Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Democrats post like they are the only ones who watched the speech. They are the only ones who saw it, now they have to interpret Trump for everyone whose televisions were disabled.
No no no no

We saw it. We know what happened and we know what he said.

Then you know he lied on many sides, many sides.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
I am amazed at how the President's words are INTENTIONALLY misconstrued in order to paint a picture that does not reflect the truth.

I am even more amazed at how many people swallow this garbage without checking it out themselves - and we wonder why the left is collapsing on itself.

Ah yes, the Trumpanzees favourite lie. We "misunderstood" what the President was really saying.

No we didn't. We heard him loud and clear when he said there were "good people" on the Nazi white supremacist side.
This is the key point out liberal friend choose to ignore .... states elect the President, not the people. As it has been, so shall it always be.

had you graduated junior high school, you too would know that the EC came about in 1804-5 needing a 12th Amendment to the Constitution because small states were envious of the power of bigger states.......

Right wing morons are the ones who most benefit from this amendment which shows that we are not really a democracy.
Democrats post like they are the only ones who watched the speech. They are the only ones who saw it, now they have to interpret Trump for everyone whose televisions were disabled.
No no no no

We saw it. We know what happened and we know what he said.

Then you know he lied on many sides, many sides.

Donald Trump's Phoenix speech, fact-checked
I am amazed at how the President's words are INTENTIONALLY misconstrued in order to paint a picture that does not reflect the truth.

I am even more amazed at how many people swallow this garbage without checking it out themselves - and we wonder why the left is collapsing on itself.

Ah yes, the Trumpanzees favourite lie. We "misunderstood" what the President was really saying.

No we didn't. We heard him loud and clear when he said there were "good people" on the Nazi white supremacist side.
See? That's not what he said at all .... you did, in fact, "misunderstand" what he said - and you did it intentionally.
and angry that there's now someone in the White House that could care less if THEY like him.

Most wanna-be dictators share that same exact sentiment......"I don't give a crap about the citizens of the country....fuck them......its ME, ME, ME"............LOL
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.

Lib please the liberal media lie, twist, and spin daily. Almost everything they publish is a half truth and their dishonesty is intentional. I don't know which is worse filthy lowlife liberals or filthy lowlife liberal media.
Typical, stupid, immature way that right wingers "defend" the orange clown:
  • "Boy, Trump really pisses off liberals"....or
  • "Did you see how Trump put a butt hurt on democrats?"
As if their ONLY fucking reason for voting for this idiot was NOT to govern this country, but for him to bully others.......just like these morons cheer at and actually believe fake wrestling matches....... LOL

Did you have noticed that when the Ringling Brothers circus retired, that Barack Obama retired as well?

Trump won a majority idiot

A "majority of EC votes"....fuckhead....NOT a majority of American voters.....

Is there someone within your basement who can count??

Trump won a majority of states, 30 states to be exact. That's a can-o-whoop ass he put on you fools.
This is the key point out liberal friend choose to ignore .... states elect the President, not the people. As it has been, so shall it always be.

Where was the left's outrage when Bill Clinton failed to win the popular vote? Did they claim Bill was illegitimate? Nope!
Lib please the liberal media lie, twist, and spin daily. Almost everything they publish is a half truth and their dishonesty is intentional. I don't know which is worse filthy lowlife liberals or filthy lowlife liberal media.

Glad to see that you do NOT regard FOX, Breitbart, Drudge, et al as "media".....juts right wing, white supremacist propaganda........LOL
Lib please the liberal media lie, twist, and spin daily. Almost everything they publish is a half truth and their dishonesty is intentional. I don't know which is worse filthy lowlife liberals or filthy lowlife liberal media.

Glad to see that you do NOT regard FOX, Breitbart, Drudge, et al as "media".....juts right wing, white supremacist propaganda........LOL

When is your next electro shock therapy session? Tell them to turn up the voltage. :cuckoo:
Did I make that up or something? How about this one: "I won" - Barack Obama.

What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
Did I make that up or something? How about this one: "I won" - Barack Obama.

What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
You voted for a liar a degenerate not fit to lead a country,,, a blabbermouth who makes our country the laughing stock of the world oh yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,and Mexico is paying for the wall fu trump
Did I make that up or something? How about this one: "I won" - Barack Obama.

What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
You voted for a liar a degenerate not fit to lead a country,,, a blabbermouth who makes our country the laughing stock of the world oh yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,and Mexico is paying for the wall fu trump

Apparently someone is going to be late for their little protest march. Have fun walking around for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years, holding a little sign.

You can walk all you want. Yell, scream, it doesn't matter. BUt you're not going to change a single thing because Trump is still President and Hillary isn't. Nor is Bernie.
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.
do you know how many executive orders Trump has signed? do you know how many he canceled? What is more important to you russia russia or the well being of american citizens?

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