Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

This is a bullshit word. I'm not saying Trump acted appropriately, but this loose term has little meaning and sounds like something a partisan hack would use to gain political points.

Carry on.
It means he is not behaving like a rational, dignified leader of the worlds greatest nation. He does not have the attributes expected of a national leader with the title of President of the United States of America.
We have talk show hosts who act more professional than he did last night.

On CNN or MSNBC? Please, Old Lady...don't make me laugh!
I've never watched MSNBC. Chuck Wallace, Judy Woodruff, the Indian doctor guy on the weekend. Srinivasan, is it? There are others. I'm not into following celebs or television celebrities, but you know exactly what I mean.
Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
You voted for a liar a degenerate not fit to lead a country,,, a blabbermouth who makes our country the laughing stock of the world oh yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,and Mexico is paying for the wall fu trump

Apparently someone is going to be late for their little protest march. Have fun walking around for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years, holding a little sign.

You can walk all you want. Yell, scream, it doesn't matter. BUt you're not going to change a single thing because Trump is still President and Hillary isn't. Nor is Bernie.
He makes white people feel like they're a minority and hopefully for the sake of America he doesn't last 4 years

That one went way over my head. If anything, he has brought equality back to white people. Just like the constitution intended.
Pardon me but when were white folks ever unequal? It's in your head ,,nowheres else
who is unequal?
I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Why? is it because you feel African-Americans aren't capable of harboring sincere and genuine opinions on politics that differ from what you believe they should be?
No, it's because he was LOL after every big cheer, to someone standing by him. And his "staging."
Of course an African American can be a Trump fan. I just wonder about this particular one.
funny how you hate blacks.
Go screw yourself. You know better.
then why did you comment on the guy? what is it to you that blacks like trump? why shouldn't they? Cause you say so? again, it must be that you hate blacks. Bet you call em uncle tom's and all of the other lib names for blacks who vote conservative. come on share with the class. What are they calling Ben Carson today? go look it up. the fact is the real black haters continues to be the libturds in this nation. shame on all of you.
Read Dragon Lady's WaPo article, if you can. It seemed staged and all the other crazy bullshit you're hanging on this is the same typical bullshit you're always up to.
Well, THREE MILLION additional Americans voted AGAINST the orange clown, making what those "people who elected him" in the minority's wishes......LOL
Yabut there were 10 million illegals voting for the marxist skank. So you are actually 7 million votes off. Dumass.
Totally made up figure, dumass.
So how many was it?
None of us know that there were ANY. Will have to wait for the President's blue ribbon commission studying the issue. The one states won't give them the information to carry out.
Why will you bother? You as well as I you will never accept any thing that agrees with Trump.
That is so not true. Some of you are being very unfair today. You know better than to think I'm one of the partisan party girls.
Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
You voted for a liar a degenerate not fit to lead a country,,, a blabbermouth who makes our country the laughing stock of the world oh yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,and Mexico is paying for the wall fu trump

Apparently someone is going to be late for their little protest march. Have fun walking around for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years, holding a little sign.

You can walk all you want. Yell, scream, it doesn't matter. BUt you're not going to change a single thing because Trump is still President and Hillary isn't. Nor is Bernie.
He makes white people feel like they're a minority and hopefully for the sake of America he doesn't last 4 years

That one went way over my head. If anything, he has brought equality back to white people. Just like the constitution intended.
Pardon me but when were white folks ever unequal? It's in your head ,,nowheres else

So you're admitting to the failure of Obama's Presidency, and conceding to the fact that even though you people on the left got everything you wanted, blacks and other minorities continued to decline in prosperity? How does this not further prove the failure of Obama, the Democrat Party, and liberalism in general?

Wealth inequality has widened along racial, ethnic lines since end of Great Recession


I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

The Washington Post has a story on the guy, not that the Trumpanzees will believe it.

The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally

Dragon Lady, I couldn't get the article -- I even tried to do the disable ad block and it wouldn't work. Any possibility you could post it for me? I'd REALLY like to read it!

OLD does this help?
The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally

The Washington Post
Katie Mettler9 hrs ago

Trump threatens shutdown, suggests controversial pardon at Arizona rally

Trump's turbulent Phoenix rally, in 3 minutes

At a number of political rallies over the last two years, a character calling himself “Michael the Black Man” has appeared in the crowd directly behind Donald Trump, impossible to miss and possibly planted.

2 cards charging 0% Interest until 2019
See The 0% APR Cards

Sponsored by NextAdvisor
He holds signs that scream “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” and wears a T-shirt proclaiming with equal conviction that “TRUMP & Republicans Are Not Racist.”

Almost always, he plugs his wild website,, across his chest.

Subscribe to the Post Most newsletter: Today’s most popular stories on The Washington Post

And so it was Tuesday night, before a crowd of Trump supporters in Phoenix who had come to watch another show. There was the president, whipping up the wildly cheering crowd, and then there was Michael the Black Man, chanting just beyond Trump’s right shoulder in that trademark T-shirt.

The presence of Michael the Black Man — variously known as Michael Symonette, Maurice Woodside and Mikael Israel — has inspired not only trending Twitter hashtags but a great deal of curiosity and Google searches. Internet sleuths find the man’s bizarre URL, a easily-accessible gateway to his strange and checkered past.

The radical fringe activist from Miami once belonged to a violent black supremacist religious cult and he runs a handful of amateur, unintelligible conspiracy websites. He has called Barack Obama “The Beast” and Hillary Clinton a Ku Klux Klan member. Oprah, he says, is the devil.

Most curiously, in the 1990s, he was charged, then acquitted, with conspiracy to commit two murders.

But Michael the Black Man loves President Trump. And President Trump’s campaign apparently loves him right back.

© The Washington Post Michael the Black Man, as he calls himself, stands behind President Trump during a campaign rally in Phoenix on Tuesday.

It’s unclear if the White House or President Trump’s campaign officials are aware of Michael the Black Man’s turbulent history or extreme political views, but he and his followers have stumped for the president at his inauguration and the Super Bowl.

In July, he posted video footage of himself at the Mar-a-Lago Club, President Trump’s so-called “Winter White House,” for the Republican Party of Palm Beach County’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner.

Wearing a black dinner coat over a white “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” T-shirt, Michael the Black Man posed with the local GOP’s chairman, apparently took a photo of first lady Melania Trump and recorded a selfie video that showed his arm slung over the shoulder of Florida Gov. Rick Scott.

“I saw you on TV with Trump,” Scott can be heard telling Michael the Black Man. “You did a good job.”

At a campaign rally in late October 2016, down in Sanford, Fla., Trump even gave the “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” signs an approving shout-out.

“Look at those signs behind me,” Trump said to the roaring crowd. “Blacks for Trump. I like those signs.”

The candidate, wearing a camouflage “Make America Great Again hat,” turned to the sign-holders and offered a thumbs-up. Michael the Black Man, standing behind Trump and grinning widely, gave a thumbs-up right back.

“Blacks for Trump,” the candidate said again. “You watch. You watch. Those signs are great, thank you.”


ABC News Politics

Did I make that up or something? How about this one: "I won" - Barack Obama.

What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?. Would you vote for him today after seeing how many business leaders and prominent Republicans have rebuffed him.? Would you vote for him today after that bizarre rally in Arizona? Would you vote for him again after seeing how he has abdicated the role of the US as a leader in the world, the scathing rebukes of world leaders, and polls that show foreign populations are horrified by him, not to mention his abysmal approval rating her at home ?
Did I make that up or something? How about this one: "I won" - Barack Obama.

What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?. Would you vote for him today after seeing how many business leaders and prominent Republicans have rebuffed him.? Would you vote for him today after that bizarre rally in Arizona? Would you vote for him again after seeing how he has abdicated the role of the US as a leader in the world, the scathing rebukes of world leaders, and polls that show foreign populations are horrified by him, not to mention his abysmal approval rating her at home ?

Given what he's done for the security of this country, the economy, the stock market, the jobs numbers, and our status on the world stage, Of course I would.

In a new York minute. I challenge you to find any Trump voter who now thinks Hillary would have been a better choice.
Just saw CNN anchors almost in tears declaring Trump calling out and mocking Fake News Media 'DANGEROUS'.


Trump IS a threat...the biggest threat to the Fake News, Propaganda-Pushing, Leftist Extremist-Supporting All-In Liberal Media...and they are fighting for their lives.

They have to fight / defeat Trump because if Trump wins that means CNN loses the American people and completes their death spiral.
What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
You voted for a liar a degenerate not fit to lead a country,,, a blabbermouth who makes our country the laughing stock of the world oh yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,and Mexico is paying for the wall fu trump

Apparently someone is going to be late for their little protest march. Have fun walking around for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years, holding a little sign.

You can walk all you want. Yell, scream, it doesn't matter. BUt you're not going to change a single thing because Trump is still President and Hillary isn't. Nor is Bernie.
He makes white people feel like they're a minority and hopefully for the sake of America he doesn't last 4 years

That one went way over my head. If anything, he has brought equality back to white people. Just like the constitution intended.
If anything, he has brought equality back to white people.

$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Why? is it because you feel African-Americans aren't capable of harboring sincere and genuine opinions on politics that differ from what you believe they should be?

No, it's because he was LOL after every big cheer, to someone standing by him. And his "staging."
Of course an African American can be a Trump fan. I just wonder about this particular one.

As trump points IT"S THOSE PEOPLE the media the black the Dems that hate our country And then the AH says we must unite ,all of us?......Pardon my french but FU Trump

You admit you want to continue to be divisive. Why is that? Don't you want the country to come together?
Trump won a majority idiot

A "majority of EC votes"....fuckhead....NOT a majority of American voters.....

Is there someone within your basement who can count??

Trump won a majority of states, 30 states to be exact. That's a can-o-whoop ass he put on you fools.
This is the key point out liberal friend choose to ignore .... states elect the President, not the people. As it has been, so shall it always be.

Where was the left's outrage when Bill Clinton failed to win the popular vote? Did they claim Bill was illegitimate? Nope!
What the fuck does that mean, exactly? In both elections , he won a higher % of the vote than his Republican opponent. He would have been over 50% in both elections had it not been for a third party spoiler. What is there to be outraged about?

United States presidential election, 1992 - Wikipedia

United States presidential election, 1996 - Wikipedia

Now what the fuck does what happened then have anything to do with now??

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

The Washington Post has a story on the guy, not that the Trumpanzees will believe it.

The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally

Dragon Lady, I couldn't get the article -- I even tried to do the disable ad block and it wouldn't work. Any possibility you could post it for me? I'd REALLY like to read it!

OLD does this help?
The strange story of that ‘Blacks for Trump’ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally

The Washington Post
Katie Mettler9 hrs ago

Trump threatens shutdown, suggests controversial pardon at Arizona rally

Trump's turbulent Phoenix rally, in 3 minutes

At a number of political rallies over the last two years, a character calling himself “Michael the Black Man” has appeared in the crowd directly behind Donald Trump, impossible to miss and possibly planted.

2 cards charging 0% Interest until 2019
See The 0% APR Cards

Sponsored by NextAdvisor
He holds signs that scream “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” and wears a T-shirt proclaiming with equal conviction that “TRUMP & Republicans Are Not Racist.”

Almost always, he plugs his wild website,, across his chest.

Subscribe to the Post Most newsletter: Today’s most popular stories on The Washington Post

And so it was Tuesday night, before a crowd of Trump supporters in Phoenix who had come to watch another show. There was the president, whipping up the wildly cheering crowd, and then there was Michael the Black Man, chanting just beyond Trump’s right shoulder in that trademark T-shirt.

The presence of Michael the Black Man — variously known as Michael Symonette, Maurice Woodside and Mikael Israel — has inspired not only trending Twitter hashtags but a great deal of curiosity and Google searches. Internet sleuths find the man’s bizarre URL, a easily-accessible gateway to his strange and checkered past.

The radical fringe activist from Miami once belonged to a violent black supremacist religious cult and he runs a handful of amateur, unintelligible conspiracy websites. He has called Barack Obama “The Beast” and Hillary Clinton a Ku Klux Klan member. Oprah, he says, is the devil.

Most curiously, in the 1990s, he was charged, then acquitted, with conspiracy to commit two murders.

But Michael the Black Man loves President Trump. And President Trump’s campaign apparently loves him right back.

© The Washington Post Michael the Black Man, as he calls himself, stands behind President Trump during a campaign rally in Phoenix on Tuesday.

It’s unclear if the White House or President Trump’s campaign officials are aware of Michael the Black Man’s turbulent history or extreme political views, but he and his followers have stumped for the president at his inauguration and the Super Bowl.

In July, he posted video footage of himself at the Mar-a-Lago Club, President Trump’s so-called “Winter White House,” for the Republican Party of Palm Beach County’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner.

Wearing a black dinner coat over a white “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” T-shirt, Michael the Black Man posed with the local GOP’s chairman, apparently took a photo of first lady Melania Trump and recorded a selfie video that showed his arm slung over the shoulder of Florida Gov. Rick Scott.

“I saw you on TV with Trump,” Scott can be heard telling Michael the Black Man. “You did a good job.”

At a campaign rally in late October 2016, down in Sanford, Fla., Trump even gave the “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” signs an approving shout-out.

“Look at those signs behind me,” Trump said to the roaring crowd. “Blacks for Trump. I like those signs.”

The candidate, wearing a camouflage “Make America Great Again hat,” turned to the sign-holders and offered a thumbs-up. Michael the Black Man, standing behind Trump and grinning widely, gave a thumbs-up right back.

“Blacks for Trump,” the candidate said again. “You watch. You watch. Those signs are great, thank you.”


ABC News Politics


THANKS, Eddie!
Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?.
Absolutely because Hillary is still POS CRIMINAL who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID committ - which should have forced ger out of the race, who is STILL under investigation, who jeopardized our national security by breaking all those laws, who D*ed up so badly as Sect of State she caused the needless death of 4 Americans then tried to save her own ass rather than be honest, who served her entire career as the ENABLER for her criminal pervert husband who sexually assaulted, sexually harrassed, and raped women who engaged in pedophilia...

Hillary could not even win the nomination on her own - the DNC had to rig primaries and debates.

Hillary, by all rights should be in orison right now - and would be if Obama, Lynch, and Comey had not protected her from prosecution.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
1) That's a lot of landmines.

2) That's even more Eminent Domain confiscation of private land.

3) We'd have to accept an annual death rate of kids, cattle and dumbasses who accidentally cross into the 2000 mile long, 100 yard(?) deep minefield...and, of course, replacement mines.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
1) That's a lot of landmines.

2) That's even more Eminent Domain confiscation of private land.

3) We'd have to accept an annual death rate of kids, cattle and dumbasses who accidentally cross into the 2000 mile long, 100 yard(?) deep minefield...and, of course, replacement mines.

If that's what ut takes to stop the lil brown people!
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.
ROFL. Wasn't it fucking awesome? Much, much better than having a corrupt, cronyistic liar like Hillary in charge.

So when do you think President Pence will be sworn in?
I've got a $25 bet out that it's before 2020....but am thinking it's more likely 2018. At least I hope it's so because, if not, the Republicans are going to get creamed November 2018.
creamed by whom?
American voters.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
1) That's a lot of landmines.

2) That's even more Eminent Domain confiscation of private land.

3) We'd have to accept an annual death rate of kids, cattle and dumbasses who accidentally cross into the 2000 mile long, 100 yard(?) deep minefield...and, of course, replacement mines.

If that's what ut takes to stop the lil brown people!
It won't.....there'll be a large upsurge in boat sales.

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