Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.


It has nothing to do with "getting his way". I'ts about getting what the people who elected him want

Well, THREE MILLION additional Americans voted AGAINST the orange clown, making what those "people who elected him" in the minority's wishes......LOL
Yabut there were 10 million illegals voting for the marxist skank. So you are actually 7 million votes off. Dumass.
Totally made up figure, dumass.
In your marxist dreams.
It has nothing to do with "getting his way". I'ts about getting what the people who elected him want

Well, THREE MILLION additional Americans voted AGAINST the orange clown, making what those "people who elected him" in the minority's wishes......LOL
Yabut there were 10 million illegals voting for the marxist skank. So you are actually 7 million votes off. Dumass.
Totally made up figure, dumass.

Probably, Smokey got hemorrhoids after "pushing"those figures out......
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.

Not much difference between Trump supporters and Rev,Jim Jones' acolytes.
There is too much to address from Trump's latest ego-boosting rally (yes a rally for a sitting president outside of election season -- one of many before and to come) for one thread.

Among all of his lies -- from his own response to Charlottesville to the crowd size at last night's rally ego trip -- he said something that any responsible POTUS should never say: I'll shut down the government if I don't get my way.

Never mind that he cannot single handedly shut down the government (that he doesn't understand that is dumbfounding). There's a reason we have checks and balances. The fact that a sitting president is willing to play with the economy by merely making the threat should sound alarms. It doesn't take much to spook the market. Sure it ebbs and flows. But does this clown not understand that his every word can be heard around the world and that sometimes words carry consequences?

When are cooler heads going to prevail in the GOP? What is it going to take for them to put the people over the party and dump this guy?
Last night Trump did the exact same thing Obama did when he was president.

Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.
ROFL. Wasn't it fucking awesome? Much, much better than having a corrupt, cronyistic liar like Hillary in charge.

So when do you think President Pence will be sworn in?
I've got a $25 bet out that it's before 2020....but am thinking it's more likely 2018. At least I hope it's so because, if not, the Republicans are going to get creamed November 2018.
There is too much to address from Trump's latest ego-boosting rally (yes a rally for a sitting president outside of election season -- one of many before and to come) for one thread.

Among all of his lies -- from his own response to Charlottesville to the crowd size at last night's rally ego trip -- he said something that any responsible POTUS should never say: I'll shut down the government if I don't get my way.

Never mind that he cannot single handedly shut down the government (that he doesn't understand that is dumbfounding). There's a reason we have checks and balances. The fact that a sitting president is willing to play with the economy by merely making the threat should sound alarms. It doesn't take much to spook the market. Sure it ebbs and flows. But does this clown not understand that his every word can be heard around the world and that sometimes words carry consequences?

When are cooler heads going to prevail in the GOP? What is it going to take for them to put the people over the party and dump this guy?
The federal government is 100% irresponsible with the People's Money, they are like a fucking drug addict they need to be cut off…

Republicans are the party of cut and spend, spend, spend. Useless wars, more and more weapons. Carter gave Reagan a balanced budget and Reagan promptly cut taxes and racked up the biggest deficit in history to that point. Successive Republican administrations had doubled down on that failed strategy.

What I fail to understand is why conservatives think Democrats are fiscally irresponsible. Democrats tax before they spend. Obama had reduced W's deficits to less than a billion dollars per year, but all claims of fiscal responsibility are now out the window as the prepare for yet another round of cut and spend.
Notice the ignoring of what Trump has actually accomplished and has done?

No, all means LIST the great accomplishments of the orange clown that will soon have his fat ass on Mt. Rushmore....

Here, let me help you......

Gorsuch replaced Scalia.....
Executive Orders to help his fellow businessmen donors......


Here are the bills passed so far and is now law. :)

Legislative Search Results{"congress":"115","source":"legislation","search":"bills passed by congress signed into law"}&searchResultViewType=expanded

That link was for current bills. I couldn't find any in that list that were passed or had become law. Most had been referred to committees.
It is the media's job to attack him when he lies and says stupid stuff, you dunce.
Is it their job to lie and twist what he says and does?
You mean quote his exact mentally wacko words......

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Wait, what? Did you mean to say yes?
yes, quote his exact words. imagine that.

They do. It's what makes him appear so mentally unhinged...quoting him exactly.
Is it their job to lie and twist what he says and does?
You mean quote his exact mentally wacko words......

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Wait, what? Did you mean to say yes?
yes, quote his exact words. imagine that.

They do. It's what makes him appear so mentally unhinged...quoting him exactly.

And then he denied saying what we have him on tape saying.

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Why? is it because you feel African-Americans aren't capable of harboring sincere and genuine opinions on politics that differ from what you believe they should be?
It has nothing to do with "getting his way". I'ts about getting what the people who elected him want

Well, THREE MILLION additional Americans voted AGAINST the orange clown, making what those "people who elected him" in the minority's wishes......LOL
Yabut there were 10 million illegals voting for the marxist skank. So you are actually 7 million votes off. Dumass.
Totally made up figure, dumass.
So how many was it?
The base is 33% and dropping rapidly.,
They're too stupid to see Trump didn't even mention " fine people on both sides" last night.
there were fine people on both sides of the police, whom in this case are the innocent bystanders.

one of the groups was a little anti semetic, another group was the nazis.

the group the mainstream won't mention are the people like me who simply don't want mobs tearing down public statues in a hurry.

i am sorry to disappoint you that i'm not a nazi or a democrat, at this point i'm not sure which is worse.
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