Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

I understand about the "pigs" --- it's tough when they are smarter than you are.

Did your other half of your brain ever "wondered" WHY an Amendment was needed about the EC?? Probably not, because, basically, your other half brain does not function.

AND, actually, pigs may "think" they're smarter, until the slaughterhouse sets them straight.
Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?

Actually, no .... unlike our liberal counterparts, the enemy is smart enough to use technology.

There you go blowing holes in all my plans! Damn you, DAMN you!

Relax --- plant them in front of the DNC .... you'll get to see all kinds of explosions.

There ain't a smart one in the bunch.

I'm good with that, can I do the RNC as well or are they prevlaged?
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.

But I do wonder how you could be so incredibly uneducated, but yet, attempt to present yourself as knowledgeable. Aren't you the least bit embarrassed when your ignorance gets exposed so simply?
The Founding Fathers were well educated men of means. They would have scoffed at the notion of a cradle to grave nanny State that liberals like you espouse.

the term "cradle to grave" is a bullshit and inane term that you heard from Hannity or Rush or Bannon.........IF we had a cradle to grave governmental system, then we would not have such poverty, bad health care, poor or dismal education especially among your ilk, and not have such fucked up crooks in congress.
You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?

Actually, no .... unlike our liberal counterparts, the enemy is smart enough to use technology.

There you go blowing holes in all my plans! Damn you, DAMN you!

Relax --- plant them in front of the DNC .... you'll get to see all kinds of explosions.

There ain't a smart one in the bunch.

I'm good eith that, can I do the RNC as well or are they prevlaged?

But you'll have to be careful. They all have jobs ....
Most Americans liked and voted for Obama contrary Trump.
So you don't care about the rest of the world? So I encourage you to stop using anything that it's made out of the US and tell me how that goes.

I didn't vote for Obama. But he is more decent and presidential than Trump. Also Obama was voted in by the majority of Americans and loved by the rest of the world.....Trump is a joke honestly.

MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was. Wishing he had a son...... calling out cops....... Christians, and the 52 states of our nation.


Being "loved by the rest of the world" means he didn't look after American interest very well. Who really cares if Iran and Cuba and the socialist shitholes of Europe and the assholes in Africa loves us? I know I don't.

Many Americans thought that Obama was incompetent and had a terrible agenda. His failed record pretty well prove that to be true.

Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to that Obama piece of shit. Lets all thank god that Crooked Hillary didn't get elected. She had the potential to be even worse than Obama.
Most Americans liked and voted for Obama contrary Trump.
So you don't care about the rest of the world? So I encourage you to stop using anything that it's made out of the US and tell me how that goes.

I didn't vote for Obama. But he is more decent and presidential than Trump. Also Obama was voted in by the majority of Americans and loved by the rest of the world.....Trump is a joke honestly.

MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was. Wishing he had a son...... calling out cops....... Christians, and the 52 states of our nation.


Being "loved by the rest of the world" means he didn't look after American interest very well. Who really cares if Iran and Cuba and the socialist shitholes of Europe and the assholes in Africa loves us? I know I don't.

Many Americans thought that Obama was incompetent and had a terrible agenda. His failed record pretty well prove that to be true.

Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to that Obama piece of shit. Lets all thank god that Crooked Hillary didn't get elected. She had the potential to be even worse than Obama.

We can adapt We must

Go for it. 99%of the stuff you have in your home are made in communist countries or socialist ones. Be a Man!!!

Most Americans liked and voted for Obama contrary Trump.
So you don't care about the rest of the world? So I encourage you to stop using anything that it's made out of the US and tell me how that goes.

I didn't vote for Obama. But he is more decent and presidential than Trump. Also Obama was voted in by the majority of Americans and loved by the rest of the world.....Trump is a joke honestly.

MrTrump reminds all of us just how Un-Presidential Obama was. Wishing he had a son...... calling out cops....... Christians, and the 52 states of our nation.


Being "loved by the rest of the world" means he didn't look after American interest very well. Who really cares if Iran and Cuba and the socialist shitholes of Europe and the assholes in Africa loves us? I know I don't.

Many Americans thought that Obama was incompetent and had a terrible agenda. His failed record pretty well prove that to be true.

Trump has his flaws but he is a saint compared to that Obama piece of shit. Lets all thank god that Crooked Hillary didn't get elected. She had the potential to be even worse than Obama.

We can adapt We must

The Founding Fathers were well educated men of means. They would have scoffed at the notion of a cradle to grave nanny State that liberals like you espouse.

the term "cradle to grave" is a bullshit and inane term that you heard from Hannity or Rush or Bannon.........IF we had a cradle to grave governmental system, then we would not have such poverty, bad health care, poor or dismal education especially among your ilk, and not have such fucked up crooks in congress.
There you go again .....

"cradle to grave" is a business term that has been in use for at least the past 300 years. Richard Steele coined the term in The Tatler in 1709.

It is a common term used in business, and is a standard engineering term when used to describe the design-development-testing-deployment lifecycle.

The first documented use of it, in a political context, was by the National Health Service (Britain) in 1948 when describing the care they intended to provide, although some believe it was first used by FDR in a Fireside Chat in 1938.

See how you let your elephant mouth overrun your butterfly ass?

As for your comment about what we would have if we had a "cradle to grave governmental system", you again spout nonsense. Given the government's demonstrated inability to provide ANY service equitably and economically, together with the rampant corruption and favoritism in our government systems, it is nonsensical to think it was an answer to your lack of self-initiative.
Typical, stupid, immature way that right wingers "defend" the orange clown:
  • "Boy, Trump really pisses off liberals"....or
  • "Did you see how Trump put a butt hurt on democrats?"
As if their ONLY fucking reason for voting for this idiot was NOT to govern this country, but for him to bully others.......just like these morons cheer at and actually believe fake wrestling matches....... LOL

Did you have noticed that when the Ringling Brothers circus retired, that Barack Obama retired as well?


The morons in this country made a clown POTUS, and he brought with him an even bigger circus. What more do you want?
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.

Lib please the liberal media lie, twist, and spin daily. Almost everything they publish is a half truth and their dishonesty is intentional. I don't know which is worse filthy lowlife liberals or filthy lowlife liberal media.
Wipe the spit off of your chin, sober up, and try to make some sense please.
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.
do you know how many executive orders Trump has signed? do you know how many he canceled? What is more important to you russia russia or the well being of american citizens?
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think that Trump is interested in the well being of Americans ? Do you really believe, are you really so stupid as to believe that is interested in anything besides his own well being?
Did I make that up or something? How about this one: "I won" - Barack Obama.

What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?. Would you vote for him today after seeing how many business leaders and prominent Republicans have rebuffed him.? Would you vote for him today after that bizarre rally in Arizona? Would you vote for him again after seeing how he has abdicated the role of the US as a leader in the world, the scathing rebukes of world leaders, and polls that show foreign populations are horrified by him, not to mention his abysmal approval rating her at home ?

Given what he's done for the security of this country, the economy, the stock market, the jobs numbers, and our status on the world stage, Of course I would.

In a new York minute. I challenge you to find any Trump voter who now thinks Hillary would have been a better choice.
He has not done shit for this country! He is riding the coat tails of Obama, taking credit for the economic recovery that started well before he got in. And there are many Trump voters who have "buyers remorse " at this point. Look at his poll numbers!!
Did I make that up or something? How about this one: "I won" - Barack Obama.

What the fuck does THAT have to do with you nitwits electing a fellow moron JUST to piss off the opposition?

Nobody voted for Trump just to "piss off" the opposition. We voted for him because he struck a chord in our belief that decades of liberalism and globalism were destroying our constitutional republic.

We voted for him because he made certain campaign promises and aside from an obstinate and uncooperative Congress, is keeping to them one by one.

But it's still hilarious to see the hateful left carrying on like someone threw a snake on the monkey cage at the zoo. Very entertaining.
Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?. Would you vote for him today after seeing how many business leaders and prominent Republicans have rebuffed him.? Would you vote for him today after that bizarre rally in Arizona? Would you vote for him again after seeing how he has abdicated the role of the US as a leader in the world, the scathing rebukes of world leaders, and polls that show foreign populations are horrified by him, not to mention his abysmal approval rating her at home ?

Given what he's done for the security of this country, the economy, the stock market, the jobs numbers, and our status on the world stage, Of course I would.

In a new York minute. I challenge you to find any Trump voter who now thinks Hillary would have been a better choice.
Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?.
Absolutely because Hillary is still POS CRIMINAL who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID committ - which should have forced ger out of the race, who is STILL under investigation, who jeopardized our national security by breaking all those laws, who D*ed up so badly as Sect of State she caused the needless death of 4 Americans then tried to save her own ass rather than be honest, who served her entire career as the ENABLER for her criminal pervert husband who sexually assaulted, sexually harrassed, and raped women who engaged in pedophilia...

Hillary could not even win the nomination on her own - the DNC had to rig primaries and debates.

Hillary, by all rights should be in orison right now - and would be if Obama, Lynch, and Comey had not protected her from prosecution.

Mah, I think the whole election was rigged. On just about every side..
No the media gets it right most of the time. Trump is the guy who hired all these people with connections to Russia, the media simply reported it.

Trump's staff had all these meetings with Russians and then failed to disclose them.

The Trumps admitted that Junior met with the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary and then lied about who was there and what they talked about.

The problem is that the media doesn't sugar coat this stuff or spin it the way the President would like.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?

Actually, no .... unlike our liberal counterparts, the enemy is smart enough to use technology.

There you go blowing holes in all my plans! Damn you, DAMN you!

Relax --- plant them in front of the DNC .... you'll get to see all kinds of explosions.

There ain't a smart one in the bunch.

I'm good eith that, can I do the RNC as well or are they prevlaged?

But you'll have to be careful. They all have jobs ....

Now I know your full of shit thank you.
Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?.
Absolutely because Hillary is still POS CRIMINAL who was under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID committ - which should have forced ger out of the race, who is STILL under investigation, who jeopardized our national security by breaking all those laws, who D*ed up so badly as Sect of State she caused the needless death of 4 Americans then tried to save her own ass rather than be honest, who served her entire career as the ENABLER for her criminal pervert husband who sexually assaulted, sexually harrassed, and raped women who engaged in pedophilia...

Hillary could not even win the nomination on her own - the DNC had to rig primaries and debates.

Hillary, by all rights should be in orison right now - and would be if Obama, Lynch, and Comey had not protected her from prosecution.
That's right, all that you can do is to keep trying to make it about Clinton in order to avoid dealing with the fact that Trump is an unhinged psychotic narcissist who does give a crap about anything or anybody but himself and who says words fed to him on a teleprompter that he neither understands or believes- as evidenced by what he says when unscripted Donald Trump's 57 most outrageous quotes from his Arizona speech - CNNPolitics

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