Hell once you leave the resort areas in the Caribbean the islands for the most part a shithole.
Most of Africa is a shithole. Hait is also a shithole.

That is all.

That is not all. India is a shithole too. And Mexico, Pakistan, Yemen, most of the Middle East for that matter, Chicago, Ferguson, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Memphis, Bangladesh, Brazil, Venezuela, and a shitload of others I can't think of right now.
Uh huh, calling those places 'Shitholes' doesn't = 'Racism.' I would call it 'Blunt Honesty.'
Most warm climate and tropical regions are shitholes as compared to their temperate counterparts.
The only question Americans should be asking now, is accepting millions more in from 'Shitholes' benefiting American Citizens? I would have to say no. It's costing us $Billions and costing us American Jobs.

We aren't obligated to accept people into our country. I know so many Americans think we are, but they've been duped on that notion. Rampant Illegal and Legal Immigration has now become a detriment to our Citizens. It's time for dramatic change in our System.
Have any of you actually gone to any of these places you call “shitholes “?
Have any of you actually gone to any of these places you call “shitholes “?

I've been to a few. And Trump is absolutely Spot On about Haiti especially. It's had a couple hundred years to get it right, yet it's still a miserable shithole. Sometimes blunt honesty is what's necessary in addressing problems.
Have any of you actually gone to any of these places you call “shitholes “?

I've been to a few. And Trump is absolutely Spot On about Haiti especially. It's had a couple hundred years to get it right, yet it's still a miserable shithole. Sometimes blunt honesty is what's necessary in addressing problems.

What’s he honest about ?

People from “shitholes” make the best immigrants . They are hard working and appreciate all that America offers because they know what it’s like to live without the things we offer .
Have any of you actually gone to any of these places you call “shitholes “?

I've been to a few. And Trump is absolutely Spot On about Haiti especially. It's had a couple hundred years to get it right, yet it's still a miserable shithole. Sometimes blunt honesty is what's necessary in addressing problems.

What’s he honest about ?

People from “shitholes” make the best immigrants . They are hard working and appreciate all that America offers because they know what it’s like to live without the things we offer .

Our Immigration System is in shambles. It's costing us $Billions and costing us American Jobs. Time to stop the bleeding. Personally, i feel there should be a moratorium on Immigration. Suspend it until we end Illegal Immigration. Get the Illegal Immigration problem solved, and then we can move onto implementing major changes in Legal Immigration policies. It's time.
I haven't been to India, but I have it on good authority that it is the MECCA of shitholes.

In fact, based on the public excrement practices of the people there, India is LITERALLY a shithole.
Have any of you actually gone to any of these places you call “shitholes “?
Yes been to Chicago, and yes most of it is a Shit hole.

Yup, another wonderful 'Democrat Paradise.' When are folks gonna get it? Democrats destroy everything they touch. If they come to your area, just expect Third World Misery in the near future. I suggest running for the hills.
Most of Africa is a shithole. Hait is also a shithole.

That is all.
Here is what Makes America Great:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That is all.

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