Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

And this is today's left......


I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

The Washington Post has a story on the guy, not that the Trumpanzees will believe it.

The strange story of that ā€˜Blacks for Trumpā€™ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally

Dragon Lady, I couldn't get the article -- I even tried to do the disable ad block and it wouldn't work. Any possibility you could post it for me? I'd REALLY like to read it!

OLD does this help?
The strange story of that ā€˜Blacks for Trumpā€™ guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally

The Washington Post
Katie Mettler9 hrs ago

Trump threatens shutdown, suggests controversial pardon at Arizona rally

Trump's turbulent Phoenix rally, in 3 minutes

At a number of political rallies over the last two years, a character calling himself ā€œMichael the Black Manā€ has appeared in the crowd directly behind Donald Trump, impossible to miss and possibly planted.

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He holds signs that scream ā€œBLACKS FOR TRUMPā€ and wears a T-shirt proclaiming with equal conviction that ā€œTRUMP & Republicans Are Not Racist.ā€

Almost always, he plugs his wild website,, across his chest.

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And so it was Tuesday night, before a crowd of Trump supporters in Phoenix who had come to watch another show. There was the president, whipping up the wildly cheering crowd, and then there was Michael the Black Man, chanting just beyond Trumpā€™s right shoulder in that trademark T-shirt.

The presence of Michael the Black Man ā€” variously known as Michael Symonette, Maurice Woodside and Mikael Israel ā€” has inspired not only trending Twitter hashtags but a great deal of curiosity and Google searches. Internet sleuths find the manā€™s bizarre URL, a easily-accessible gateway to his strange and checkered past.

The radical fringe activist from Miami once belonged to a violent black supremacist religious cult and he runs a handful of amateur, unintelligible conspiracy websites. He has called Barack Obama ā€œThe Beastā€ and Hillary Clinton a Ku Klux Klan member. Oprah, he says, is the devil.

Most curiously, in the 1990s, he was charged, then acquitted, with conspiracy to commit two murders.

But Michael the Black Man loves President Trump. And President Trumpā€™s campaign apparently loves him right back.

Ā© The Washington Post Michael the Black Man, as he calls himself, stands behind President Trump during a campaign rally in Phoenix on Tuesday.

Itā€™s unclear if the White House or President Trumpā€™s campaign officials are aware of Michael the Black Manā€™s turbulent history or extreme political views, but he and his followers have stumped for the president at his inauguration and the Super Bowl.

In July, he posted video footage of himself at the Mar-a-Lago Club, President Trumpā€™s so-called ā€œWinter White House,ā€ for the Republican Party of Palm Beach Countyā€™s annual Lincoln Day Dinner.

Wearing a black dinner coat over a white ā€œBLACKS FOR TRUMPā€ T-shirt, Michael the Black Man posed with the local GOPā€™s chairman, apparently took a photo of first lady Melania Trump and recorded a selfie video that showed his arm slung over the shoulder of Florida Gov. Rick Scott.

ā€œI saw you on TV with Trump,ā€ Scott can be heard telling Michael the Black Man. ā€œYou did a good job.ā€

At a campaign rally in late October 2016, down in Sanford, Fla., Trump even gave the ā€œBLACKS FOR TRUMPā€ signs an approving shout-out.

ā€œLook at those signs behind me,ā€ Trump said to the roaring crowd. ā€œBlacks for Trump. I like those signs.ā€

The candidate, wearing a camouflage ā€œMake America Great Again hat,ā€ turned to the sign-holders and offered a thumbs-up. Michael the Black Man, standing behind Trump and grinning widely, gave a thumbs-up right back.

ā€œBlacks for Trump,ā€ the candidate said again. ā€œYou watch. You watch. Those signs are great, thank you.ā€


ABC News Politics


THANKS, Eddie!

You're welcome
Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
1) That's a lot of landmines.

2) That's even more Eminent Domain confiscation of private land.

3) We'd have to accept an annual death rate of kids, cattle and dumbasses who accidentally cross into the 2000 mile long, 100 yard(?) deep minefield...and, of course, replacement mines.

If that's what ut takes to stop the lil brown people!
It won't.....there'll be a large upsurge in boat sales.

We.can mine the Rio Grande, think man think.
I didn't vote for Obama. But he is more decent and presidential than Trump. Also Obama was voted in by the majority of Americans and loved by the rest of the world.....Trump is a joke honestly.

MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was. Wishing he had a son...... calling out cops....... Christians, and the 52 states of our nation.

I didn't vote for Obama. But he is more decent and presidential than Trump. Also Obama was voted in by the majority of Americans and loved by the rest of the world.....Trump is a joke honestly.

MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was. Wishing he had a son...... calling out cops....... Christians, and the 52 states of our nation.

Republicans spent 8 years bashing a good man and fine president Hopefully they get what they voted for with this trump moron
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.

Lib please the liberal media lie, twist, and spin daily. Almost everything they publish is a half truth and their dishonesty is intentional. I don't know which is worse filthy lowlife liberals or filthy lowlife liberal media.

No the media gets it right most of the time. Trump is the guy who hired all these people with connections to Russia, the media simply reported it.

Trump's staff had all these meetings with Russians and then failed to disclose them.

The Trumps admitted that Junior met with the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary and then lied about who was there and what they talked about.

The problem is that the media doesn't sugar coat this stuff or spin it the way the President would like.
You voted for a liar a degenerate not fit to lead a country,,, a blabbermouth who makes our country the laughing stock of the world oh yeah,,,,,,,,,,,,and Mexico is paying for the wall fu trump

Apparently someone is going to be late for their little protest march. Have fun walking around for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years, holding a little sign.

You can walk all you want. Yell, scream, it doesn't matter. BUt you're not going to change a single thing because Trump is still President and Hillary isn't. Nor is Bernie.
He makes white people feel like they're a minority and hopefully for the sake of America he doesn't last 4 years

That one went way over my head. If anything, he has brought equality back to white people. Just like the constitution intended.
Pardon me but when were white folks ever unequal? It's in your head ,,nowheres else

So you're admitting to the failure of Obama's Presidency, and conceding to the fact that even though you people on the left got everything you wanted, blacks and other minorities continued to decline in prosperity? How does this not further prove the failure of Obama, the Democrat Party, and liberalism in general?

Wealth inequality has widened along racial, ethnic lines since end of Great Recession


The widening gap between rich and poor is due to the Reagan tax code. Reagan's tax code resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, but instead of "trickling down", it has trickled up to the 1%.

Until the tax code is amended properly, that gap will continue to widen.
You mean quote his exact mentally wacko words......

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Wait, what? Did you mean to say yes?
yes, quote his exact words. imagine that.

They do. It's what makes him appear so mentally unhinged...quoting him exactly.
no, they interpret his tweets. that isn't the media's job. Their role is not to get political.

Post some examples.

Wait, what? Did you mean to say yes?
yes, quote his exact words. imagine that.

They do. It's what makes him appear so mentally unhinged...quoting him exactly.

And then he denied saying what we have him on tape saying.
let's hear the tape, post the video

17 times Donald Trump said one thing and then denied it
Last edited:
This is the key point out liberal friend choose to ignore .... states elect the President, not the people. As it has been, so shall it always be.

had you graduated junior high school, you too would know that the EC came about in 1804-5 needing a 12th Amendment to the Constitution because small states were envious of the power of bigger states.......

Right wing morons are the ones who most benefit from this amendment which shows that we are not really a democracy.
This is the key point out liberal friend choose to ignore .... states elect the President, not the people. As it has been, so shall it always be.

had you graduated junior high school, you too would know that the EC came about in 1804-5 needing a 12th Amendment to the Constitution because small states were envious of the power of bigger states.......

Right wing morons are the ones who most benefit from this amendment which shows that we are not really a democracy.
See what a public education does for you??

The Electoral College was implemented in the original Constitution at the 1787 convention. It was subsequently modified in 1804. The original EC had exactly the same relative structure that it has today - the difference was in how the voting was conducted. Originally, each elector was given two votes - and would vote for two people to be President. The one with the most votes became President, and the runner-up became Vice President. When it was realized that this would invariably result in a split-ticket and that the result would be constant in-fighting in the Executive Branch, it was changed to the current structure.

No, I didn't learn that in junior high - I learned it when I got my Masters in Political Science from the University of Maryland.

Your serve, dumb ass.
I didn't vote for Obama. But he is more decent and presidential than Trump. Also Obama was voted in by the majority of Americans and loved by the rest of the world.....Trump is a joke honestly.

MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was. Wishing he had a son...... calling out cops....... Christians, and the 52 states of our nation.


Being "loved by the rest of the world" means he didn't look after American interest very well. Who really cares if Iran and Cuba and the socialist shitholes of Europe and the assholes in Africa loves us? I know I don't.

Many Americans thought that Obama was incompetent and had a terrible agenda. His failed record pretty well prove that to be true.

Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to that Obama piece of shit. Lets all thank god that Crooked Hillary didn't get elected. She had the potential to be even worse than Obama.
Typical, stupid, immature way that right wingers "defend" the orange clown:
  • "Boy, Trump really pisses off liberals"....or
  • "Did you see how Trump put a butt hurt on democrats?"
As if their ONLY fucking reason for voting for this idiot was NOT to govern this country, but for him to bully others.......just like these morons cheer at and actually believe fake wrestling matches....... LOL

Did you have noticed that when the Ringling Brothers circus retired, that Barack Obama retired as well?


I don't think so.
Trump won a majority idiot

A "majority of EC votes"....fuckhead....NOT a majority of American voters.....

Is there someone within your basement who can count??

Trump won a majority of states, 30 states to be exact. That's a can-o-whoop ass he put on you fools.
This is the key point out liberal friend choose to ignore .... states elect the President, not the people. As it has been, so shall it always be.

Where was the left's outrage when Bill Clinton failed to win the popular vote? Did they claim Bill was illegitimate? Nope!
But .... but .... but .... that's different!!
and angry that there's now someone in the White House that could care less if THEY like him.

Most wanna-be dictators share that same exact sentiment......"I don't give a crap about the citizens of the country....fuck them......its ME, ME, ME"............LOL

Since when does the main stream media represent "the citizens of the country", Nat? You folks on the far left are so out of touch with average Americans that you think Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper ARE average Americans!
[QUOTE="Geaux4it, post: 18000754, member: 19543"]MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was[/QUOTE]

You have to be a flaming liberal...NO IDIOT would otherwise post the above....

Of course, the OTHER alternative is this........LOL

$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?

Actually, no .... unlike our liberal counterparts, the enemy is smart enough to use technology.
You mean quote his exact mentally wacko words......

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Wait, what? Did you mean to say yes?
yes, quote his exact words. imagine that.

They do. It's what makes him appear so mentally unhinged...quoting him exactly.
no, they interpret his tweets. that isn't the media's job. Their role is not to get political.
Freedom of the Press was designed by the founders to be specifically political and to promote open discussion about politics. Your view of the press and its job in America is pure fascism and does not represent the purpose of American free speech and press. The media of the Revolutionary war was dedicated to promoting political views. That is why the founders wrote it into the Constitution as the very first Amendment. The second one was designed to guard against anyone like you messing with the first one.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
1) That's a lot of landmines.

2) That's even more Eminent Domain confiscation of private land.

3) We'd have to accept an annual death rate of kids, cattle and dumbasses who accidentally cross into the 2000 mile long, 100 yard(?) deep minefield...and, of course, replacement mines.

See what i mean about liberals?

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