Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office


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"Conservapedia"?????? Fucking really, conservapedia????? LOL

Let me give you just ONE fucked up consequence of this moron's administration:

The secretary of education........let me repeat it.....The FUCKING sec. of Ed. needs secrete service protection because she's so damn controversial.....GO FIGURE.


1. It's a list of his accomplishments. You can disagree with them is you want. INdeed, that was the point.

2. Mmm, that you side is so hysterical that they are a danger to public officials has nothing to do with Trump. Try again.
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.

One more time for the mentally deficient:

The "people of this country"did NOT elect this clown.....the EC did.

.............and, if you wanted a do-nothing, golfing, infantile, narcissistic, low-self-esteemed, demagogue...YES, you got yourself one in the oval office.....LOL

No the people did along with the EC, very constitutional.

You are the mentally deficient one believing out right lies about Trump.
Everything you support is anti constitutional.
You want far left big government control.
In my book that's called brain dead indoctrination by people who follow those lies.
One of the biggest lies is that Trump is a racist when those of us who have been around since the 70's and read the news about him, he has never been racist ever.
That's one of many, many lies.
Now you want to go back and actually address his point about border security, or would you rather use your zinger as an excuse to dodge his point that you obviously can't refute.

Well, nitwit...."border security" WAS the number one responsibility of the East Germans.

If you morons "think" that border security is our governments NUMBER ONE DUTY, you're not much different than the Stasi......

"Conservapedia"?????? Fucking really, conservapedia????? LOL

Let me give you just ONE fucked up consequence of this moron's administration:

The secretary of education........let me repeat it.....The FUCKING sec. of Ed. needs secrete service protection because she's so damn controversial.....GO FIGURE.


1. It's a list of his accomplishments. You can disagree with them is you want. INdeed, that was the point.

2. Mmm, that you side is so hysterical that they are a danger to public officials has nothing to do with Trump. Try again.

I loved how he dismantled almost all of Obama Executive Orders. :)
Now you want to go back and actually address his point about border security, or would you rather use your zinger as an excuse to dodge his point that you obviously can't refute.

Well, nitwit...."border security" WAS the number one responsibility of the East Germans.

If you morons "think" that border security is our governments NUMBER ONE DUTY, you're not much different than the Stasi......

Read the Constitution.
And it has nothing to do with East Germany.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Not all traditions are good.

THe media needs attacked. The Wall needs built. and our trade policies SUCK.
Well, you bought it hook line and sinker, that's plain.
Changes in policy are a legitimate thing for Presidents to argue for. Threatening to shut down the government and get congresspeople voted out of office for not doing his bidding is not the approach that works with most humans.

Pointing out where the media has been "unfair" is legitimate, if it is true. I agree with the President that for the most part, they are reacting negatively to EVERY THING he says and does, to the point that I don't think they even realize it anymore. And a lot of it doesn't have to be approached in such a negative way. However, his arguments at the rally were not well argued. He neglected to mention what people are actually objecting to in his statements about Charlottesville. He could have made his point in 60 seconds by just reminding people of his actual condemnations of the KKK and neo-Nazi's and be done with it. The rest was ridiculous and wasn't anymore honest a representation of the argument than what the media offers.

Build the Wall, renegotiate NAFTA, but the "traditional" approach of framing these things in a thoughtful, careful and positive way is what is considered standard and expected in a world leader. He's not the crazy guy at the end of the bar and he shouldn't be going on and on acting like it.
ANd I strongly applaud Trump disappointing you liars.

What a thoroughly "deplorable American" retort...LOL

Again with the deleting the portion of the post that contains the actual argument.

Obviously, I'M not stupid enough to fall for that.

So, who are you playing for? Are you trying to look like you scored a partisan point in front of your partisan comrades?

Is that it? Do you think that your fellow libs are stupid enough to not notice that you deleted my point, instead of addressing it?

Well, you might be on to something there.

Anywhooo, here is my point again, so you can NOT address it again,

Have you lefties stopped? Slowed down?

Your desire to have someone like the Old Guard who is "above" all the, while you fuckers never stop spreading your vile lies and filth is noted.

ANd I strongly applaud Trump disappointing you liars.

Notice the ignoring of what Trump has actually accomplished and has done?

It's all about big item legislation with them. Not anything else. :)
Notice that a lot of RWers think the less government action, the better?

True. ANd some of us can get carried away with that.

The point about lefties ignoring Trump's actually policies and accomplishments to talk smack, though stands.
Agreed on the Lefties. Political partisans often "talk smack" and exaggerate to get their point across but what they don't get is that most Americans, that huge majority in the middle, don't trust liars. Anyone who constantly exaggerates or "talks smack"/talks shit/never has any good to say about the opposition is seen as a member of the fringe, a nutjob, a person not to be trusted. Which explains why most Americans are unhappy with either party and the direction of our nation.
One of the biggest lies is that Trump is a racist when those of us who have been around since the 70's and read the news about him, he has never been racist ever.
That's one of many, many lies.

Here's an interesting Trump [non-racist???] quote.......LOL

Black guys counting my money! I hate it.
The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
Now you want to go back and actually address his point about border security, or would you rather use your zinger as an excuse to dodge his point that you obviously can't refute.

Well, nitwit...."border security" WAS the number one responsibility of the East Germans.

If you morons "think" that border security is our governments NUMBER ONE DUTY, you're not much different than the Stasi......

Read the Constitution.
And it has nothing to do with East Germany.
Agreed on both points, but let's not forget the nutjob partisan to whom you are addressing: He'll never have anything positive to say about the United States or anyone to the right of his own far Left politics.
Lefties smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day and a Sanders democrat shot up a republican baseball team a couple of months ago but the pathetic losers whine about President Trump's "ego boosting rally". What the hell is wrong with the left these days? They have no agenda or leadership and all they do is whine and complain about trivial junk.
You gotta admit, the tone was more like grumpy neighbor bitching about the Neighborhood Association over the back fence. Going on and on and on about his grievance about the media that no one else gives a shit about.
He was combative and defensive and picking fights with just about everyone, threatening to shut down the government if he doesn't get his Wall, to tear up NAFTA altogether, and he was nasty to Congress, most particularly against his own party.
You tell me all that's "trivial junk" when it's our President doing the talking. You want to go on a rant like that, fine. The President is traditionally a bit more circumspect.

Do you think getting rid of and exposing the Elitists in D.C. wasn't going to unpleasant?
He is doing exactly what the people of this country elected him to do.
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
Black guys counting my money! I hate it.
The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
The first sentence belies the lie. No one said that!
One of the biggest lies is that Trump is a racist when those of us who have been around since the 70's and read the news about him, he has never been racist ever.
That's one of many, many lies.

'No Vacancies' for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start, and Was ...

That was his father not him.
You're not taking into account of the way society was at that time. The WWII era of society was very prejudice towards Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos and Japanese.
The children of that generation are called the baby boomers and we saw that real hate of racism and fought to change that, which we did.

You can't judge past social ideology with modern day society view points.

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