Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Awesome. You just proved why most Americans have no respect for your position and why, instead of voting for Hillary, they chose Trump.

TRUE.......because being called a "moron" makes your ilk suicidal.....Correct???
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"

Trump is the guy who declared war on the media, calling them "enemies of the people", simply because they continue to call him on his lies and refuse to accept his "alternative facts".

Calling someone on their bullshit isn't an attack. Telling the truth isn't "fake news". Trump hates the truth because it shows what a lying sack of shit he is.
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
Has the flood of trump administration officials quitting and resigning in protest of his "rampage" speech subsided yet?
I think Trump was ok. What I like best was the police weren't told to stand down. Perhaps if the media would stop it's perpetual attacks, he wouldn't go off on them?

The question now is what little boy will ask "What attacks?"

Trump is the guy who declared war on the media, calling them "enemies of the people", simply because they continue to call him on his lies and refuse to accept his "alternative facts".

Calling someone on their bullshit isn't an attack. Telling the truth isn't "fake news". Trump hates the truth because it shows what a lying sack of shit he is.
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.
Has the flood of trump administration officials quitting and resigning in protest of his "rampage" speech subsided yet?
Not yet. Still draining the swamp.
I thought draining the swamp meant getting rid of folks who were in operation when trump took over. I was referring to folks who joined with trump after he was elected. Your concept suggests that trump added to the swamp and the people quitting are swamp people who he added to the swamp.
Obozo had catch and release so regardless of how many guards each president had the agenda is different. Hope that doesn't confuse you

Not at all confusing since its expected bullshit......

Between Trump taking office on January 20 and March 13, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested 21,362 undocumented immigrants and deported 54,741 people. Compared to the same period last year(under Obama) this marks a decrease. Under Trump, arrests are up by 33 percent, but deportations are down by 1.2 percent.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President - ABC ...
Even the people that lived there didn't believe that lie.

We still had contact with our family till it was built. No one believed it was for protection.
We lost contact with them after it was built, till it was taken down

My point was an is, nitwit, WALLS do NOTHING to protect a country...ask Israel and China how successful their walls worked out........Is Israel free of terrorism?

Ah, the walls that Israel built dramatically cut down on terror attacks, Nat! Israel is an example of WHY you build walls!
Obozo had catch and release so regardless of how many guards each president had the agenda is different. Hope that doesn't confuse you

Not at all confusing since its expected bullshit......

Between Trump taking office on January 20 and March 13, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested 21,362 undocumented immigrants and deported 54,741 people. Compared to the same period last year(under Obama) this marks a decrease. Under Trump, arrests are up by 33 percent, but deportations are down by 1.2 percent.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President - ABC ...
/----/ On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics. High deportation figures are misleading
Trump is the guy who declared war on the media, calling them "enemies of the people", simply because they continue to call him on his lies and refuse to accept his "alternative facts".

Calling someone on their bullshit isn't an attack. Telling the truth isn't "fake news". Trump hates the truth because it shows what a lying sack of shit he is.
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.
Dude, you are free to smoke pot all day and believe whatever fantasies you like. The facts remain the facts.

NCES Blog | Financing education: National, state, and local funding and spending for public schools in 2013
The 50 states and D.C. reported $603.7 billion in funding collected for public elementary and secondary education in 2013. State and local governments provided $547.8 billion, or 91 percent of all funding; and the federal government contributed $55.9 billion or 9 percent of all funding.
Public school finance mechanisms differ from state to state, and they are often extremely complex. Most commonly, the federal government contributes about 7% of the total school budget, and the remainder is split fairly evenly between local contributions (primarily raised through local property taxes) and state contributions (primarily raised through state income taxes and sales taxes). The average amount of money provided per pupil varies greatly from one state to another.

Archived: 10 Fact About K-12 Education Funding
The responsibility for K-12 education rests with the states under the Constitution. There is also a compelling national interest in the quality of the nation's public schools. Therefore, the federal government, through the legislative process, provides assistance to the states and schools in an effort to supplement, not supplant, state support......In the 2004-05 school year, 83 cents out of every dollar spent on education is estimated to come from the state and local levels (45.6 percent from state funds and 37.1 percent from local governments). The federal government's share is 8.3 percent. The remaining 8.9 percent is from private sources, primarily for private schools. [ * * ] This division of support remains consistent with our nation's historic reliance on local control of schools.
Trump is the guy who declared war on the media, calling them "enemies of the people", simply because they continue to call him on his lies and refuse to accept his "alternative facts".

Calling someone on their bullshit isn't an attack. Telling the truth isn't "fake news". Trump hates the truth because it shows what a lying sack of shit he is.
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teacher unions for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Last edited:
/----/ 8 years of silence cost the media their credibility. They are nothing more than lap dogs for the democRATS.
Disagreed. Sure, most of the media leans left, but when compared to the far Right, the vast majority of Americans "lean left". Many RWNJs have accused me of being a "Lefty" just like many LWLs have accused me of being a "Righty". It doesn't make their accusations true.

The bottom line is that "the media" is a for-profit business. It's "infotainment" and infotainment loves controversy.
The leftist indoctrination of our children in our public school system might have something to do with more people "leaning left". It's what Mao would call "controlled learning".
This isn't China. Schools aren't government controlled, they are primarily state funded and controlled. Additionally, the United States has several education options, including online. People are free to educate themselves or explore other options outside of academia.
More of that "divine wind" blowing outcha ass? The last I checked, the DOE is a government-controlled federal agency. If you can't understand that economics and history books have been subtly slanting to the left for decades now, and that our teachers have been opining against conservatism to our children, then I might suggest that you not pick your nose. Your head will cave in.

States control textbooks, not the Feds. States control cirriculum too, and most states are controlled by Republicans. Conservatives keep blaming teachers and teachers for being leftists but nieither the teachers nor the unions control the state's. The failure of US schools in on conservatives. The states with the lowest academic scores are all red states.

It's no accident that the best education systems in the world are all in leftist, social democracies.

As for history books, history is the story of progress achieved over the objections of conservatives who wish to preserve the status quo. Without liberals, there would be no progress.
Agreed with all except the negativism towards conservatism.

IMHO, conservatives and liberals are as important to our nation as a father and mother is to a child; we need both points of view for balance.

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