Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Why do you hate the Constitution? If the Constitution is so bad, especially the Electoral College system, why didn't the Democrats change it when they were in the majority?

Well, good question.....but since you're a moron, look up what exactly it would take to change the outdated EC mandate......A bit of a majority is NOT enough......

The rest of your questions are worthless.....
Now you want to go back and actually address his point about border security, or would you rather use your zinger as an excuse to dodge his point that you obviously can't refute.

Well, nitwit...."border security" WAS the number one responsibility of the East Germans.

If you morons "think" that border security is our governments NUMBER ONE DUTY, you're not much different than the Stasi......

The East German wall was built to keep defectors in.

Our border wall is built to keep to keep illegals from coming in.
Very big difference there.
One is force, the other is protection.
Agreed on the premise, but a wall, even a 2000 mile wall, won't do the job you think it will. Most illegals come here legally and simply overstay their visas.

In addition, there is a 7,000 year old technology known as "boats" which will defeat any wall no matter how high or how strong. Add to this the technology of "tunnels" and breeches such as a cutting torch.

Best, IMO, to work smarter, not harder....much less wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on a single line of defense.


Tunnel-building under walls, is also a long-practiced tradition......LOL
The East German wall was built to keep defectors in.

Our border wall is built to keep to keep illegals from coming in.
Very big difference there.
One is force, the other is protection

Here, since you need education..........Here's what the EAST German claimed.....(sound familiar???)

The Eastern Bloc claimed that the Wall was erected to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a socialist state in East Germany..........
The Berlin Wall was officially referred to as the Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart (German: Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) by GDR authorities, implying that the NATO countries and West Germany in particular were considered equal to fascists.

Even the people that lived there didn't believe that lie.

We still had contact with our family till it was built. No one believed it was for protection.
We lost contact with them after it was built, till it was taken down.
Let's be clear, Nat...anyone claiming that a "majority of the American people" elected ANYONE is an idiot! We average just above 50% of eligible voters turning out to vote in elections! Literally almost half of eligible voters don't care enough to show up at the polls.

Agreed......NOW, the question arises as to WHO does not show up to vote......
My guess is that older, white, low educated Americans show up more....and as Trump [in]famously stated, "I love the poorly educated."
So the very latest Ploy by liberal extremists has been revealed - using the vast left-wing conspiracy/ propaganda pushing fake news media to flood the Airways with questions about the president's mental state.

It is ironic that the mentally unstable liberal-left, who have not been able to accept the defeat of Hillary Clinton by Donald Trump for president yet, who have been driven to seditious violent attacks, are questioning anyone else's sanity.
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"

Trump is the guy who declared war on the media, calling them "enemies of the people", simply because they continue to call him on his lies and refuse to accept his "alternative facts".

Calling someone on their bullshit isn't an attack. Telling the truth isn't "fake news". Trump hates the truth because it shows what a lying sack of shit he is.
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"

Trump is the guy who declared war on the media, calling them "enemies of the people", simply because they continue to call him on his lies and refuse to accept his "alternative facts".

Calling someone on their bullshit isn't an attack. Telling the truth isn't "fake news". Trump hates the truth because it shows what a lying sack of shit he is.
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.

polls show they are more middle, right.
The East German wall was built to keep defectors in.

Our border wall is built to keep to keep illegals from coming in.
Very big difference there.
One is force, the other is protection

Here, since you need education..........Here's what the EAST German claimed.....(sound familiar???)

The Eastern Bloc claimed that the Wall was erected to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent the "will of the people" in building a socialist state in East Germany..........
The Berlin Wallh was officially referred to as the Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart (German: Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) by GDR authorities, implying that the NATO countries and West Germany in particular were considered equal to fascists.

So, a minute ago, you were smearing conservatives for supposedly being like the East Germans.

Now you are presenting their claims as to why their wall was a good thing as though it were true.

So, what it true, good or bad?

Oh, right. YOu are a lefty. "Truth" to a lefty is whatever serves his partisan purpose at that single instant.
Even the people that lived there didn't believe that lie.

We still had contact with our family till it was built. No one believed it was for protection.
We lost contact with them after it was built, till it was taken down

My point was an is, nitwit, WALLS do NOTHING to protect a country...ask Israel and China how successful their walls worked out........Is Israel free of terrorism?
It is ironic that the mentally unstable liberal-left, who have not been able to accept the defeat of Hillary Clinton by Donald Trump for president yet, who have been driven to seditious violent attacks, are questioning anyone else's sanity.

Another right wing moron is here chanting, "we won, we won, all is well..." LOL
So, a minute ago, you were smearing conservatives for supposedly being like the East Germans.

Now you are presenting their claims as to why their wall was a good thing as though it were true.

First of all, moron, I do NOT believe that all conservatives are gung-ho for building a fucking, expensive and useless wall.....YOU can only speak for your screwed up ilk.

Then, I am claiming that what the East Germans stated about building THEIR wall, is not much different than what the moron-in-chief, is stating about building HIS wall.
Even the people that lived there didn't believe that lie.

We still had contact with our family till it was built. No one believed it was for protection.
We lost contact with them after it was built, till it was taken down

My point was an is, nitwit, WALLS do NOTHING to protect a country...ask Israel and China how successful their walls worked out........Is Israel free of terrorism?

Good use of misleading conflation there.

You made a claim, "walls do nothing to protect a country" and then set an unreasonable high barrier of proof, ie 100 per cent effectiveness.

Well played.

Funny how you feel you have to play such games.

ANywhoo, the wall has been very effective in protection Israel

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia

"Suicide bombings have decreased since the construction of the barrier.[7][45] Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been less able to conduct attacks in Israel, which have decreased in areas where the barrier has been completed.[46][47]

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Security Agency report that in 2002, there were 452 fatalities from terrorist attacks. Before the completion of the first continuous segment (July 2003) from the beginning of the Second Intifada, 73 Palestinian suicide bombings were carried out from the West Bank, killing 293 Israelis and injuring over 1,900. After the completion of the first continuous segment through the end of 2006, there were only 12 attacks based in the West Bank, killing 64 people and wounding 445.[6] Terrorist attacks declined in 2007[6] and 2008[48] to 9 in 2010.[49]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs predicts that completion of the barrier will continue to prevent terrorist attacks[50] since "[a]n absolute halt in terrorist activities has been noticed in the West Bank areas where the fence has been constructed."[46]"
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"

Trump is the guy who declared war on the media, calling them "enemies of the people", simply because they continue to call him on his lies and refuse to accept his "alternative facts".

Calling someone on their bullshit isn't an attack. Telling the truth isn't "fake news". Trump hates the truth because it shows what a lying sack of shit he is.
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
Let's be clear, Nat...anyone claiming that a "majority of the American people" elected ANYONE is an idiot! We average just above 50% of eligible voters turning out to vote in elections! Literally almost half of eligible voters don't care enough to show up at the polls.

Agreed......NOW, the question arises as to WHO does not show up to vote......
My guess is that older, white, low educated Americans show up more....and as Trump [in]famously stated, "I love the poorly educated."

That quote was totally taken out of context.
He was talking about getting better education for the poor, not the poorly educated, which are on both sides of the political spectrum by the way.
So, a minute ago, you were smearing conservatives for supposedly being like the East Germans.

Now you are presenting their claims as to why their wall was a good thing as though it were true.

First of all, moron, I do NOT believe that all conservatives are gung-ho for building a fucking, expensive and useless wall.....YOU can only speak for your screwed up ilk.

Then, I am claiming that what the East Germans stated about building THEIR wall, is not much different than what the moron-in-chief, is stating about building HIS wall.

FIne you smeared some conservatives.

That they lied to make their wall look like a good wall,

that their lies sound similar to the truth about a good wall,

should not confuse you.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning". right wing morons STILL think that gravity is a left wing plot.....LOL
It is ironic that the mentally unstable liberal-left, who have not been able to accept the defeat of Hillary Clinton by Donald Trump for president yet, who have been driven to seditious violent attacks, are questioning anyone else's sanity.

Another right wing moron is here chanting, "we won, we won, all is well..." LOL
Your reading comprehension problem continues to haunt you. I suggest you have someone read what I wrote to you and this time explain it to you so you are not left demonstrating how stupid you realy are.
FIne you smeared some conservatives.

That they lied to make their wall look like a good wall,

that their lies sound similar to the truth about a good wall,

should not confuse you.

Good Correll.....we'll name ours "the GOOD TRUMP wall"...that should make us all feel better............

THREE points to ponder.........

  • Since 1990, federal agents have discovered more than 200 tunnels under the existing border walls
  • According to a 2015 US government "national drug threat assessment", the bulk of illegal narcotics enter the US through border checkpoints and points of entry, hidden among more than 5.5 million commercial trucks that cross the US-Mexican border every year
  • Undocumented immigration is a similar story. Most of the Mexicans who are in the US illegally entered through legal means and then overstayed their visas, not by illicit border-crossing that a wall could prevent.
Even the people that lived there didn't believe that lie.

We still had contact with our family till it was built. No one believed it was for protection.
We lost contact with them after it was built, till it was taken down

My point was an is, nitwit, WALLS do NOTHING to protect a country...ask Israel and China how successful their walls worked out........Is Israel free of terrorism?

Since the wall has been built by Bush it was working till Obama scaled back border patrol.
Israel's wall is also working.
Border fences in Europe are working.
Consider the land defenses at Constantinople - the Theodosian Walls - which stood for around 1000 years without falling to a single siege. They were extraordinary defenses.
Read up on it rather than attacking.

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