Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Would you vote for him again today after seeing what a fool he continually makes of himself?. Would you vote for him today after seeing how many business leaders and prominent Republicans have rebuffed him.? Would you vote for him today after that bizarre rally in Arizona? Would you vote for him again after seeing how he has abdicated the role of the US as a leader in the world, the scathing rebukes of world leaders, and polls that show foreign populations are horrified by him, not to mention his abysmal approval rating her at home ?

Of course MANY (not most) of them would vote for the idiot again....for either of 2 reasons:

One, they're still too dumb to understand...or

Two, they're too ashamed to admit what fucking fools they were.
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.

Lib please the liberal media lie, twist, and spin daily. Almost everything they publish is a half truth and their dishonesty is intentional. I don't know which is worse filthy lowlife liberals or filthy lowlife liberal media.

No the media gets it right most of the time. Trump is the guy who hired all these people with connections to Russia, the media simply reported it.

Trump's staff had all these meetings with Russians and then failed to disclose them.

The Trumps admitted that Junior met with the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary and then lied about who was there and what they talked about.

The problem is that the media doesn't sugar coat this stuff or spin it the way the President would like.


You really don't get embarrassed regurgitating these lies?
Apparently someone is going to be late for their little protest march. Have fun walking around for the next 3-1/2 to 8 years, holding a little sign.

You can walk all you want. Yell, scream, it doesn't matter. BUt you're not going to change a single thing because Trump is still President and Hillary isn't. Nor is Bernie.
He makes white people feel like they're a minority and hopefully for the sake of America he doesn't last 4 years

That one went way over my head. If anything, he has brought equality back to white people. Just like the constitution intended.
Pardon me but when were white folks ever unequal? It's in your head ,,nowheres else

So you're admitting to the failure of Obama's Presidency, and conceding to the fact that even though you people on the left got everything you wanted, blacks and other minorities continued to decline in prosperity? How does this not further prove the failure of Obama, the Democrat Party, and liberalism in general?

Wealth inequality has widened along racial, ethnic lines since end of Great Recession


The widening gap between rich and poor is due to the Reagan tax code. Reagan's tax code resulted in the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, but instead of "trickling down", it has trickled up to the 1%.

Until the tax code is amended properly, that gap will continue to widen.

Ok, ok ---- ignorance is no excuse.

Wait, what? Did you mean to say yes?
yes, quote his exact words. imagine that.

They do. It's what makes him appear so mentally unhinged...quoting him exactly.
no, they interpret his tweets. that isn't the media's job. Their role is not to get political.
Freedom of the Press was designed by the founders to be specifically political and to promote open discussion about politics. Your view of the press and its job in America is pure fascism and does not represent the purpose of American free speech and press. The media of the Revolutionary war was dedicated to promoting political views. That is why the founders wrote it into the Constitution as the very first Amendment. The second one was designed to guard against anyone like you messing with the first one.
Where the hell did you get this piece of garbage?

i directly challenge you to provide some scintilla of proof of what you say.
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
We elected Trump because he will call out the lying fake news liberal media. You libs don't know whether to shit or go blind its hilarious :laugh:
I'll tell you what's hilarious. The mass psychosis that Trump believers share in. Tell us exactly what the media has been lying about? Yes, once in a while they get something wrong, but for every inadvertent errors they may be guilty of, Trump either knowingly lies, or believe what the voices in his head are telling him many more times.

Lib please the liberal media lie, twist, and spin daily. Almost everything they publish is a half truth and their dishonesty is intentional. I don't know which is worse filthy lowlife liberals or filthy lowlife liberal media.

No the media gets it right most of the time. Trump is the guy who hired all these people with connections to Russia, the media simply reported it.

Trump's staff had all these meetings with Russians and then failed to disclose them.

The Trumps admitted that Junior met with the Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary and then lied about who was there and what they talked about.

The problem is that the media doesn't sugar coat this stuff or spin it the way the President would like.


You really don't get embarrassed regurgitating these lies?

What exactly is the lie?

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This is a bullshit word. I'm not saying Trump acted appropriately, but this loose term has little meaning and sounds like something a partisan hack would use to gain political points.

Carry on.
It means he is not behaving like a rational, dignified leader of the worlds greatest nation. He does not have the attributes expected of a national leader with the title of President of the United States of America.
We have talk show hosts who act more professional than he did last night.

On CNN or MSNBC? Please, Old Lady...don't make me laugh!
I've never watched MSNBC. Chuck Wallace, Judy Woodruff, the Indian doctor guy on the weekend. Srinivasan, is it? There are others. I'm not into following celebs or television celebrities, but you know exactly what I mean.

You're a liberal...but you've never...EVER...watched MSNBC? Why do I find that nearly impossible to believe, Old Lady? what talk show hosts DO you listen to?
no, they interpret his tweets. that isn't the media's job. Their role is not to get political.
Please alert Sean Hannity and the rest of the Fox News team because they didn't get the memo.
Obviously, you fail to grasp the difference between news reporting and political commentary.

Don't worry - you're not alone.
Obviously you believe you are smarter than you truly are.

Why do you have a double standard? One for CNN and one for Fox News? The problem with both is that each has a few minutes of news and a shitload of political commentary.
Help! what is wrong, has every one gone bat shit crazy DONALD TRUMP is the president of the United States of America........the right cry's that Mexicans gave her the popular win, the left cry's over the electorial college. stop tiny mind BS. Trump is president. work with in that frame.
Your serve, dumb ass.

Youcut and pasted something that you got from a site....Nothing new from what I wrote...

Regarding "my serve"......I don't like wrestling with pigs for too long for obvious reasons........LOL
Since when does the main stream media represent "the citizens of the country", Nat? You folks on the far left are so out of touch with average Americans that you think Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper ARE average Americans!

Actually, I am quickly coming to the "conclusion" that what you morons "think" are average Americans are Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK members, Goldum-Sachs crooks and, of course tea baggers.
Freedom of the Press was designed by the founders to be specifically political and to promote open discussion about politics. Your view of the press and its job in America is pure fascism and does not represent the purpose of American free speech and press. The media of the Revolutionary war was dedicated to promoting political views. That is why the founders wrote it into the Constitution as the very first Amendment. The second one was designed to guard against anyone like you messing with the first one.

Right on target.......BUT, since the orange clown told his disciples that the media is "bad".....they have no fucking choice but to nod and bend over.
Since when does the main stream media represent "the citizens of the country", Nat? You folks on the far left are so out of touch with average Americans that you think Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper ARE average Americans!

Actually, I am quickly coming to the "conclusion" that what you morons "think" are average Americans are Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK members, Goldum-Sachs crooks and, of course tea baggers.

You on the left have been accusing conservatives of being all of those things for nearly the past 20 years, Nat! Quite frankly, I don't think people are buying that narrative anymore.

People asking for some fiscal sanity aren't racists...people who don't think the Federal Government should provide a cradle to grave "nanny" service aren't anti American! People that think we've lost our way as Americans and it's time to get back to the ideals that made this country the land of opportunity aren't dangerous!

Ask yourself why it is you have to spend so much of your time name calling your opposition, Nat! Why aren't you spending that time telling us all why your liberal agenda is going to be the best thing for the US?
Ask yourself why it is you have to spend so much of your time name calling your opposition, Nat! Why aren't you spending that time telling us all why your liberal agenda is going to be the best thing for the US?

The "liberal agenda" started with our founders and has served this country rather well for most of her history.......

The likes of a charlatan like this orange clown don't give a shit about you but "courts" you because you're too dumb to recognize demagoguery.
Ask yourself why it is you have to spend so much of your time name calling your opposition, Nat! Why aren't you spending that time telling us all why your liberal agenda is going to be the best thing for the US?

The "liberal agenda" started with our founders and has served this country rather well for most of her history.......

The likes of a charlatan like this orange clown don't give a shit about you but "courts" you because you're too dumb to recognize demagoguery.

The Founding Fathers were NOT liberals, Nat! That's laughably inaccurate on your part!
Your serve, dumb ass.

Youcut and pasted something that you got from a site....Nothing new from what I wrote...

Regarding "my serve"......I don't like wrestling with pigs for too long for obvious reasons........LOL

Actually, I wrote that extemporaneously based on knowledge i gained BEFORE I opened my mouth. It's a shame you can't say the same.

You claimed the EC came to pass with the Amendment in 1804. That is categorically false.

I understand about the "pigs" --- it's tough when they are smarter than you are.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?

Actually, no .... unlike our liberal counterparts, the enemy is smart enough to use technology.

There you go blowing holes in all my plans! Damn you, DAMN you!
The Founding Fathers were NOT liberals, Nat! That's laughably inaccurate on your part!

Were the FF revolutionary?
Did the FF believe in liberty and freedoms of religion, press, and speech?
Did the FF reject pompous kings (like Trump wants to be) ??

The dumb ass Rand Paul may disagree............but then he IS a dumb ass.
Since when does the main stream media represent "the citizens of the country", Nat? You folks on the far left are so out of touch with average Americans that you think Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper ARE average Americans!

Actually, I am quickly coming to the "conclusion" that what you morons "think" are average Americans are Nazis, White Supremacists, KKK members, Goldum-Sachs crooks and, of course tea baggers.
I would challenge that -----

You have shown no capability to "think" whatsoever.
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL
$8-10 billion dollars for a wall to keep invading shitheads, murdered, drug dealers, and thieves from sneaking in here?

Well worth the price

Morons like you, should take the time to do a bit of YOUR own research rather than licking Hannity's ass.

In and around San Diego's city limits, there IS a wall that was built.......Under that fucking wall more than 3 dozen tunnels have been found.....and those are the ones that HAVE been found....LOL

You fail to acknowledge, either thru ignorance or thru malice, that the previous administrations intentionally chose to not apply technology to controlling the border.

Tunnels can be recognized from space - ground sensors can be installed closer to home. I have noticed that Trump's border management plan utilizes both technologies.

Apply the technology - stop the problem.

Wouldn't landmines be cheaper and easier?

Actually, no .... unlike our liberal counterparts, the enemy is smart enough to use technology.

There you go blowing holes in all my plans! Damn you, DAMN you!

Relax --- plant them in front of the DNC .... you'll get to see all kinds of explosions.

There ain't a smart one in the bunch.
The Founding Fathers were NOT liberals, Nat! That's laughably inaccurate on your part!

Were the FF revolutionary?
Did the FF believe in liberty and freedoms of religion, press, and speech?
Did the FF reject pompous kings (like Trump wants to be) ??

The dumb ass Rand Paul may disagree,,,,but then he IS a dumb ass.

The Founding Fathers were well educated men of means. They would have scoffed at the notion of a cradle to grave nanny State that liberals like you espouse.

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