Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

You just proved you don't know how things work in gov. and trade.
Of course gov. pays now, trade agreement comes next..

Trump spoke as a businessman, when you say somebody will pay for something, it means somebody will pay for something.

When Trump built his casinos his investors paid for it. Trump didn't borrow the money, and have the investors pay him back later.
You just proved you don't know how things work in gov. and trade.
Of course gov. pays now, trade agreement comes next..

Trump spoke as a businessman, when you say somebody will pay for something, it means somebody will pay for something.

When Trump built his casinos his investors paid for it. Trump didn't borrow the money, and have the investors pay him back later.

Like I said, gov. does not work that way.
You're obviously an idiot.
I guess you forgot about the Carter years.

I was born in the 1990's

What I know about the Carter years is from history, and history says that Carter left the USA in pretty much the same shape he found it in, which after Nixon and Ford, was pretty bad.
Well I lived thru it. Spent time in the military and as a civilian during those years.
History is written by liberals.
Liberals lie.
You're obviously an idiot.
I guess you forgot about the Carter years.

I was born in the 1990's

What I know about the Carter years is from history, and history says that Carter left the USA in pretty much the same shape he found it in, which after Nixon and Ford, was pretty bad.
Well I lived thru it. Spent time in the military and as a civilian during those years.
History is written by liberals.
Liberals lie.

Totally agree it was awful under Carter.
Like building a wall that Mexico would pay for?

What happened to that?
Ask Congress.

Dealing with foreign governments like mexico is the presidents article 2 responsibilities.

It's Trumps job, not congresses.

Wanna try again? What happened to that?
Congress controls spending.....not the president. Congress also controls tariffs. Obviously the swamp has issues with the Trump agenda because it favors Americans over their special interests.
Congress controls spending.....not the president. Congress also controls tariffs. Obviously the swamp has issues with the Trump agenda because it favors Americans over their special interests.

Trump said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Trump would go down to Mexico, stand on the guys desk, and tell him, "You're paying for this wall".

Before Trump could do any of that, the Mexican president told him "We're not paying, end of story. You're dismissed"

Now Trump went down to congress, stood on the guys desk, and told him "You're paying for this wall.". And his answer from congress "We're not paying, end of story. You're dismissed"
You keep choosing worst candidates each time. You've finally hit rock bottom though with Trump. No place left to go but up!

Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?

In 1987 Ronald Reagan was my CInC. I was a dedicated sailor.

I served proudly under 2 Republican Presidents, 1 Democrat and George W. Bush. (Relax, joke)

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Do you remember how the libs reacted when Reagan said the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history?

Do you remember how certain they were about how he was stupid and reckless and dangerous?

DO you remember how dishonest they were when history proved Reagan Right and them WRONG?

Why should I think this time is any different?

Then you should be able to provide links to all the "libs" that laughed at Reagan.

It's not just "libs" that think Trump is unhinged, an embarrassment and should not be trusted with the Nuclear's the world.
Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?

In 1987 Ronald Reagan was my CInC. I was a dedicated sailor.

I served proudly under 2 Republican Presidents, 1 Democrat and George W. Bush. (Relax, joke)

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Do you remember how the libs reacted when Reagan said the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history?

Do you remember how certain they were about how he was stupid and reckless and dangerous?

DO you remember how dishonest they were when history proved Reagan Right and them WRONG?

Why should I think this time is any different?

Then you should be able to provide links to all the "libs" that laughed at Reagan.

It's not just "libs" that think Trump is unhinged, an embarrassment and should not be trusted with the Nuclear's the world.
Reagan got massive support in the elections from liberals and Democrats. Everyone want Grandpa to take control and considered him a pragmatist and wise adult. Political party and even ideology were set aside and folks were willing to compromise. We wanted a President we believed we could trust and projected a level of integrity. What we got is something still debated, but at the time people had faith.
And you know this because...

....because otherwise YOUR side wouldn't be so damn busy in trying to prevent minorities from voting.......
/----/ Examples please. And don't equate Voter ID with minorities because they either have ID to get their free lunch or they can get one at no charge. So go ahead and provide examples of the GOP preventing minorities from voting.
So, you're dropping that whole, ran on dividing US thing? Just like that?
Thanks for the reminder. Trump has been a divider, pitting right against left, the people against the media, even the GOP against the GOP.

Trump hasn't even mentioned bipartisan. He's droped down to his core supporters, which include nazi's, racists and the rest of the deplorables.

Trumps support is a narrow band of the narrow minded. Who can't even understand Bannons plan to pit neighbor against neighbor, because division helps Trump.

Give me a quote where Trump said anything half as divisive as HIllary's "deplorable" slur.

Or apologize for being a liar.
The Popular vote is not how one "bests" their opponent in the Presidential Election in this country.

Never was.


The popular vote is not how one "wins" but it how one governs.

The will of the people.

Popular vote is not how one governs in this country. Or in any that I'm aware of. NO one does governing purely or even mostly by referendums.

IN this country the President governs within a complicated system of three branches government, Two with various degrees of democracy, one with none.
/----/ Examples please. And don't equate Voter ID with minorities because they either have ID to get their free lunch or they can get one at no charge. So go ahead and provide examples of the GOP preventing minorities from voting.

They can't use their welfare ID to vote.


This government issued picture ID is not valid for voting.

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