Pskov (EU republic under Moscow occupation) villagers are begging German leader Frau Merkel for Gas, they live like the dirty animals


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Pskov (EU republic under Moscow occupation) villagers are begging German leader Frau Merkel for Gas, they live like the dirty animals. Baron is it your village ? and this $hit "country" wants to rule over Europe and Alaska LOL , i say oil - gas sanctions !



source , American radio svoboda:
original text , google T:
M. Ivanov: "Dear Merkel! I ran out of gas. I wanted to buy a bottle. But it turned out that we (the Russians) will no longer be supplied with them. It is not clear what to cook our food on! Obviously, the (Russian) authorities decided to switch us to a raw food diet." But even during the war, they ate boiled potatoes. Your country (Germany) and you personally cooperate with Gazprom. And you know (ethnic German) Miller. Be so kind as to ask Miller to bring gas cylinders to our village. We agree to buy gas at any price. " (appeal to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from a resident of the town of Pushkinskie Gory, 04/26/2021)
М. Иванов: "Уважаемая Меркель! У меня закончился газ. Я хотел купить баллон. Но оказалось, что нам (русским) больше не будут их привозить. На чем готовить пищу – непонятно! Очевидно, (российские) власти решили перевести нас на сыроедение. Но даже в военное лихолетье картошку ели варёную. Ваша страна (Германия) и вы лично сотрудничаете с Газпромом. И с (этническим немцем) Миллером вы знакомы. Будьте так любезны попросите Миллера привезти в наш поселок баллоны с газом. Мы согласны купить газ по любой цене." (обращение к канцлеру ФРГ от жителя пгт. Пушкинские горы, 26.04.2021)
Pskov (EU republic under Moscow occupation) villagers are begging German leader Frau Merkel for Gas, they live like the dirty animals. Baron is it your village ? and this $hit "country" wants to rule over Europe and Alaska LOL , i say oil - gas sanctions !


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source , American radio svoboda:

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