Proud Boys - Pretty Awesome Actually

In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
And now they say they are standing by and will start a civil war if Impeached Trump, who gave them their marching orders, loses.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.
So far the only replies have been left wing propaganda spewed by MSM to deceive, I want actual proof, not talking around and mere opinions-no more ad hominems, state your case without MSM spin.
I do not accept comnentary about an event you guys are clueless about and is used by media to confuse and spin propaganda.
YOU GOTTA REMEMBER THAT the RUSSIA HOAX IS NOT THE ONLY HIT JOB BY THe MSM, the race baiting is just as fabricated in the same manner and usage. I wouldn't be surprised if documents surface like the Brennan docs to expose that strategy as well. With that in mind, come to me with new arguments not based on political hit jobs.
The rally was organized by Reichtard, the Biden voter.

Proud boys did not even attend the rally. Someone has been watching lots of CNN fake news again.

"Proud Boys was invited to attend but declined because of an unwillingness to be associated with explicit neo-Nazis."

Your ignorance knows no boundaries...

Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. Indeed, former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped to organize the event, which brought together Klansmen, antisemites, Southern racists, and militias. Kessler was only “expelled” from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of the Charlottesville rally-goers.
So far the only replies have been left wing propaganda spewed by MSM to deceive, I want actual proof, not talking around and mere opinions-no more ad hominems, state your case without MSM spin.
I do not accept comnentary about an event you guys are clueless about and is used by media to confuse and spin propaganda.
YOU GOTTA REMEMBER THAT the RUSSIA HOAX IS NOT THE ONLY HIT JOB BY THe MSM, the race baiting is just as fabricated in the same manner and usage. I wouldn't be surprised if documents surface like the Brennan docs to expose that strategy as well. With that in mind, come to me with new arguments not based on political hit jobs.

President Trump was correct about the event - correct that statues of Jefferson and Washington would fall next. And correct that the white nationalist Biden voters need to be condemned totally.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?
so youre saying white nationalists love Biden because he kneels to BLM.

White nationalists, like most democrats are not the most rational people. I suppose being racist is enough for them.


Dumbfuck ...

Yes, that's before he found out that president Trump is not a socialist, and America won't ever be a socialist nation under him.

He is a Biden voter, just like you, very similar indeed.


You retard, Spencer is doing what some schmuck from the KKK did 4 years ago -- throw their endorsement to the Democrat knowing it will turn Democrat voters away. Then after the election, reveal their ruse. You're too stupid to know what's going on -- as clearly evidenced by your nonsensical insinuation that Spencer thought Impeached Trump was a socialist 4 years ago.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
And now they say they are standing by and will start a civil war if Impeached Trump, who gave them their marching orders, loses.
conspiratory, conjecture, not an answer...
Furthermore: If the radical left are Meduroesque, then fighting their control and abuses and theft is noble not hateful and that is not a hate group, you are protecting the hate groups, where do you think the skinheads of Portland went this decade? Many became Antifa.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?
so youre saying white nationalists love Biden because he kneels to BLM.

White nationalists, like most democrats are not the most rational people. I suppose being racist is enough for them.


Dumbfuck ...

Yes, that's before he found out that president Trump is not a socialist, and America won't ever be a socialist nation under him.

He is a Biden voter, just like you, very similar indeed.


You retard, Spencer is doing what some schmuck from the KKK did 4 years ago -- throw their endorsement to the Democrat knowing it will turn Democrat voters away. Then after the election, reveal their ruse. You're too stupid to know what's going on -- as clearly evidenced by your nonsensical insinuation that Spencer thought Impeached Trump was a socialist 4 years ago.

Then why the hell did he say that he is not voting for president Trump ages ago?

This guy has the intellect of retarded person and the patience of a five year old. But I am sure that he is out playing everyone with his tweet. Further, why is he endorsing the democrats in general and why can't he stop talking about how much he needs a hand out?

Guy is a socialist, own up to it. You two would do great together.
Proud Boys - condemns their own members when they do something stupid.

Biden - can't even condemn Antifa and kneels for BLM.

Proud boys would make a better president than Biden.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

One only need look at their arrest records to see what they've done wrong, or the weaponry they carry to their "rallies". They are a right wing domestic terrorist group, who like stomping on people. Basically they're thugs, who dress up their their thuggery as "patriotism".
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

One only need look at their arrest records to see what they've done wrong, or the weaponry they carry to their "rallies". They are a right wing domestic terrorist group, who like stomping on people. Basically they're thugs, who dress up their their thuggery as "patriotism".
But after reading up on them I found out what Biden and MSM said is a lie, they denounce White Supremacy and claim not to be white supremicist and the actual beef was only that they had ties or members who might have been (but even that was selective recognition and tainted by the source And fake news spin). Antifa has members who are former skin heads, so isn't that deflecting?
When radicals kvetch and moan about a political rival as radical it's not exactly a valid point as 2 negatives = a positive. It's like hearing Saddam called the US the great Satan=a compliment coming from such an adversary.
Militants against a commie coup is not a bad thing, it would be like Meduro's men kvetching against those who rose up against socialist totalitarianist Meduro who refused to accept the election and people's wishes to go back to democracy.
Furthermore do you really want to go by arrests?
Are Meduro's prisoners a revealing factor?
Like arresting the St Louis Couple is that a factor, all it shows is the fascist arresting them abused their power and used politics not law.
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In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

One only need look at their arrest records to see what they've done wrong, or the weaponry they carry to their "rallies". They are a right wing domestic terrorist group, who like stomping on people. Basically they're thugs, who dress up their their thuggery as "patriotism".

Kicking Antifa's ass when they attack is a public service. They need to be given medals, not arrests.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?
so youre saying white nationalists love Biden because he kneels to BLM.

White nationalists, like most democrats are not the most rational people. I suppose being racist is enough for them.


Dumbfuck ...

Yes, that's before he found out that president Trump is not a socialist, and America won't ever be a socialist nation under him.

He is a Biden voter, just like you, very similar indeed.


You retard, Spencer is doing what some schmuck from the KKK did 4 years ago -- throw their endorsement to the Democrat knowing it will turn Democrat voters away. Then after the election, reveal their ruse. You're too stupid to know what's going on -- as clearly evidenced by your nonsensical insinuation that Spencer thought Impeached Trump was a socialist 4 years ago.

Then why the hell did he say that he is not voting for president Trump ages ago?

This guy has the intellect of retarded person and the patience of a five year old. But I am sure that he is out playing everyone with his tweet. Further, why is he endorsing the democrats in general and why can't he stop talking about how much he needs a hand out?

Guy is a socialist, own up to it. You two would do great together.

I already explained why. Try re-reading my post a few more times.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
Bullshit. BLM and antifa are destroying businesses and cities, assaulting citizens. Are they hate groups?

You don't think people that take the law into their own hands are vigilantes? Its the very definition of a vigilante. That is what the Proud Boys do.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.
Charlottesville had 2 crowds, one for tearing down statues and one for protecting them. The first day Nazis marched along with the statue protectors does not make the whole crowd White Supremacist, just as not everyone wanting to see them torn down was marxist with motive to wipe out American history.
The second day was mostly normal for or against statues crowd no longer with those set nazis groups marching, but perhaps in the mix we can't know because MSM calls everyone they disagree with white supremicist.
When the President made his speech about good and bad people on both sides, it was the second day without the Nazis march and he denounced them when making his comment but MSM left that out and fooled the liberals by blending the days, so people like you spread false news and narrative.
You should be offended that they think you are too stupid to notice the spin, and guess what, you proved them right, you are gullible.
Congrats, here's your sign:
View attachment 398500

That being said, most of us never heard of the proud boys, and we'd like to know who they are, but not by the commies protecting antifa telling us who they are for demonization political tactical motive. Chris Wallace was using Dem propaganda talking points from liberal parroted script making him exposed as a compromised journalist/reporter, just as Anderson Cooper did making false statements instead of questions in 2016 that's what Chris Wallace did so he'd always have a job at CNN if he gets fired. *L*

They’re a right wing vigilante hate group. And POTUS told them to stand by.
I AM FOR VIGILANTES DURING LAWLESSNESS, if it was a problem then why does your party allow lawlessness, how does one lawlessness get protected by you but counter that not? Must be nice to be living in a bubble of selective recognition where you get to be totalitarian control others.
What do they hate besides commies/and antifa?
Can you prove it without commie progressive liberal sources of media info?
You had your chance to convince me and you blew it with radical leftwing talking points instead of facts.
Now if Trump denounced Nazis at those statue marches then how can he be calling them nice?
This means you are the "some are not so nice"
And have become the hate group.

The President being pro vigilante is not acceptable...agree?
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.
I’m going to need a link to that fact. Not some media speculation or an anonymous source either. I want a link.

She won't be able to do it. It is complete bullshit. That is why with liberals, I have been referring to their mouths and face anuses, because it's primary purpose is to shoot out large amounts of shit.
She tried to weasel with that bullshit screen shot. Left wingers are less than worthless.

I wonder if she believed the shit she posted, and then actually looked to back it up, and realized she was just spewing shit?

That would be funny.
You can tell by the lack of information being provided.
Proof that the proud boys organized the deaths in Charlottesville is right in front of you. You're just in denial.

You've provided nothing of the sort. You are lying.

So the site I showed you was lying? No. No it wasn’t.

Those defending the proud boys are little cowards who crush on these big doughy men that are jacked up on steroids. It doesn't matter to them that the proud boys shoot social justice protesters in the eyes, and douse them with chemical weapons, because the ProudBoy appologists don't believe in social justice.
I'm going to need a link for that.

Targeted protestors eye with paintball

Sprayed chemical weapon in reporter's ear

Beat up a girl

Various aggressive incidents

Whan they attacked local Portland business; Cider Riot


and this guy trying to get martyred to give their pal William Barr another excuse to murder protest security.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.
I’m going to need a link to that fact. Not some media speculation or an anonymous source either. I want a link.

She won't be able to do it. It is complete bullshit. That is why with liberals, I have been referring to their mouths and face anuses, because it's primary purpose is to shoot out large amounts of shit.
She tried to weasel with that bullshit screen shot. Left wingers are less than worthless.

I wonder if she believed the shit she posted, and then actually looked to back it up, and realized she was just spewing shit?

That would be funny.
You can tell by the lack of information being provided.
Proof that the proud boys organized the deaths in Charlottesville is right in front of you. You're just in denial.

You've provided nothing of the sort. You are lying.

So the site I showed you was lying? No. No it wasn’t.

Those defending the proud boys are little cowards who crush on these big doughy men that are jacked up on steroids. It doesn't matter to them that the proud boys shoot social justice protesters in the eyes, and douse them with chemical weapons, because the ProudBoy appologists don't believe in social justice.
I'm going to need a link for that.

Targeted protestors eye with paintball

Sprayed chemical weapon in reporter's ear

Beat up a girl

Various aggressive incidents

Whan they attacked local Portland business; Cider Riot

View attachment 398595
and this guy trying to get martyred to give their pal William Barr another excuse to murder protest security.


They know all this stuff about the Proud Boys. They just don't see anything wrong with vigilantes or the President embracing vigilantes.
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?

Well, they organized the Charlottesville Tiki Torch parade where a bunch of white dudes marched at midnight chanting Nazi slogans, a lady was run over by a blob supporter, and a black guy was nearly beaten to death. But hell, I think your title should be Trump's new campaign slogan....

GO with that.

Do you have any evidence that the proud boys are pals with the Biden voting white nationalists?

I doubt any of them votes child sniffer.

White nationalists are firmly in the camp of the blob along with the other racist and macho pissants.

Reichtard - the person behind your Charlottesville - says otherwise.

He is quite the mama's boy, fits perfectly in the party of soy based life forms.

The Proud Boys organized the neo-Nazi charlottesville riots.

Those are the facts, now back to the stream of bullshit you're spewing.
I’m going to need a link to that fact. Not some media speculation or an anonymous source either. I want a link.

She won't be able to do it. It is complete bullshit. That is why with liberals, I have been referring to their mouths and face anuses, because it's primary purpose is to shoot out large amounts of shit.
She tried to weasel with that bullshit screen shot. Left wingers are less than worthless.

I wonder if she believed the shit she posted, and then actually looked to back it up, and realized she was just spewing shit?

That would be funny.
You can tell by the lack of information being provided.
Proof that the proud boys organized the deaths in Charlottesville is right in front of you. You're just in denial.

You've provided nothing of the sort. You are lying.

So the site I showed you was lying? No. No it wasn’t.

Those defending the proud boys are little cowards who crush on these big doughy men that are jacked up on steroids. It doesn't matter to them that the proud boys shoot social justice protesters in the eyes, and douse them with chemical weapons, because the ProudBoy appologists don't believe in social justice.
I'm going to need a link for that.

Targeted protestors eye with paintball

Sprayed chemical weapon in reporter's ear

Beat up a girl

Various aggressive incidents

Whan they attacked local Portland business; Cider Riot

View attachment 398595
and this guy trying to get martyred to give their pal William Barr another excuse to murder protest security.


They know all this stuff about the Proud Boys. They just don't see anything wrong with vigilantes or the President embracing vigilantes.

Only business I've heard of in Portland that actually got attacked for a political reason, but hey...

"vigilantes" awsome
In the presidential debate Chris Wallace implied that Proud Boys are white supremacists. Of course, we all know that does not make any sense given they vote for president Trump, while white nationalists are Biden voters.

Looking it up, I can't see anything that this group has done wrong. Defending oneself from antifa terrorists is a heroic act worthy of a medal, nothing to do with white supremacy. Being proud of the best humanity has ever created - likewise I can see nothing wrong in this.

Can anyone find an item of significance they have done wrong? When is Biden going to condemn Antifa and stop kneeling for BLM?
so youre saying white nationalists love Biden because he kneels to BLM.

White nationalists, like most democrats are not the most rational people. I suppose being racist is enough for them.


Dumbfuck ...

Your trust that ws are honest about their intentions, is naive in the extreme.

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