Pssst! Hey, the Debate is OVER!


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
Just some food for critical thought:

[ame=]Andrew Klavan: The Debate is Over - YouTube[/ame]

Okay.... hmmm, I guess were not supposed to question but....

[ame=]Bill Whittle: Gaslighting - YouTube[/ame]

Soooooo, Well now..... Hmmmmmm.....

Psssttt. Hey, you're not crazy, Bill Ayers, the unrepentant Terrorist, is a White House adviser, and the Cloward-Piven Plan is near completion.

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


No, you're not Crazy, the SEIU Union Thugs are plotting domestic economic terrorism, and bragging about it.

Just Who Is The SEIU Threatening These Days? | RedState

SSsssssss, hey, no, don't turn around, they're watching! Yes, the IRS was and is being used as a Political Weapon, and having been exposed, has doubled down on the process.

'Not even a SMIDGEN of corruption': Obama DOUBLES DOWN on IRS targeting denial | The Daily Caller

Shhhhhh, No, you're not Crazy, the Attorney General of the United States, Dropped an Open and Shut case of Voter Intimidation, against a man who has repeatedly called for the killing of White Children, by stating that the new policy of the "Justice" department will be Differential Standards of the LAW, based on RACE. He doubled down on that claim by stating that he would not allow any further humiliation of those who dare to bring legal charges against "His People".

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[ame=]King Samir Shabazz - "Kill White Babies" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Eric Holder -- ''Focus on Black Panther Case Demeans 'My People' (Full) - YouTube[/ame]

Hhissss, hey, you're not crazy, the Obama Administration did direct ICE to release 36000 known criminals, including convicted murderers, rapists, burglars, and drunk drivers, back into American society without any effective mechanism to track their activities or location.

ICE Ordered to Stay Silent on Release of 36,000 Criminal Illegal Immigrants

Hussh now, the President really did lie to you over and over and over on National TV, and used those lies to Redistribute your health care to "His People".

Obama Lied About Obamacare, Now Wants Political Lying To Be Legal*|*Eric Zuesse

So, You're not Crazy, it really is happening, and it really is a Vast Left Wing, Sociopath Conspiracy.

You see, normally, Sociopaths work alone. But with the transition of the Democratic Party into Full-Fascist mode, in the second half of the Clinton Administration, the Sociopaths found that they really could work together toward common goals.

One Sociopath in a position of great authority and power is dangerous.

A Cabal of Sociopaths controlling most of the positions of Authority and Power is how your country falls into Fascism and Fails Utterly!

The Democratic Party has become the party of Organized Political CRIME and Organized Hate Crimes!

So, now that you know you're not crazy, and that they are doing evil things to you, your family, and your country...

What are you going to do now?

Bill Whittle: Gaslighting @ AMERICAN DIGEST

"Psychologist Martha Stout states that sociopaths frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but are also typically charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.

"In the movie, Ingrid Bergman's character is saved when a sympathetic detective notices the gaslights are being dimmed as well. That's all it takes, you see: one other person to see and hear what you are being told you are crazy for claiming to see and hear. That's why - as in the movie - the victim (that would be us) has to be isolated from other people with different perspectives because all it takes is ONE independent verification of the gaslights dimming and the entire evil, larcenous, cruel, murderous scam falls away to dust.

"So here's your verification, so go forth and spread the word. You're not nuts.

"He's nuts."
Well there's no debating one thing, you are nuts.

More Gaslighting... why am I not surprised.

Call it what you want, with a fucked-up presentation like that you could be telling us the actual verified meaning of life and still be a giant nut log. Maybe next time you could turn down the hyperbole just a touch. Also you and that other angry prick make a lovely couple of horrible conservatives, maybe you should team up for justice LOL.
Well there's no debating one thing, you are nuts.

More Gaslighting... why am I not surprised.

Call it what you want, with a fucked-up presentation like that you could be telling us the actual verified meaning of life and still be a giant nut log. Maybe next time you could turn down the hyperbole just a touch. Also you and that other angry prick make a lovely couple of horrible conservatives, maybe you should team up for justice LOL.

How about you come up with one or two of your favorites and actually try to rebut them instead of acting like an ass. Personally I think the gaslighting example and your attempts at propaganda are pretty much the same, are you a sociopath like your dear leader?
Here is another video which sheds additional light on the whole Gaslighting, in this case, the twisting of our perceptions of Republicans

[ame=]Bill Whittle - Racism - Democrats and Republicans switch sides? - YouTube[/ame]
The government wants control of all the institutions so that they can thusly control us in every way. People that advocate the government in its current form do not value real freedom.
The government wants control of all the institutions so that they can thusly control us in every way. People that advocate the government in its current form do not value real freedom.


I'm going to assume you don't want to be controlled.

So, What are you going to do now?

Bill Whittle: Gaslighting @ AMERICAN DIGEST

"Psychologist Martha Stout states that sociopaths frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but are also typically charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.

"In the movie, Ingrid Bergman's character is saved when a sympathetic detective notices the gaslights are being dimmed as well. That's all it takes, you see: one other person to see and hear what you are being told you are crazy for claiming to see and hear. That's why - as in the movie - the victim (that would be us) has to be isolated from other people with different perspectives because all it takes is ONE independent verification of the gaslights dimming and the entire evil, larcenous, cruel, murderous scam falls away to dust.

"So here's your verification, so go forth and spread the word. You're not nuts.

"He's nuts."

Yo Edge...what is your friend singing?

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