Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.
The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups.

I don't think Trump was trying to channel the Obama administration.
No, definitely the post was written for the trump.
BTW, thanks for bumping the OP.
They have to have 60 votes for the budget. Democrats will fillibuster and shut down the government. And you'll have that turd hanging around your snowflake neck.
Trump just said he's willing to shutdown the government. If that happens, he has already taken responsibility for it no matter the cause. That's your boy :thup: He just can't keep his mouth shut :lol:
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"
It is the media's job to attack him when he lies and says stupid stuff, you dunce.
it's the media's job to report news.
The fact that he lies and acts like he needs to be on psycho meds and in a straight jacket is in fact news
Okay, that's pure exaggeration. He's doing his "Crazy Uncle" thing (we've all got one, don't we? who shows up at family gatherings and says zany shit, gets worked up over things no one else cares about, etc.) but he's definitely not crazy.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.
Again with the deleting the portion of the post that contains the actual argument.

.....and what exactly was the erudite portion of your post that was deleted???

Was it this "gem"???

Your desire to have someone like the Old Guard who is "above" all the.[........,] while you fuckers never stop spreading your vile lies and filth is noted.


You complained that Trump was still campaigning.

My post you mostly deleted and then "replied to".

Have you lefties stopped? Slowed down?

Your desire to have someone like the Old Guard who is "above" all the, while you fuckers never stop spreading your vile lies and filth is noted.

ANd I strongly applaud Trump disappointing you liars.

Now, would you like to make a "reply" that actually replies to that?

Or are you going to cut most of my post and say something stupid again?
Trump sounds more like Nixon every day

Pffft, Nixon was on a hamster driven train compared to the rocket fueled bullet train to crazy that Trump is on.

Trump's train left the rails. His AZ rant confirmed it.

Every republican president, you lefties claim that this time is the worst.

Kind of not credible to those of us old enough to have seen it over and over again.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Not all traditions are good.

THe media needs attacked. The Wall needs built. and our trade policies SUCK.
ANd I strongly applaud Trump disappointing you liars.

What a thoroughly "deplorable American" retort...LOL

Again with the deleting the portion of the post that contains the actual argument.

Obviously, I'M not stupid enough to fall for that.

So, who are you playing for? Are you trying to look like you scored a partisan point in front of your partisan comrades?

Is that it? Do you think that your fellow libs are stupid enough to not notice that you deleted my point, instead of addressing it?

Well, you might be on to something there.

Anywhooo, here is my point again, so you can NOT address it again,

Have you lefties stopped? Slowed down?

Your desire to have someone like the Old Guard who is "above" all the, while you fuckers never stop spreading your vile lies and filth is noted.

ANd I strongly applaud Trump disappointing you liars.

Notice the ignoring of what Trump has actually accomplished and has done?

It's all about big item legislation with them. Not anything else. :)
Notice that a lot of RWers think the less government action, the better?

True. ANd some of us can get carried away with that.

The point about lefties ignoring Trump's actually policies and accomplishments to talk smack, though stands.
The point about lefties ignoring Trump's actually policies and accomplishments to talk smack, though stands.

IF you morons had "loyalty to Trump's policies" you should be VERY disappointed; that is, if you had more than a half brain......

IF you morons had JUST "loyalty to Trump" you should be receiving mental health care under the ACA.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
The point about lefties ignoring Trump's actually policies and accomplishments to talk smack, though stands.

IF you morons had "loyalty to Trump's policies" you should be VERY disappointed; that is, if you had more than a half brain......

IF you morons had JUST "loyalty to Trump" you should be receiving mental health care under the ACA.
Can't afford it.
The point about lefties ignoring Trump's actually policies and accomplishments to talk smack, though stands.

IF you morons had "loyalty to Trump's policies" you should be VERY disappointed; that is, if you had more than a half brain......

IF you morons had JUST "loyalty to Trump" you should be receiving mental health care under the ACA.

You've been duped.
The point about lefties ignoring Trump's actually policies and accomplishments to talk smack, though stands.

IF you morons had "loyalty to Trump's policies" you should be VERY disappointed; that is, if you had more than a half brain......

IF you morons had JUST "loyalty to Trump" you should be receiving mental health care under the ACA.

1. I've expressed disappoint several times with Trump not living up to certain policies. You are blind.

2. Nothing in your post addresses the point about the left being focused AWAY from policies and accomplishments.
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.

One more time for the mentally deficient:

The "people of this country"did NOT elect this clown.....the EC did.

.............and, if you wanted a do-nothing, golfing, infantile, narcissistic, low-self-esteemed, demagogue...YES, you got yourself one in the oval office.....LOL
. Nothing in your post addresses the point about the left being focused AWAY from policies and accomplishments

Feel free to list all the great, legislative Trump accomplishments.....
Go on, you'll have LOTS of room.............LOL
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.

One more time for the mentally deficient:

The "people of this country"did NOT elect this clown.....the EC did.

.............and, if you wanted a do-nothing, golfing, infantile, narcissistic, low-self-esteemed, demagogue...YES, you got yourself one in the oval office.....LOL

Are you too young to remember teh 2000 election? Cause the same thing happened there, and really, it is kind of sad even if you are that young, that you have been that poorly educated on recent history.
Don't quite got all your groceries bagged - doya?

Well, moron, if there's a grown up around your basement, ask that person HOW we can't afford HC and enough secret service folks to "protect" Donny Jr. in his business trips and vacations..........

BUT.......idiots like you demand money for a fucking wall with shining lights and Trump's name on it..............LOL.

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