Psaki reveals White House (government) is consulting with Facebook to 'flag misinformation'

Here's something that is far more dangerous:

Would you consider THAT government action?
Obviously. They're proposing legislation. More worrisome yet, they're proposing many of the same things Trumpsters are clamoring for: getting rid of section 230, treating it like a public "utility", etc, etc....

When the right and the left agree is when we really get fucked.
For MONTHS I have been banging my head against the wall trying to get you to see this.

It starts so small, so nobody really notices.

If we don't stay sharp, it will all be gone in a flash.

We may just be done. Fascism is incredibly resilient, and - given that both sides of the duopoly are pushing for it - seems inevitable.
I believe government worked with social media to take down ISIS propoganda too.

I guess that was also an outrageous violation of the first amendment.
Critics roundly condemned the White House after Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed the Biden administration is working with Facebook to flag "problematic" posts that "spread disinformation" on COVID-19.

On Thursday, Psaki was asked a question regarding the Biden administration’s request for tech companies to be more "aggressive" when policing what they referred to as "misinformation." Psaki revealed that the White House is "in regular touch with social media platforms" to handle it.


BOOOM!!! That is GOVERNMENT using Facebook as a tool of censorship!!!





In January it become clear to me that the Biden admin. might not be so bad. Because these people were so monumentally stupid, so vastly incompetent, that they would do themselves in in short order.

Well. I really had no idea how disastrous it would be. Far and above what I had imagined.

Like this. Admitting it. They're so stupid they stood and admitted it out loud.
In a related story - GOOD. Take that shit down and time to bust up Facebook. Their algorithms are enabling DEATH.

Did you know that 65% of this crap content comes from only TWELVE people - None of whom know WTF they're talking about? So these social media sites take their crap down and even ban them, and 5 minutes later, they are right back at it with a phony IP address.

Once you click on one fact free vaccine conspiracy theory, you are directed to dozens more. Before ya know it, you're in Kookland believing that these vaccines make you "magnetic" (swear to God) :rolleyes-41:
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We all knew this was happening.

We knew the government stooges were strong arming big tech to do their bidding in a deliberate effort to skirt constitutional protections.

This has big fat class action suit written all over it.
Good luck with your big fat class action suit. Not a judge in America that would entertain it (as Dear Leader will find out on short order)
Government is censoring free speech.
Explain how.
When a company (i.e. Twitter, etc.) restricts speech on its forums, that's one thing, but when the government "tells" companies to restrict speech they don't like, that is a clear violation of the Constitution's First Amendment. This is a clear matter for the Supreme Court to address when it goes up the judicial chain.
So the government shouldn't have worked with social media to take down ISIS content? Please
Facebook is one thing, but when GOVERNMENT is telling Facebook who/what to silence, you don't see that as government action?
Only if there’s coercion.

If you can show the government is requiring Facebook to do something, you’d have a case.
Government telling Facebook who/what to silence is government action REGARDLESS if Facebook is willing.

Government should NEVER have a say. Should NEVER be part of that process, as heinous as it already is.

Anyone silenced by Facebook can ASSUME that government is behind it and sue the motherfucking FUCK out of the administration.
If Facebook is failing to monitor themselves and eliminate dangerous content, then the government has every right to ask them to do better or as Melania would say: "Be Best"
If they're doing it in coordination with the government, they are acting as a government agent.
Coordination isn’t the measure. It’s control.

News media covers presidential addresses in coordination with the White House. That does not make them stare actors.
That's giving the president a platform to make his speech, which is far from the same thing, because the media than reacts to what he said and gives commentary, sometimes inviting members of the opposition party to give their reaction to the address, etc. That's not what's going on here. If you want to use the news media as an example, be accurate. This would be more like MSNBC or CNN head execs having weekly meetings with Quid Pro's representatives to go over the week's story list, which ones to boost, which ones to downplay, and which ones to spike altogether, then doing it.
You’re still exaggerating what’s going on. It’s not as though the White House is forcing anything on Facebook. Facebook itself has no desire to be a source of misinformation for COVID. If the administration is helping with this, it doesn’t make them a state actor.

And it’s not like Fox News didn’t coordinate with the last administration.

Are you saying then that FOX News was NOT being a state actor? Although, to be accurate, Hannity is not a journalist, he's a commentator.

Note that I never referenced forcing anything. In fact, when I used your media comparison, I said they met with Quid Pro's reps and agreed on what to report, nothing about coercion or force. You don't have to be forced to be a state actor, you just coordinate activities with the state and follow its lead, just like FB is doing (very doubtful they would announce they were working with FB if FB refused to go along).
By the logic of the right, such coordination with Hannity would transform him into a state actor. Doesn’t matter what he considers himself.

That’s bad logic and I reject it.

Can you provide a single case where someone became a state actor merely for cooperating with government?
It's a definition thing. Hannity was a state actor when he coordinated with TRUMP! and everyone knew what he was doing. Likewise, FB is a state actor now when they take direction from Quid Pro on what information to flag and ultimately to squash. FB would NOT be a state actor if they looked at a government request and said, "No, we'll decide what should and should not be flagged", or held a press conference to make it clear they were NOT coordinating with Quid Pro. They can't, though, because they are.
Are you saying Facebook isn’t deciding what to take down?

The White House has been asking them to take down more content than they have.
I'm saying that if they regularly coordinate on what to flag, what to take down and what to leave up, they are state actors. If they refuse to meet with Quid Pro's representatives and decide on their own what to leave up and what to take down, they're not.
Get it through your cock sucking idiot thick skull.

Government action is government action. Is government asking somebody to do something?

Is government asking someone to censor speech?

Is government asking someone to censor free-speech?

Is government asking someone to answer free-speech?

Government is acting you cocksucking idiot.
Huffing and puffing isn't doing your argument a damn bit of good Boots. ;)

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Should the government be allowed to even ask that you be taken off facebook? NO!!!
Should the government be allowed to ask that NFL players be fired?

How do you sue someone who has no authority to cause the harm you’re suing over?
Did anyone in the NFL get fired?

If so, they could sue Trump and the FedGov for using government force or government authority to silence their free speech.

As it stands, not one single motherfucker got fired from the NFL.

Now let's talk about Facebook.....

Get it through your cock sucking idiot thick skull.

Government action is government action. Is government asking somebody to do something?

Is government asking someone to censor speech?

Is government asking someone to censor free-speech?

Is government asking someone to answer free-speech?

Government is acting you cocksucking idiot.
Huffing and puffing isn't doing your argument a damn bit of good boots. ;)

Fake news.

Governemt declared it so.

USMB will now ban Paul Stanley.
I'm saying that if they regularly coordinate on what to flag, what to take down and what to leave up, they are state actors.
I disagree. Unless Facebook is doing so explicitly because government is telling them to do so, then they’re not state actors.

As long as Facebook is making the decision to pursue this, they are not state actors.
I'm saying that if they regularly coordinate on what to flag, what to take down and what to leave up, they are state actors.
I disagree. Unless Facebook is doing so explicitly because government is telling them to do so, then they’re not state actors.

As long as Facebook is making the decision to pursue this, they are not state actors.
Was Hannity a state actor when he regularly colluded with TRUMP! and then spoke very favorably of him? Was he a mouthpiece for the president and thus the government? Do you think they just talked about football or do you think they talked about what Hannity was going to broadcast that week? IOW, being a state actor doesn't have to be coercive.
Should the government be allowed to even ask that you be taken off facebook? NO!!!
Should the government be allowed to ask that NFL players be fired?

How do you sue someone who has no authority to cause the harm you’re suing over?
Did anyone in the NFL get fired?

If so, they could sue Trump and the FedGov for using government force or government authority to silence their free speech.

As it stands, not one single motherfucker got fired from the NFL.

Now let's talk about Facebook.....

The NFL had a policy that fined players for kneeling. By your standard, that means that Trump violated the first amendment rights of these players.

And you didn’t give a shit then because you supported it.

This isn’t about principles. It’s about your petty politics.
I'm saying that if they regularly coordinate on what to flag, what to take down and what to leave up, they are state actors.
I disagree. Unless Facebook is doing so explicitly because government is telling them to do so, then they’re not state actors.

As long as Facebook is making the decision to pursue this, they are not state actors.
It is a relevant whether or not Facebook is a state actor. Government is already acting. Government is using Facebook as a tool.

The target here is not Facebook. Target is government. This is government suppression at its finest. These motherfuckers have found what they think is a nice little workaround.
For MONTHS I have been banging my head against the wall trying to get you to see this.
We know ^ It isn't making you any smarter either. :)
Oh shut the fuck up. You have nothing to add. Stay in your commie state and keep the fuck away from me.
You lost this argument 9 pages ago. The government has every right to work with Facebook to take down content that is dangerous and is killing people. And don't try to argue that public health isn't a government responsibility.

In the end, Facebook will either volunteer to fix their algorithms by subject matter, or government can bust their asses up. It's called anti-trust.


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