Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

View attachment 145602
He's also worried trump having access to the nuclear codes.
This is unprecedented that generals are saying this.
Millions of Americans are already talking about it.

Clapper questions Trump's fitness to hold office - CNN Video

Isn't that the guy that didn't have the competence in congressional testimony to say he couldn't answer a question in an open forum, so he chose to commit perjury instead? Yeah, he'd be the go to guy for competence, LMAO.

Typical deplorable. Anyone who tells the truth about the pussygrabber will and must be criticized. It's the cult's rule.

Deflection noted.

Are you saying he's not the guy that sat in front of a congressional committee and lied, saying the NSA was NOT collecting information on millions of Americans, when they are?

And yes, the American people elected him. Too bad for you.

Ask a grown up which of these final vote number is bigger and THEN shut the fuck up about "the American people elected him"......NO, the EC elected him

Donald J. Trump 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton 65,845,063
In other words, the wall will be in the budget, and the Democrats will most likely balk, refusing to pass it.

....and so will SANE republicans who well know that the wall is just another Trump costly and ineffective icon that he wants for his OWN personal "glory"....

Spend the billions on fixing our crumbling bridges instead.

$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price.

Illegal alien tax fraud alone is $5 billion a year.
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"
It is the media's job to attack him when he lies and says stupid stuff, you dunce.
In fact, it is not. It is NEVER the media's job to ATTACK anyone. I doubt you'd understand that, however.

The media's job is to bring an unbiased reporting of actual events to the citizenry so that THEY can decide what is appropriate and what is not.
winner winner chicken dinner.^^^^^^^^
A President is not supposed to hate half the citizenry


View attachment 145604 He's making me physically ill. How can he stand in front of the world & blatantly lie, saying the news stations aren't filming him? What?!
Now you know how those that disagreed with Obama felt... what comes around goes around
No one was calling for the 25th amendment to be invoked when Obama was president. Even his detractors knew he was sane.
Even DT's supporters know he's crazy but they're in too deep to be honest and admit he should be removed from office..
And yes, the American people elected him. Too bad for you.

Ask a grown up which of these final vote number is bigger and THEN shut the fuck up about "the American people elected him"......NO, the EC elected him

Donald J. Trump 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton 65,845,063

The American people overwhelmingly chose Trump over Hillary, president Trump won over 300 electoral votes he mopped the floor with the old hag. Trump bitch slapped you libs before California cast a single vote, funniest damn thing I ever saw. :laugh:
There is too much to address from Trump's latest ego-boosting rally (yes a rally for a sitting president outside of election season -- one of many before and to come) for one thread.

Among all of his lies -- from his own response to Charlottesville to the crowd size at last night's rally ego trip -- he said something that any responsible POTUS should never say: I'll shut down the government if I don't get my way.

Never mind that he cannot single handedly shut down the government (that he doesn't understand that is dumbfounding). There's a reason we have checks and balances. The fact that a sitting president is willing to play with the economy by merely making the threat should sound alarms. It doesn't take much to spook the market. Sure it ebbs and flows. But does this clown not understand that his every word can be heard around the world and that sometimes words carry consequences?

When are cooler heads going to prevail in the GOP? What is it going to take for them to put the people over the party and dump this guy?
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:

No you didn't. You elected Trump because you want to be lied to. The truth is messy and difficult and demands solutions. You want to deny the real problems and have bumper sticker solutions to complex situations.

Trump told you what you wanted to hear. That it had no basis in reality was unimportant.
His promises were like a sleepy-time story book, the closer it came to the election. I will make you safe, I will keep out the bad guys, I will make you richer, I will give you much better healthcare, I will make you happy. Now who wouldn't like that? Except we all knew those were extremely complicated issues to achieve. He HAS taken steps to do those things, but mostly they've failed or stalled. I guess there's still hope, but I should think building better relations with EVERYONE in Congress would work better than what he's up to this week.
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"
It is the media's job to attack him when he lies and says stupid stuff, you dunce.
In fact, it is not. It is NEVER the media's job to ATTACK anyone. I doubt you'd understand that, however.

The media's job is to bring an unbiased reporting of actual events to the citizenry so that THEY can decide what is appropriate and what is not.
That is not the way the free press and free speech are designed. You don't get to decide what the press reports or how it reports. The owners of the press decide on that. The folks paying the bills to publish and distribute the news as they see fit have the Constitutional right to ignore your opinions and publish theirs. If you don't like it start your own press or blog or whatever and publish and promote your own ideas at your own expense.
And yes, the American people elected him. Too bad for you.

Ask a grown up which of these final vote number is bigger and THEN shut the fuck up about "the American people elected him"......NO, the EC elected him

Donald J. Trump 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton 65,845,063

Those numbers could not be more irrelevant. The American people in each state elected the electors. The electors elected the President, voting on behalf of the people of their state.

Ergo, the American people elected Trump.
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"
It is the media's job to attack him when he lies and says stupid stuff, you dunce.
In fact, it is not. It is NEVER the media's job to ATTACK anyone. I doubt you'd understand that, however.

The media's job is to bring an unbiased reporting of actual events to the citizenry so that THEY can decide what is appropriate and what is not.
But Fox and Breitbart and InfoWars are okay as they are? Would you be saying this about the media if they agreed with your guy?
Did DT even mention the poor families that lost loved ones in the most recent naval disaster?
Of course not.
He was too busy talking about himself.

And the DEPLORABLES didn't blink an eye.
They're deaf dumb and blind.
It has nothing to do with "getting his way". I'ts about getting what the people who elected him want

Well, THREE MILLION additional Americans voted AGAINST the orange clown, making what those "people who elected him" in the minority's wishes......LOL
Yabut there were 10 million illegals voting for the marxist skank. So you are actually 7 million votes off. Dumass.

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