Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Ah, the walls that Israel built dramatically cut down on terror attacks, Nat! Israel is an example of WHY you build walls!

Absolutely....Israel is now FREE of terrorism.....LOL

Israeli wall:400 miles....

Trump's wall: 2,000 miles

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Why? is it because you feel African-Americans aren't capable of harboring sincere and genuine opinions on politics that differ from what you believe they should be?

No, it's because he was LOL after every big cheer, to someone standing by him. And his "staging."
Of course an African American can be a Trump fan. I just wonder about this particular one.

Er..umm..It's a political "rally", rote behavior and mindless jocundity is not only encouraged it's rewarded.

That being said, President Twitter has plenty of African American loyalists (around 8% of African Americans), so his organization doesn't need to pay for anybody to play the lemming at his rallies, they'll make fools of themselves for free.

Okay. I'll make the distinction between rally and POTUS speech/communication from now on.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Agreed on "sales techniques" if that means "99% bullshit".

Tough love has a positive connotation. I don't see anything in his policies that are positive in that regard. Trimming the budget is positive but turning around and blowing billions on a "monument to stupidity" is not.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teachers for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teachers for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.
Trump sounds more like Nixon every day

Pffft, Nixon was on a hamster driven train compared to the rocket fueled bullet train to crazy that Trump is on.

Trump's train left the rails. His AZ rant confirmed it.

Every republican president, you lefties claim that this time is the worst.

Kind of not credible to those of us old enough to have seen it over and over again.

You keep choosing worst candidates each time. You've finally hit rock bottom though with Trump. No place left to go but up!

Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Agreed on "sales techniques" if that means "99% bullshit".

Tough love has a positive connotation. I don't see anything in his policies that are positive in that regard. Trimming the budget is positive but turning around and blowing billions on a "monument to stupidity" is not.
You don't think a physical fence is practical? I heard someone on the news saying that it would be far cheaper to have a security system including sensors to alert to people crossing the border and sending drones to track them until an agent could apprehend them (that reminds me so much of Star Wars--creepy) . It would involve buying the security systems and more agents to apprehend border jumpers, but would still be far cheaper than building a physical barrier. It still wouldn't be cheap, but a lot cheaper than a Wall.
I don't know about that whole scenario. Still a lot of border patrol agents running around playing hide and seek with these illegal crossers. And once they see a drone, couldn't they just stash the drugs and come back for them later or something? I dunno. Stopping them from entering at all with a wall (fence) would seem a lot simpler to me. Either way, one of them should be done. I can see arguments for both systems.

I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Why? is it because you feel African-Americans aren't capable of harboring sincere and genuine opinions on politics that differ from what you believe they should be?

No, it's because he was LOL after every big cheer, to someone standing by him. And his "staging."
Of course an African American can be a Trump fan. I just wonder about this particular one.

Er..umm..It's a political "rally", rote behavior and mindless jocundity is not only encouraged it's rewarded.

That being said, President Twitter has plenty of African American loyalists (around 8% of African Americans), so his organization doesn't need to pay for anybody to play the lemming at his rallies, they'll make fools of themselves for free.

Okay. I'll make the distinction between rally and POTUS speech/communication from now on.

That'll be tough since there isn't one .... welcome to the high speed, non-stop politician self aggrandizement dog & puppet show.
Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Agreed on "sales techniques" if that means "99% bullshit".

Tough love has a positive connotation. I don't see anything in his policies that are positive in that regard. Trimming the budget is positive but turning around and blowing billions on a "monument to stupidity" is not.
You don't think a physical fence is practical? I heard someone on the news saying that it would be far cheaper to have a security system including sensors to alert to people crossing the border and sending drones to track them until an agent could apprehend them (that reminds me so much of Star Wars--creepy) . It would involve buying the security systems and more agents to apprehend border jumpers, but would still be far cheaper than building a physical barrier. It still wouldn't be cheap, but a lot cheaper than a Wall.
I don't know about that whole scenario. Still a lot of border patrol agents running around playing hide and seek with these illegal crossers. And once they see a drone, couldn't they just stash the drugs and come back for them later or something? I dunno. Stopping them from entering at all with a wall (fence) would seem a lot simpler to me. Either way, one of them should be done. I can see arguments for both systems.

Picture a map of the U.S.

Now, draw a line from Washington D.C. to Phoenix, AZ

THAT is the approximate length of the proposed Trump wall.
Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Agreed on "sales techniques" if that means "99% bullshit".

Tough love has a positive connotation. I don't see anything in his policies that are positive in that regard. Trimming the budget is positive but turning around and blowing billions on a "monument to stupidity" is not.
You don't think a physical fence is practical? I heard someone on the news saying that it would be far cheaper to have a security system including sensors to alert to people crossing the border and sending drones to track them until an agent could apprehend them (that reminds me so much of Star Wars--creepy) . It would involve buying the security systems and more agents to apprehend border jumpers, but would still be far cheaper than building a physical barrier. It still wouldn't be cheap, but a lot cheaper than a Wall.
I don't know about that whole scenario. Still a lot of border patrol agents running around playing hide and seek with these illegal crossers. And once they see a drone, couldn't they just stash the drugs and come back for them later or something? I dunno. Stopping them from entering at all with a wall (fence) would seem a lot simpler to me. Either way, one of them should be done. I can see arguments for both systems.
Agreed a virtual barrier is better than a physical wall. In addition, we should look at protecting all US borders, not just the 2000 mile southern border.

In addition, we need to enact/enforce laws against those enabling illegals such as renters, employers, etc. A national ID card which includes a picture and finger print has the virtue of both providing Voter ID, but also something easy for employers and renters to check.
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teachers for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
I really liked his token negro last night--standing right behind him so he was always in the camera. He had on a t-shirt that said "Republicans are not racist" or something like that. Every time the crowd whooped it up, he did, too, and then he would laugh out loud. I wonder how much he was getting paid; he sure was acting like a paid actor.

Why? is it because you feel African-Americans aren't capable of harboring sincere and genuine opinions on politics that differ from what you believe they should be?
No, it's because he was LOL after every big cheer, to someone standing by him. And his "staging."
Of course an African American can be a Trump fan. I just wonder about this particular one.
Er..umm..It's a political "rally", rote behavior and mindless jocundity is not only encouraged it's rewarded.

That being said, President Twitter has plenty of African American loyalists (around 8% of African Americans), so his organization doesn't need to pay for anybody to play the lemming at his rallies, they'll make fools of themselves for free.
Okay. I'll make the distinction between rally and POTUS speech/communication from now on.

That'll be tough since there isn't one .... welcome to the high speed, non-stop politician self aggrandizement dog & puppet show.
I was trying to be polite.....
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teachers for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
No disagreement there. So what does this have to do with the partisan accusations that schools are brainwashing students? Who do you want to teach our students and who decides what to teach?
Obozo had catch and release so regardless of how many guards each president had the agenda is different. Hope that doesn't confuse you

Not at all confusing since its expected bullshit......

Between Trump taking office on January 20 and March 13, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested 21,362 undocumented immigrants and deported 54,741 people. Compared to the same period last year(under Obama) this marks a decrease. Under Trump, arrests are up by 33 percent, but deportations are down by 1.2 percent.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President - ABC ...
/----/ On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics. High deportation figures are misleading
/----- You laugh at the LA Times???


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States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teachers for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
No disagreement there. So what does this have to do with the partisan accusations that schools are brainwashing students? Who do you want to teach our students and who decides what to teach?

States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teachers for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
No disagreement there. So what does this have to do with the partisan accusations that schools are brainwashing students? Who do you want to teach our students and who decides what to teach?

I think the decisions should rest with the government without regard to partisanship, with input from businesses and others, including parents. Education should be based on teaching skills needed for jobs and life.

I'm sorry to see Home Ec and shop classes have gone. I see little evidence that young people have a good grasp of home management and cooking skills are sorely lacking. I believe ignorance on nutrition is behind much of the obesity endemic in society today.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
No disagreement there. So what does this have to do with the partisan accusations that schools are brainwashing students? Who do you want to teach our students and who decides what to teach?

Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
No disagreement there. So what does this have to do with the partisan accusations that schools are brainwashing students? Who do you want to teach our students and who decides what to teach?

I think the decisions should rest with the government without regard to partisanship, with input from businesses and others, including parents. Education should be based on teaching skills needed for jobs and life.

I'm sorry to see Home Ec and shop classes have gone. I see little evidence that young people have a good grasp of home management and cooking skills are sorely lacking. I believe ignorance on nutrition is behind much of the obesity endemic in society today.
While I agree with much of what you wrote, as you most certainly know, "the devil is in the details".

If it was up me, we'd get rid of the "summer vacation" idea. Most kids aren't helping parents plant, tend and harvest crops anymore. A three month on, two week off all-year-round school system allows more time for education. Also, taking a three-month break means a loss of educational retention. The first few weeks of a new school year are often wasted in relearning.

As for the curriculum, that's tougher, but I readily agree all public education should be geared to producing good citizens and productive adults/taxpayers.
Psych Liar Trump pretended to be a friend of the LGBT community. He stated that LGBT people would advance further with him in office. Now this:

White House Gearing Up To Push Transgender Military Ban Forward | HuffPost
Mentally impaired high suicide risk freaks have no business in the military.
Many of your so called "freaks" have been serving honorably . They are an asset to the Military which can't find enough qualified recruits. One fucking percent of young people between the ages of 17 and 24 are both fit to serve and want to serve. Now tell us again how much you care about military readiness.

While your at it, tell us how many trans people in the military committed suicide.The one wo kill themselves are the ones who are forced into the closet, and who are treated badly by the likes of you and Trump. You and he have blood on your hands.
Psych Liar Trump pretended to be a friend of the LGBT community. He stated that LGBT people would advance further with him in office. Now this:

White House Gearing Up To Push Transgender Military Ban Forward | HuffPost
HaHa! Did you clowns actually think Trump would support these perverts?
So you admit that Trump is a shameless liar? Thank you.
Whatever you say leftard.

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