Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

I also hate to break this to you but Donald Trump isn't going ANYWHERE for another three plus years no matter how long you snowflakes hold hands and sing Kumbaya! He's not insane...he's annoying (especially to liberals!) which should come as a surprise to nobody because he's a New Yorker and they've made being annoying into an ART FORM!
Your stupidity knows no bounds.
I also hate to break this to you but Donald Trump isn't going ANYWHERE for another three plus years no matter how long you snowflakes hold hands and sing Kumbaya! He's not insane...he's annoying (especially to liberals!) which should come as a surprise to nobody because he's a New Yorker and they've made being annoying into an ART FORM!
Your stupidity knows no bounds.

I'm not the naive fool who thinks you can get Donald Trump out of office by calling him "insane", Billy! What's wrong with you people that you'd even think in your wildest dreams that could happen? Run a better candidate next time. Clinton sucked.
As for what Putin thinks of different American leaders? Well, it was pretty obvious that MOST of the Russian leadership has considered Hillary a complete moron ever since the infamous "reset button" that actually said "overcharged" in Russian! One can only assume that Putin thought Hillary was an idiot as well!

NO, nitwit

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.

Why Putin hates Hillary
As for what Putin thinks of different American leaders? Well, it was pretty obvious that MOST of the Russian leadership has considered Hillary a complete moron ever since the infamous "reset button" that actually said "overcharged" in Russian! One can only assume that Putin thought Hillary was an idiot as well!

Again, NO nitwit.....LOL

Clinton has never hidden her “disdain for Putin” or her tough stance on Russia. She was always skeptical of the Obama administration’s “reset” in relations with Moscow. However, nothing seems to have angered Putin more than Clinton’s position on Russia’s December 2011 parliamentary elections and her support of the mass protests against the regime that broke out afterwards. Her statement that the Russian people “deserve fair, free, transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them” certainly provoked Putin, and triggered the accusations made by the Kremlin that the opposition was relying on State Department money to organize the protests. It does not matter whether Putin actually believed Clinton was plotting to overthrow him or not. What have always concerned Putin are the “regime change” policies pursued by the U.S., which Clinton zealously advocated for. In 2014, Clinton provoked Putin again by comparing the annexation of Crimea to “what Hitler did back in the ’30s.” Though there is no direct evidence that the Kremlin orchestrated the DNC email hack, many experts deem this version, embraced by the Clinton campaign, plausible. The authors cite an American diplomat who suggested that the Kremlin expects Clinton to win the election, and that “They’re sending her a message that they are a power to be reckoned with and can mess with her at will, so she had better take them seriously.”

Why Putin Hates Hillary, the Meaning of Russia’s Doping Scandal, and the March of Siloviki
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Agreed on "sales techniques" if that means "99% bullshit".

Tough love has a positive connotation. I don't see anything in his policies that are positive in that regard. Trimming the budget is positive but turning around and blowing billions on a "monument to stupidity" is not.
You don't think a physical fence is practical? I heard someone on the news saying that it would be far cheaper to have a security system including sensors to alert to people crossing the border and sending drones to track them until an agent could apprehend them (that reminds me so much of Star Wars--creepy) . It would involve buying the security systems and more agents to apprehend border jumpers, but would still be far cheaper than building a physical barrier. It still wouldn't be cheap, but a lot cheaper than a Wall.
I don't know about that whole scenario. Still a lot of border patrol agents running around playing hide and seek with these illegal crossers. And once they see a drone, couldn't they just stash the drugs and come back for them later or something? I dunno. Stopping them from entering at all with a wall (fence) would seem a lot simpler to me. Either way, one of them should be done. I can see arguments for both systems.

Picture a map of the U.S.

Now, draw a line from Washington D.C. to Phoenix, AZ

THAT is the approximate length of the proposed Trump wall.

What's the length of I-10?
so Putun's useful idiot just put sanctions on Russia. Care to explain that

Sure, fuck head....the sanctions were VETO-PROOF, Trump could do NOTHING for his Russian handlers.....the orange clown had NO CHOICE..............LOL
/---/ If Trump was Putins sock puppet he would have. Erode the villas a statement of support and forced Congress to over ride it.
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.
/----/ In the words of DemocRAT Nancy Pelosi: "You can't yell wolf in a crowded theatre. ( Video link on Drudge)
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so Putun's useful idiot just put sanctions on Russia. Care to explain that

Sure, fuck head....the sanctions were VETO-PROOF, Trump could do NOTHING for his Russian handlers.....the orange clown had NO CHOICE..............LOL
/---/ If Trump was Putins sock puppet he would have. Erode the villas a statement of support and forced Congress to over ride it.

Forced? Did you see the vote? It wasn't a majority, it wsn't a supermajority, it was 520+. mcConnel even kept the Senate in session to prevent a pocket VETO.

A Trump veto would have been worse than accepting the inevitable.
Trump sounds more like Nixon every day

Pffft, Nixon was on a hamster driven train compared to the rocket fueled bullet train to crazy that Trump is on.

Trump's train left the rails. His AZ rant confirmed it.

Every republican president, you lefties claim that this time is the worst.

Kind of not credible to those of us old enough to have seen it over and over again.

You keep choosing worst candidates each time. You've finally hit rock bottom though with Trump. No place left to go but up!

Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?
I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Agreed on "sales techniques" if that means "99% bullshit".

Tough love has a positive connotation. I don't see anything in his policies that are positive in that regard. Trimming the budget is positive but turning around and blowing billions on a "monument to stupidity" is not.
You don't think a physical fence is practical? I heard someone on the news saying that it would be far cheaper to have a security system including sensors to alert to people crossing the border and sending drones to track them until an agent could apprehend them (that reminds me so much of Star Wars--creepy) . It would involve buying the security systems and more agents to apprehend border jumpers, but would still be far cheaper than building a physical barrier. It still wouldn't be cheap, but a lot cheaper than a Wall.
I don't know about that whole scenario. Still a lot of border patrol agents running around playing hide and seek with these illegal crossers. And once they see a drone, couldn't they just stash the drugs and come back for them later or something? I dunno. Stopping them from entering at all with a wall (fence) would seem a lot simpler to me. Either way, one of them should be done. I can see arguments for both systems.

Picture a map of the U.S.

Now, draw a line from Washington D.C. to Phoenix, AZ

THAT is the approximate length of the proposed Trump wall.

Think of eleven million people living in this country illegally.

That is how big the problem is.

I'm not talking about their reactions, I'm talking about Trump's. He doesn't have to be unpleasant and unprofessional about it.
I doubt Trump knows any other way. Remember this is the guy who thinks "a star" can get away with anything.
I'm learning a lot about the "art of the deal," I guess. I always figured when he says "We'll handle it," "It's great" or "It will be great" that those were sales techniques. Reassure the customer, tell them how great they are. But apparently, deal making can include a lot of tough love.
Agreed on "sales techniques" if that means "99% bullshit".

Tough love has a positive connotation. I don't see anything in his policies that are positive in that regard. Trimming the budget is positive but turning around and blowing billions on a "monument to stupidity" is not.
You don't think a physical fence is practical? I heard someone on the news saying that it would be far cheaper to have a security system including sensors to alert to people crossing the border and sending drones to track them until an agent could apprehend them (that reminds me so much of Star Wars--creepy) . It would involve buying the security systems and more agents to apprehend border jumpers, but would still be far cheaper than building a physical barrier. It still wouldn't be cheap, but a lot cheaper than a Wall.
I don't know about that whole scenario. Still a lot of border patrol agents running around playing hide and seek with these illegal crossers. And once they see a drone, couldn't they just stash the drugs and come back for them later or something? I dunno. Stopping them from entering at all with a wall (fence) would seem a lot simpler to me. Either way, one of them should be done. I can see arguments for both systems.
Agreed a virtual barrier is better than a physical wall. In addition, we should look at protecting all US borders, not just the 2000 mile southern border.

In addition, we need to enact/enforce laws against those enabling illegals such as renters, employers, etc. A national ID card which includes a picture and finger print has the virtue of both providing Voter ID, but also something easy for employers and renters to check.

All this talk has been going on for decades.

It is what we do INSTEAD OF actually DOING SOMETHING.

We are past the time of discussion.

Even the people that lived there didn't believe that lie.

We still had contact with our family till it was built. No one believed it was for protection.
We lost contact with them after it was built, till it was taken down

My point was an is, nitwit, WALLS do NOTHING to protect a country...ask Israel and China how successful their walls worked out........Is Israel free of terrorism?

Since the wall has been built by Bush it was working till Obama scaled back border patrol.
Israel's wall is also working.
Border fences in Europe are working.
Consider the land defenses at Constantinople - the Theodosian Walls - which stood for around 1000 years without falling to a single siege. They were extraordinary defenses.
Read up on it rather than attacking.
Since the wall has been built by Bush it was working till Obama scaled back border patrol.
Obama added border patrol agents, fool.

Obama says border patrol has doubled the number of agents since 2004
I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
No disagreement there. So what does this have to do with the partisan accusations that schools are brainwashing students? Who do you want to teach our students and who decides what to teach?

I agree that both sides are needed. My point was in response to the post that said history texts have a leftist slant and implied that it was part of the leftist "brainwashing" of students.

I would also point out that the US is the only first world country with the vast array of choice in education. If you track the decline of the US education rankings, it began in the 1980's when Reagan began pushing choice.

Giving parents choices, doesn't mean they're making smart choices. Many choose schools which are whites only, or which teach Creationism and deny evolution. They are more concerned that their children become conservatives than in teaching them to think for themselves.
Please consider the source: those making the accusations that "leftist" texts are brainwashing students are idiots and/or RWNJs.

The State of Texas had that whole debacle around commissioning a "conservative" history text which painted slavery as a form of immigration, and glossed over the genocide of the Indian Wars.

Invariably history taught is Euro-centric. I was taught that Marco Polo "discovered" China. Columbus "discovered" North America. Properly stated, they were the first Europeans to travel to these areas. The implication is that they didn't exist before white Europeans visited is implicit in these histories.
No disagreement there. So what does this have to do with the partisan accusations that schools are brainwashing students? Who do you want to teach our students and who decides what to teach?

I think the decisions should rest with the government without regard to partisanship, with input from businesses and others, including parents. Education should be based on teaching skills needed for jobs and life.

I'm sorry to see Home Ec and shop classes have gone. I see little evidence that young people have a good grasp of home management and cooking skills are sorely lacking. I believe ignorance on nutrition is behind much of the obesity endemic in society today.
While I agree with much of what you wrote, as you most certainly know, "the devil is in the details".

If it was up me, we'd get rid of the "summer vacation" idea. Most kids aren't helping parents plant, tend and harvest crops anymore. A three month on, two week off all-year-round school system allows more time for education. Also, taking a three-month break means a loss of educational retention. The first few weeks of a new school year are often wasted in relearning.

As for the curriculum, that's tougher, but I readily agree all public education should be geared to producing good citizens and productive adults/taxpayers.

Valid points, but, summer vacations is great family time. And do children really need to work 5 days a week from age 5 till 70?
Holy crapola, the US President went off the rails at a campaign style pep rally in Arizona last night. It was probably his most un-Presidential speech and appearance ever, and that is saying a lot.

The President gave a disjointed attack on all his imagined enemies, tried to trick the viewers with misinformation, edited previous comments and blamed everyone but himself for his failures, lies, mistakes and general Presidential screw ups. Everyone is to blame for his situation except for himself according to the narcissistic ego maniac.

It might be assumed that after his ranting, he will go back to planning and preparing to escalate and implement plans for an exciting new war in Afghanistan, and perhaps Pakistan.

Please pray for our soldiers, Marines, sailors, Coast Guard and National Security assets who depend on this nut job's sanity to make rational decisions.
Trump isn't a fascist. He's just an insecure little girl. He's too much of a moron to rise high enough to be a dictator.

Why don't you tell that to his face, lib?

Trump isn't a fascist. He's just an insecure little girl. He's too much of a moron to rise high enough to be a dictator.

....and, if I may add, Trump is ALSO too much of a moron for Putin to have directly involved him in the Russian collusion.....Putin colluded with somewhat smarter (and treasonous) Trump puppet masters/handlers like Manafort and maybe Bannon.

Walking it back, as the story dies. Till the next made up scandal.

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