Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

It is funny how liberals are throwing Tantrums and screaming about how our new president is mentally unstable...

Yet it is Democrats who have violently rioted, committed arson, looted, engaged in terrorism, destroyed property, physically assaulted political opponent supporters, called from military coup, called for assassinations, try to carry out those assassinations, who are trying to destroy our history by tearing down statues, who are physically attacking Americans and violently trying to strip them of their constitutional rights to assemble and their freedom of speech, while running around flinging their pee...

Yes, he mocked the media for their fake news reporting about his condemnation of the KKK, the neo-nazis, white supremacists, and every other hate group out there in America.

Yes, he mocked the media and liberals for their tantrums thrown for calling them out, for attacks because he called out their violent left-wing antifa who are trying to strip Americans of their rights

And in regards to Afghanistan, he is not doing anything different than the last two presidents; however, because he is doing it, he is suddenly mentally ill?

With every passing day, with every passing press conference, with every passing win, with every fake news false accusation liberal Scandal story failing, the liberal violent left loses their mind a little bit more each day
Democrats post like they are the only ones who watched the speech. They are the only ones who saw it, now they have to interpret Trump for everyone whose televisions were disabled.
No no no no

We saw it. We know what happened and we know what he said.
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.

This is exactly why we love President Donald Trump, he scares the piss out of globalist, anti-American, communist faggots.

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

The Washington Post has a story on the guy, not that the Trumpanzees will believe it.

The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.
Did he hurt your feelings Bertha? Toughshit.
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.

Great speech last night. Put the butt hurt on the Libtards and that is a good thing.

Much better than Obama's speeches where the only thing the sonofabitch ever did was praise the Muslims, Communists and bad mouth the US.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

Tunnels under a shit-for-brains liberal sanctuary city that actually welcomes law-breaking illegals?

Why am I not surprised? The city probably helped them dig the tunnels.
Democrats post like they are the only ones who watched the speech. They are the only ones who saw it, now they have to interpret Trump for everyone whose televisions were disabled.
No no no no

We saw it. We know what happened and we know what he said.

Then you know he lied on many sides, many sides.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
I am amazed at how the President's words are INTENTIONALLY misconstrued in order to paint a picture that does not reflect the truth.

I am even more amazed at how many people swallow this garbage without checking it out themselves - and we wonder why the left is collapsing on itself.
It is funny how liberals are throwing Tantrums and screaming about how our new president is mentally unstable...

Yet it is Democrats who have violently rioted, committed arson, looted, engaged in terrorism, destroyed property, physically assaulted political opponent supporters, called from military coup, called for assassinations, try to carry out those assassinations, who are trying to destroy our history by tearing down statues, who are physically attacking Americans and violently trying to strip them of their constitutional rights to assemble and their freedom of speech, while running around flinging their pee...

Yes, he mocked the media for their fake news reporting about his condemnation of the KKK, the neo-nazis, white supremacists, and every other hate group out there in America.

Yes, he mocked the media and liberals for their tantrums thrown for calling them out, for attacks because he called out their violent left-wing antifa who are trying to strip Americans of their rights

And in regards to Afghanistan, he is not doing anything different than the last two presidents; however, because he is doing it, he is suddenly mentally ill?

With every passing day, with every passing press conference, with every passing win, with every fake news false accusation liberal Scandal story failing, the liberal violent left loses their mind a little bit more each day
Well said --- with one qualifier.

The previous presidents used American lives to forestall making a decision. The Rules of Engagement were designed to lose American lives, not defeat the enemy.

Trump's new ROE is pretty simple - kill terrorists.

I like it ... but then, I've been there 5 times, so maybe I'm prejudiced.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.

Trump derangement syndrome still doing well today.
Democrats post like they are the only ones who watched the speech. They are the only ones who saw it, now they have to interpret Trump for everyone whose televisions were disabled.
No no no no

We saw it. We know what happened and we know what he said.

Then you know he lied on many sides, many sides.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
I am amazed at how the President's words are INTENTIONALLY misconstrued in order to paint a picture that does not reflect the truth.

I am even more amazed at how many people swallow this garbage without checking it out themselves - and we wonder why the left is collapsing on itself.

By all means, fact check the fact checkers for us. Give us the benefit of your great wisdom.
Typical, stupid, immature way that right wingers "defend" the orange clown:
  • "Boy, Trump really pisses off liberals"....or
  • "Did you see how Trump put a butt hurt on democrats?"
As if their ONLY fucking reason for voting for this idiot was NOT to govern this country, but for him to bully others.......just like these morons cheer at and actually believe fake wrestling matches....... LOL
Typical, stupid, immature way that right wingers "defend" the orange clown:
  • "Boy, Trump really pisses off liberals"....or
  • "Did you see how Trump put a butt hurt on democrats?"
As if their ONLY fucking reason for voting for this idiot was NOT to govern this country, but for him to bully others.......just like these morons cheer at and actually believe fake wrestling matches....... LOL

"Voting is the best revenge" - Barack Obama
Trump won a majority idiot

A "majority of EC votes"....fuckhead....NOT a majority of American voters.....

Is there someone within your basement who can count??

Trump won a majority of states, 30 states to be exact. That's a can-o-whoop ass he put on you fools.
This is the key point out liberal friend choose to ignore .... states elect the President, not the people. As it has been, so shall it always be.
This is a bullshit word. I'm not saying Trump acted appropriately, but this loose term has little meaning and sounds like something a partisan hack would use to gain political points.

Carry on.
It means he is not behaving like a rational, dignified leader of the worlds greatest nation. He does not have the attributes expected of a national leader with the title of President of the United States of America.

What rational leader wouldn't respond to non stop smears from the main stream media? For some unknown folks on the left seem to think that you can accuse Trump of some really awful things and that he shouldn't reply to what you've said. The main stream media have lost their minds. I'm serious. Ever since the election...they've been on "tilt" shocked that nobody listened to them and voted in Hillary and angry that there's now someone in the White House that could care less if THEY like him.
This is a bullshit word. I'm not saying Trump acted appropriately, but this loose term has little meaning and sounds like something a partisan hack would use to gain political points.

Carry on.
It means he is not behaving like a rational, dignified leader of the worlds greatest nation. He does not have the attributes expected of a national leader with the title of President of the United States of America.
We have talk show hosts who act more professional than he did last night.

On CNN or MSNBC? Please, Old Lady...don't make me laugh!

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Well, at least Pres. Trump's Tiny Tim moment was better than Hillary's.


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