Psaki asked about image of Border Patrol agent with apparent whip: 'obviously horrific'

I personally wouldn’t care if they used bull whips on these people. Stun guns, tear gas, whatever. Don’t let them step foot in this country.

But that’s not the point of this post. Has anyone asked themselves how the fuck did 10-20 thousand Haitians end up in Del Rio, TX? They had to come through Cuba or Jamaica right? These poor desperate penniless refugees hitching fishing boat rides sure as fuck didn’t get flown in to somewhere in Mexico did they? Or did they?

Why Del Rio? Halfway across Texas. Passed up on all the closer entry points. Why would they do that? 20 thousand of them decided fuck it, I’m heading for where there’s a bridge to live under.

Someone is bankrolling this shit.

My second question is why would these people leave their home country when the Clinton foundation has been bilking millions out of the democrats for their Haiti relief work? Surely that wasn’t a scam to enrich the Clinton crime family. They do solid work down there right?

The question and outrage isn’t how border patrol keeps these people out. It’s how the fuck did they get there in the first place.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday called images of a U.S. Border Patrol agent on horseback chasing Haitian migrants “horrific,” but declined to say what consequences there should be for his actions.

Psaki was asked repeatedly to comment on "photos of border agents on horseback using what appear to be whips on Haitian migrants" and whether it was appropriate behavior.

WTF is this 1821?

Folks should be outraged over this.

WTH is VP Harris?

WTH is the CBC? If they are silent on this we should never vote for them again.
Maybe I've missed the good videos, but I don't see whippings or anything horrific or anyone being hurt. All I see is people illegally entering our country being stopped by mounted border patrol.

The only picture that really looks like he may have hit the immigrant with his 'whip,' the immigrant is laughing.

Do you want a rule now that to make it fair, if the immigrant is on foot, so must the CBP officer?

Horses are bigger and more maneuverable than an ATV. They seem a sensible choice in some terrain. Even cities use them. I don't see the CBP wielding clubs or guns or tasers. Whirling a rope around to give someone a wet towel smack on the ass isn't worth all this commotion. Good Lord. NO, it's not 1821 and no one is acting like it.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday called images of a U.S. Border Patrol agent on horseback chasing Haitian migrants “horrific,” but declined to say what consequences there should be for his actions.

Psaki was asked repeatedly to comment on "photos of border agents on horseback using what appear to be whips on Haitian migrants" and whether it was appropriate behavior.

WTF is this 1821?

Folks should be outraged over this.

WTH is VP Harris?

WTH is the CBC? If they are silent on this we should never vote for them again.
welcome to xiden and the dems america…what did you expect when. you voted for the cult of the demaklan party? and of all people Xiden who has a long well known history of racism and supporting segregation…
Pride of Texas.

Those are some pretty well dressed and fed “refugees” there.
Compared to Biden's? Absolutely. Much better looking too.

The reins are spun in a kind of whirl as a signal to urge the horse forward. That's one of the purposes to split reins. You don't know how to ride a horse. Stop exhibiting your foolishness.
Tell me TipsyHag how many times have you rode someone down and struck them with the reins.
welcome to xiden and the dems america…what did you expect when. you voted for the cult of the demaklan party? and of all people Xiden who has a long well known history of racism and supporting segregation…
Come on Slies, they didn't just start doing this. Also just look at this thread of the folks who are defending this type of behavior. It ain't Democrats, it 's RepubliKlans.
And again, if your lousy piece of shit president and party hadn't told the third world to "surge our borders" none of this would be happening.
Why the fuck aren't you "outraged" that your country is being turned into a dumping grounds?
Stupid ass liberals like you should be the ones being shipped out of here along with these third world illegals!
It's because of racist trash like you that the country is mucked up. You stinking POS you think this bullshit just started when Biden got into office.
Tell me TipsyHag how many times have you rode someone down and struck them with the reins.
I wish. I would never let them up. But wishful thinking aside I certainly have ridden horses so I know what split reins are and what they are used for. I have also handled a whip and I know how long a whip is. Those agents absolutely were not whipping anyone.
It would have been hilarious and appropriate if the riders on horseback really did whip the illegal invaders (probably carriers of AIDS, hepatitis, etc.). And check out Haitian history. The savages invading are most likely descendants of genocidal beasts who murdered French men, women, and children who tried to establish civilization on that shithole island.
It would have been hilarious and appropriate if the riders on horseback really did whip the illegal invaders (probably carriers of AIDS, hepatitis, etc.).

All borders are, or have to be, enforced by FORCE. Whether it be a whip or a gun, the point is any nation needs men ready to commit violence to maintain their borders for the nation to survive.

Lacking that, is a slow death. At best.

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