Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Many in the military are worried about what they would do, if President Trump orders a nuclear strike.

Especially if it comes as either a tweet, or the response to a tweet.
Trump ran on advancing AMERICAN interests in trade and immigration, to benefit all Americans.

Like building a wall that Mexico would pay for?

What happened to that?

A work still in progress.
Proto types are being looked at and experiments are being done. Engineers Begin Preparatory Work for Border Wall Construction

If Trump can get a fairer trade policy with Mexico , they will be helping to pay for the wall.
That is not what he promised and vowed as a major topic during his campaign to become President. Changing. flip-flopping, ignoring promises, making excuses and lying about it when he does has become a trademark and pattern of his actions as a President. He promoted his "Mexico will pay" lie and nonsense and his supporters believed him while the rational among us called him out on his bullshyt. We were right and his supporters were wrong. His supporters want to remain suckers and the rest of us refuse to be suckers like them.
There is no cure for the nut job on a rampage. He will continue to be an erratic fool until Republicans grow what it takes to boot his butt out of the White House.
/----/ If Hildabeast couldn't beat Trump how could she handle world leaders who are smart and crafty?

She did best Trump

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Ouch, another grade schooler who doesn't remember Bush vs Gore....

I'm sorry, I did not know you were so young as to be ignorant of recent history.

Ask your history teacher about why and how the FOunding Fathers did not want a pure democracy.

My point, though stands, Trump won. If it was because Hillary was too stupid to remember how the game was scored, that's on her and those won nominated such a stupid candidate.
Making assumptions about who and what someone is , is as stupid as stupid gets. I am a 70 year old and retired. I also have an advanced degree in government. There is not a fucking thing that you can teach me. MY POINT is that she won the popular vote and not because imaginary illegals voted for her.
/----/ "MY POINT is that she won the popular vote and not because imaginary illegals voted for her.[/QUOTE]" And you know this how, Mr. Advanced degree in Gubmint?
/---/ You nimrods know the Gubmint doesn't actually shut down, don't you? Now where is your fake outrage over these days the Gubmint actually shuts down?
2017 Federal Holidays

Date Holiday
Monday, January 2 New Year’s Day
Monday, January 16 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 20 Washington’s Birthday
Monday, May 29 Memorial Day
Tuesday, July 4 Independence Day
Monday, September 4 Labor Day
Monday, October 9 Columbus Day
Friday, November 10 Veterans Day
Thursday, November 23 Thanksgiving Day
Monday, December 25 Christmas Day

You know the government doesn't shut down for federal holidays. Many government workers are forced to work holidays to keep the place going.

What is holiday pay for federal employees?
For example, federal employees who work on a holiday get paid twice their hourly rate.
/----/ My point exactly. There is no Gubmint shutdown ever. But when there is a budget showdown, non essential workers are sent home for a paid vacation. But Libtards make hay about it anyway.
/----/ My point exactly. There is no Gubmint shutdown ever. But when there is a budget showdown, non essential workers are sent home for a paid vacation. But Libtards make hay about it anyway.

You can't get certain government services on holidays and weekends.
All a government shutdown does, is prevent you from getting government services for days, or weeks, or even longer. National parks close, applications for medicare, social security, visas, passports, etc. stop.

Government services we take for granted and turned off. And ironically (based on past practice) we pay millions of federal workers not to do their job. (free vacation whoopee !!)
Obama created a 60% DROP in unemployment
Obama created an 80% DROP in the deficit
Obama created a 120% INCREASE in the stock market

YUP Obama CREATED problems like that.

Obama was far from "perfect"...No president could ever be, especially with a congress that swore to make him a one-termer and sat on its ass during the entire second term.

HOWEVER, the above facts are an anathema for those who rather be delusional in "thinking" that Trump was the so-called answer......Fools !!!

(BTW, I think that the DOW increased by 140%)
If you had no problem with his post, it is hypocritical of you to have a problem with mine.

Bullshit......YOUR inane response borders on religious worship.....and to cast that kind of praise on an orange idiot is downright scary......

(I bet you loved Rev, Jim Jones.)
Obama created a 120% INCREASE in the stock market

YUP Obama CREATED problems like that.

(BTW, I think that the DOW increased by 140%)

120%, 140% whatever. The point is that most of the bad metrics were cut in half, and most of the the good metrics doubled.under Obama.

All while Obama had to fight a congress that wanted him to fail. That opposed everything Obama tried to accomplish. Yet Obama was able to "get 'er done"
Ask your history teacher about why and how the FOunding Fathers did not want a pure democracy.

Don't need to "ask"....I used to teach political science......The Founders opted for an EC to appease the small states who were afraid of the larger ones' bigger population.

Since there's not another Constitution to be signed in today's political environment (unless Trump declares that a new Trump-Constitution must be entertained, that is) the electoral college system is rather outdated, especially since both Delaware AND California both have TWO senators regardless of population.

Thank me later for the civic lesson........LOL
Making assumptions about who and what someone is , is as stupid as stupid gets. I am a 70 year old and retired. I also have an advanced degree in government. There is not a fucking thing that you can teach me. MY POINT is that she won the popular vote and not because imaginary illegals voted for her.

I have the same background as you.....and YES, Trump won the electoral college and IS president.......HOWEVER, for right wing nitwits to openly state that Trump was "the will of the people [majority of voters] shows how truly ignorant they are, especially when they panic about Trump's slumping approval ratings.
Making assumptions about who and what someone is , is as stupid as stupid gets. I am a 70 year old and retired. I also have an advanced degree in government. There is not a fucking thing that you can teach me. MY POINT is that she won the popular vote and not because imaginary illegals voted for her.

I have the same background as you.....and YES, Trump won the electoral college and IS president.......HOWEVER, for right wing nitwits to openly state that Trump was "the will of the people [majority of voters] shows how truly ignorant they are, especially when they panic about Trump's slumping approval ratings.
/----/ Was Billy's 43% of the vote the will of the people? Dems said so at the time.
the electoral college system is rather outdated, especially since both Delaware AND California both have TWO senators regardless of population.

Thank me later for the civic lesson........LOL
The founding fathers figured states would be big and small, not HUGE, and TINY.

Representative; and until such enumeration shall be
made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three,
Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut
five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland
six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five and Georgia three.

The EC ratio between biggest and smallest was 12 to 3 (4 to 1) today it's 55 to 3 (18 to 1)
Was Billy's 43% of the vote the will of the people? Dems said so at the time.

This moron has a "difficult" time sorting out what a majority and plurality mean.....
Maybe mommy can help you?..............(what an asshole.....LOL)

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