speech, is a provocation to "liberals". and provokes them to violence,

and this is the responsibility of the Proud Boys, who dare to support Free Speech, not the "liberals" that attack them.

Got it.

To me, I consider that every time the left reacts like that, ie being driven into a rage and violence by the simple act of being exposed to the existence of the OTHER,

it proves the point that the LEFT is the bad guys and the right, represented by the Proud Boys, are the good and reasonable people.

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