Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

Nah, you’re German Hillary did that when she tied your fate through energy…

Eh? Hillary Clinton? The wife who forgave her husband? ... Hmm I hope I will also be able to forgive my wife when she will betray me. ... What's wrong with her in your view to the world? I heard she had all qualifications to be a president of the USA on her own.

And chancellor Angela Merkel - who had been by the way a Christian conservative politician (= a republican in your country) - never had anything to do with the decisions of the mad man Putin. She was in her role as chancellor of the federal republic of Germany totally right to trust in Russia and to continue the extremely succesful peace politics of Germany since world war 2. Short: Without trust no peace.

Russia made now very wrong decisions which are also not good for Germany. So Russia is the problem - not Germany. We have only to live now with the problems Russia had created and which we will solve. But we have also to live with problems the superstupid amateur in politics, Donald Trump, a friend of Putin, had created. And the USA on her own never had to live with problems Germany had created for her because we never created problems for the USA in all history of mankind. You created always only your own problems and brought others into your calamities since Calamity Jane learned not to bake biscuits.
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More than ever
Many are attacking America but have the liberty to do it.
Aba duba dee?
Go touch your monkey, Dieter.

Why do you say something? Do you really think any US-American is proud of a "teacher" like you? Do you know what was my first experience with the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach? A British band. Jethro Tull. Never heard anything about this musicians including JS Bach? No need to know anything about? That's perhaps your opinion but not the "opinion" of god father who loves all of his children and is totally interested in all of their ways.

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You was proud to be an American with some month? Same was a German born nearly in the USA who had to go into a hospital in the USA because he had pain where you made him to a drug addict of opiates against pain. A policeman saw a little later that he had problems driving car - found out that this 60 years old US-American is not really an US-American so you did send him back into his homeland Germany - with $20 after long years of hard work in the USA. Whether he ever learned German or not I don't know. So are you really sure you are an US-American since birth?
Yep, born and raised here….Don’t be jealous.
I thought when he and a German friend of him (who had not been from our region) played with a frisbee that both looked like ancient Greek gods. Much later he died on cancer - I felt this as a big loss for the world - and later the beautiful girlfriend of his friend I had to save from freezing to death in winter because this German had no feeling for responsibility. I hope she found a better life.
Try to make sense Dieter.
Eh? Hillary Clinton? The wife who forgave her husband? ... Hmm I hope I will also be able to forgive my wife when she will betray me. ... What's wrong with her in your view to the world? I heard she had all qualifications to be a president of the USA on her own.

And chancellor Angela Merkel - who had been by the way a Christian conservative politician (= a republican in your country) - never had anything to do with the decisions of the mad man Putin. She was in her role as chancellor of the federal republic of Germany totally right to trust in Russia and to continue the extremely succesful peace politics of Germany since world war 2. Short: Without trust no peace.

Russia made now very wrong decisions which are also not good for Germany. So Russia is the problem - not Germany. We have only to live now with the problems Russia had created and which we will solve. But we have also to live with problems the superstupid amateur in politics, Donald Trump, a friend of Putin, had created. And the USA on her own never had to live with problems Germany had created for her because we never created problems for the USA in all history of mankind. You created always only your own problems and brought others into your calamities since Calamity Jane learned not to bake biscuits.
German Hillary nearly destroyed your country economically…and you love her. Figures.
Yep, born and raised here….Don’t be jealous.

What a luck - then you will forever stay to be an US-American as long as you will be loyal to the god of all narcissists Donald Trump. Otherwise he will send you to the foreign planet "Mexico" or to Guantanamo or into one of the torture prisons of the USA anywhere in the world - as for example in Poland directly side by side to a former German concentration camp.
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German Hillary

Such formulas are by the way one of the reasons why no one loves the USA. It never was a job of our chancellor Angela Merkel to be a subject of the boring US-AmerIcan election campaigns only because most US-Americans hate Germany without any reason to have to do so.

nearly destroyed your country economically…and you love her. Figures.

Sure I love Angela Merkel, although we Germans never would say so. ... But what means "Figures"?
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Oh, so you are above educators? As I said before….Dieter.

I am no educator - and I guess this is indeed above educators. Hey .. you said something what could make sense. Was this the first time in your life?

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What a luck - then you will forever stay to be an US-American as long as you will be loyal to the god of all narcissists Donald Trump. Otherwise he will send you to the foreign planet "Mexico" or to Guantanamo or into one of the torture prisons of the USA anywhere in the world - as for example in Poland directly side by side to a former German concentration camp.
Where do you come up with this bs? It’s liberal progressives like you that want to jail, or imprison those who don’t bow to your ideology….
Such formulas are by the way one of the reasons why no one loves the USA. It never was a job of our chancellor Angela Merkel to be a subject of the boring US-AmerIcan election campaigns only because most US-Americans hate Germany without any reason to have to do so.

Sure I love Angela Merkel, although we Germans never would say so. ... But what means "Figures"?
Yes, yes, ”no one loves the USA” so much so that they’re violating our border by the millions….lol

”Figures” = Typical
I am no educator - and I guess this is indeed above educators. Hey .. you said something what could make sense. Was this the first time in your life?

So, you don’t respect educators…Just as I said earlier…self inflated ego.

And you have the nerve to call us “narcissists “? That’s rich.
No, it means your word salad makes no sense….Maybe you should have paid more attention in school English class Dieter.

Idiot. Why for heavens sake speak the people in the English speaking world at all? Is this like a biological reflex in your world?

Aliens are all people who don't know how to get home.
Harald Lesch

It is a sign in this world that it is capable of giving birth to new things and I think in such transformational times we are in today that is good news. It just shows that we would be capable of much more if we only wanted to. And that would be a good sign of the times.
Harald Lesch
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