Proud Boys verdict makes claims J6 was less than an Insurrection difficult to defend

Well said...I base me continued hope on the justice system in the Country. It grinds along slowly and with extreme patience, but it eventually gets to the point where those who committed crimes have to answer. I have always thought that trump has committed multiple crimes, but he has always used the seemingly lethargic nature of our justice system to avoid responsibility. I am hopeful that his day of reconning is coming. There are so many investigations and legal cases out there, that I cannot see how at least a few of them don't come to fruition. That is my hope.

Bottom line, trump is no more than a Mafia Boss who has skillfully used the legal system to avoid answering for his crimes. I can only hope that his days avoiding justice are growing short.
Poor jimboliar....disguising his closet support for his trumpybear by never ceasing to talk and talk and talk about him.
It is obvious that trump was part of the Seditious effort. As a matter of fact, he is the reason the Proud Boys came to DC. But now he and MAGA deny they had anything to do with J6....cowards and liars.
Reich propaganda babble by the kookbot jimboliar.
LOL, keep flailing.

The flailing is all yours; denying i quoted Trump and denying I linked an article about it.

Still, Trump told them to stand by, they acknowledged him that night and responded on January 6th to follow his orders to do something about the left.

MAGA is going to have a hard time denying J6 was an Insurrection with this verdict of sedition. But MAGA lies with they will try.
jimboliar adds another 10 point boost to his trumpybear by yammering more complete idiocy about the flag and babycarriage protest.
The flailing is all yours; denying i quoted Trump and denying I linked an article about it.

Still, Trump told them to stand by, they acknowledged him that night and responded on January 6th to follow his orders to do something about the left.

You linked something, not anything directly quoting Trump.

MAGA is going to have a hard time denying J6 was an Insurrection with this verdict of sedition. But MAGA lies with they will try.
Wacko Dims on a jury might even find that jimboliar is sane.....
Yet not any of the other things you claim.


But you denied that quote was in there. You know, the quote you now admit is in there.

At any rate, you're still wrong. I quoted Trump saying what he said AND I quoted the response by the leader of the Proud Boys. BOTH quotes are in the link I posted.

Again, you're out of your mind. :cuckoo:

But you denied that quote was in there. You know, the quote you now admit is in there.

At any rate, you're still wrong. I quoted Trump saying what he said AND I quoted the response by the leader of the Proud Boys. BOTH quotes are in the link I posted.

Again, you're out of your mind. :cuckoo:

A quote, not the quotes you were implying that somehow implicate him in some great plot....

Again, you make something out of nothing because you are a TDS SJW twat-hack.
A quote, not the quotes you were implying that somehow implicate him in some great plot....

Again, you make something out of nothing because you are a TDS SJW twat-hack.


The very quotes I attributed to Trump and Tarrio. The quotes you said I didn't link even though I did.


The very quotes I attributed to Trump and Tarrio. The quotes you said I didn't link even though I did.


Again you add implications that don't exist outside your addled mind.

All you have is minutiae gotcha, while glossing over the actual reality of the situation.
Again you add implications that don't exist outside your addled mind.

All you have is minutiae gotcha, while glossing over the actual reality of the situation.


You just can't help but keep stepping in it, can ya?

I'm not the one blaming Trump for calling the Proud Boys into action... the Proud Boys are...


You just can't help but keep stepping in it, can ya?

I'm not the one blaming Trump for calling the Proud Boys into action... the Proud Boys are...

Blaming him doesn't make it reality.

Nothing but exaggeration, untruthful extrapolation, and wordplay and nitpicking from you.

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