Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Why? is it because you feel African-Americans aren't capable of harboring sincere and genuine opinions on politics that differ from what you believe they should be?

No, it's because he was LOL after every big cheer, to someone standing by him. And his "staging."
Of course an African American can be a Trump fan. I just wonder about this particular one.

Er..umm..It's a political "rally", rote behavior and mindless jocundity is not only encouraged it's rewarded.

That being said, President Twitter has plenty of African American loyalists (around 8% of African Americans), so his organization doesn't need to pay for anybody to play the lemming at his rallies, they'll make fools of themselves for free.
That being said, President Twitter has plenty of African American loyalists (around 8% of African Americans)

Someday, when you grow up, you too will learn the difference between "8%" and "plenty"......
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.

One more time for the mentally deficient:

The "people of this country"did NOT elect this clown.....the EC did.

.............and, if you wanted a do-nothing, golfing, infantile, narcissistic, low-self-esteemed, demagogue...YES, you got yourself one in the oval office.....LOL

And one more time for the truly clueless...we elect our President through the electoral college system. Trump won under the system we use. The people of this country did in fact elect Donald Trump! Claiming otherwise is nothing more than you being childish!
And one more time for the truly clueless...we elect our President through the electoral college system. Trump won under the system we use. The people of this country did in fact elect Donald Trump! Claiming otherwise is nothing more than you being childish!

I have NO problem, moron, with you claiming that Trump won the EC and THAT is our country's [albeit, outdated] mode.......

HOWEVER, do NOT claim that the majority of people voted for this orange clown...twist it any way your biased mind wants to...BUT IT ISN'T TRUE.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.

Well that's your opinion and others see it differently, that is our right to have differing opinions.
The people at that rally do not think he is. They see him as the non politician.
That is also their right of opinion.
The left want the independents and conservatives to remain silent or they will be labeled falsely.
They did the same exact thing in the 60's to get the Conservatives to remain silent, violent protests was back then also.
It worked back then but not now, we have the right to our opinions and are sick and tired of the constant labeling and out right lies of the media and the left.
Conservatives and moderates won because the Democratic party stopped representing them.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
Now you want to go back and actually address his point about border security, or would you rather use your zinger as an excuse to dodge his point that you obviously can't refute.

Well, nitwit...."border security" WAS the number one responsibility of the East Germans.

If you morons "think" that border security is our governments NUMBER ONE DUTY, you're not much different than the Stasi......

You really are a moron, Nat! You can't even figure out that there is a HUGE difference between a wall that keeps dangerous people OUT and a wall that imprisons your own people so they can't LEAVE!
That being said, President Twitter has plenty of African American loyalists (around 8% of African Americans)

Someday, when you grow up, you too will learn the difference between "8%" and "plenty"......

Just out of curiosity, how many more than roughly 2 million qualifies as "plenty" in the LeftWing Fantasy Land you inhabit? and as a follow-up query does the word "subjective" exist in the gibberish you speak there?
And one more time for the truly clueless...we elect our President through the electoral college system. Trump won under the system we use. The people of this country did in fact elect Donald Trump! Claiming otherwise is nothing more than you being childish!

I have NO problem, moron, with you claiming that Trump won the EC and THAT is our country's [albeit, outdated] mode.......

HOWEVER, do NOT claim that the majority of people voted for this orange clown...twist it any way your biased mind wants to...BUT IT ISN'T TRUE.

I never claimed that the majority of people voted for Trump. What I that the popular vote doesn't matter because that's not how we elect a President in this country!!! Why do you even waste our time with that nonsensical talking point? You know as well as I do that if Clinton had won the electoral college vote that you wouldn't be here whining about how it was "outdated"!
Trump sounds more like Nixon every day

Pffft, Nixon was on a hamster driven train compared to the rocket fueled bullet train to crazy that Trump is on.

Trump's train left the rails. His AZ rant confirmed it.

Every republican president, you lefties claim that this time is the worst.

Kind of not credible to those of us old enough to have seen it over and over again.

You keep choosing worst candidates each time. You've finally hit rock bottom though with Trump. No place left to go but up!
I never claimed that the majority of people voted for Trump. What I that the popular vote doesn't matter

Fine.....I agree....

Now tell your fellow right wingers to STOP repeating that the majority of the American people wanted this orange clown in the oval office......
THAT is my only point.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.

Well that's your opinion and others see it differently, that is our right to have differing opinions.
The people at that rally do not think he is. They see him as the non politician.
That is also their right of opinion.
The left want the independents and conservatives to remain silent or they will be labeled falsely.
They did the same exact thing in the 60's to get the Conservatives to remain silent, violent protests was back then also.
It worked back then but not now, we have the right to our opinions and are sick and tired of the constant labeling and out right lies of the media and the left.
Conservatives and moderates won because the Democratic party stopped representing them.
Agreed about opinions and agreed about how the Democrats have moved away from supporting the middle. Unfortunately, the Republicans don't support the middle either. Trump's populism is a ploy, not a fact. He's filled his administration with Wall Street execs, not "Joe the Plumber". He's revisited the "trickle down" theory of economics, albeit in a need sheet.

While his PHX speech was filled with fans, most Americans are not fans and that will be proved, one way or another, in November 2018.
I never claimed that the majority of people voted for Trump. What I that the popular vote doesn't matter

Fine.....I agree....

Now tell your fellow right wingers to STOP repeating that the majority of the American people wanted this orange clown in the oval office......
THAT is my only point.
The majority of people didn't want Hillary Clinton in office. Is that better?
And one more time for the truly clueless...we elect our President through the electoral college system. Trump won under the system we use. The people of this country did in fact elect Donald Trump! Claiming otherwise is nothing more than you being childish!

I have NO problem, moron, with you claiming that Trump won the EC and THAT is our country's [albeit, outdated] mode.......

HOWEVER, do NOT claim that the majority of people voted for this orange clown...twist it any way your biased mind wants to...BUT IT ISN'T TRUE.

She got a little over 1.6 million votes that is not a very big number compared the 125 or so million who voted.
The lie being spread is 3 million, which isn't true. That's the main stream medias lies. It stared as over 2 million also not true, then morphed to the magical number of 3 million.
The E. C. is not outdated. That is a wrong headed way to go ,because it would give more power to the government and gets rid of the peoples power.
But you seem to want more government control.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.

Well that's your opinion and others see it differently, that is our right to have differing opinions.
The people at that rally do not think he is. They see him as the non politician.
That is also their right of opinion.
The left want the independents and conservatives to remain silent or they will be labeled falsely.
They did the same exact thing in the 60's to get the Conservatives to remain silent, violent protests was back then also.
It worked back then but not now, we have the right to our opinions and are sick and tired of the constant labeling and out right lies of the media and the left.
Conservatives and moderates won because the Democratic party stopped representing them.
Agreed about opinions and agreed about how the Democrats have moved away from supporting the middle. Unfortunately, the Republicans don't support the middle either. Trump's populism is a ploy, not a fact. He's filled his administration with Wall Street execs, not "Joe the Plumber". He's revisited the "trickle down" theory of economics, albeit in a need sheet.

While his PHX speech was filled with fans, most Americans are not fans and that will be proved, one way or another, in November 2018.

What do you think Coal and pipeline workers and manufacturing are?
That is middle class jobs people are getting.

If the Repubs don't get off their do nothing butts, you might be right.
And one more time for the truly clueless...we elect our President through the electoral college system. Trump won under the system we use. The people of this country did in fact elect Donald Trump! Claiming otherwise is nothing more than you being childish!

I have NO problem, moron, with you claiming that Trump won the EC and THAT is our country's [albeit, outdated] mode.......

HOWEVER, do NOT claim that the majority of people voted for this orange clown...twist it any way your biased mind wants to...BUT IT ISN'T TRUE.

She got a little over 1.6 million votes that is not a very big number compared the 125 or so million who voted.
The lie being spread is 3 million, which isn't true. That's the main stream medias lies. It stared as over 2 million also not true, then morphed to the magical number of 3 million.
The E. C. is not outdated. That is a wrong headed way to go ,because it would give more power to the government and gets rid of the peoples power.
But you seem to want more government control.
I'd like to see your evidence that the number is 1.6 million vs. 3 million. Either way, the Electoral College is how our election system has been run for centuries now. For the Left to whine about it is facetious since they've had ample opportunity over the last century to change it.

My understanding is that the vast majority of those 3 million votes were from the Left Coast. Despite all the bitching and moaning, one or two states should not dictate to the other 48-49 states who is to be President.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.

Well that's your opinion and others see it differently, that is our right to have differing opinions.
The people at that rally do not think he is. They see him as the non politician.
That is also their right of opinion.
The left want the independents and conservatives to remain silent or they will be labeled falsely.
They did the same exact thing in the 60's to get the Conservatives to remain silent, violent protests was back then also.
It worked back then but not now, we have the right to our opinions and are sick and tired of the constant labeling and out right lies of the media and the left.
Conservatives and moderates won because the Democratic party stopped representing them.
Agreed about opinions and agreed about how the Democrats have moved away from supporting the middle. Unfortunately, the Republicans don't support the middle either. Trump's populism is a ploy, not a fact. He's filled his administration with Wall Street execs, not "Joe the Plumber". He's revisited the "trickle down" theory of economics, albeit in a need sheet.

While his PHX speech was filled with fans, most Americans are not fans and that will be proved, one way or another, in November 2018.

What do you think Coal and pipeline workers and manufacturing are?
That is middle class jobs people are getting.

If the Repubs don't get off their do nothing butts, you might be right.
Very few middle class Americans working in coal and pipeline, it's old tech.

As for manufacturing, that covers a lot of territory. How many jobs, what levels of pay and which industries are you alluding to here?
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.

he's got serious issues.

amazing how much trumpbots hate their country to support that.
And one more time for the truly clueless...we elect our President through the electoral college system. Trump won under the system we use. The people of this country did in fact elect Donald Trump! Claiming otherwise is nothing more than you being childish!

I have NO problem, moron, with you claiming that Trump won the EC and THAT is our country's [albeit, outdated] mode.......

HOWEVER, do NOT claim that the majority of people voted for this orange clown...twist it any way your biased mind wants to...BUT IT ISN'T TRUE.

She got a little over 1.6 million votes that is not a very big number compared the 125 or so million who voted.
The lie being spread is 3 million, which isn't true. That's the main stream medias lies. It stared as over 2 million also not true, then morphed to the magical number of 3 million.
The E. C. is not outdated. That is a wrong headed way to go ,because it would give more power to the government and gets rid of the peoples power.
But you seem to want more government control.
I'd like to see your evidence that the number is 1.6 million vs. 3 million. Either way, the Electoral College is how our election system has been run for centuries now. For the Left to whine about it is facetious since they've had ample opportunity over the last century to change it.

My understanding is that the vast majority of those 3 million votes were from the Left Coast. Despite all the bitching and moaning, one or two states should not dictate to the other 48-49 states who is to be President.

he won by 70,000 in 3 states that were targeted by Russian propaganda.

there are more people in cities. I'm not sure why someone living in Montana has a vote worth 700 of mine.

that has to stop.

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