Psycho Liar Nut Job US Pres. Goes off the Rails in Rampage-Intel Dir. Warns of Fitness for Office

/----/ If Hildabeast couldn't beat Trump how could she handle world leaders who are smart and crafty?

She did best Trump

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Ouch, another grade schooler who doesn't remember Bush vs Gore....

I'm sorry, I did not know you were so young as to be ignorant of recent history.

Ask your history teacher about why and how the FOunding Fathers did not want a pure democracy.

My point, though stands, Trump won. If it was because Hillary was too stupid to remember how the game was scored, that's on her and those won nominated such a stupid candidate.
Making assumptions about who and what someone is , is as stupid as stupid gets. I am a 70 year old and retired. I also have an advanced degree in government. There is not a fucking thing that you can teach me. MY POINT is that she won the popular vote and not because imaginary illegals voted for her.

The Popular vote is not how one "bests" their opponent in the Presidential Election in this country.

Never was.

Soooo, your talking about how experienced and smart you are, while you are seemingly unaware of that, is quite humorous.
Every republican president, you lefties claim that this time is the worst.

Kind of not credible to those of us old enough to have seen it over and over again.

You keep choosing worst candidates each time. You've finally hit rock bottom though with Trump. No place left to go but up!

Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?

In 1987 Ronald Reagan was my CInC. I was a dedicated sailor.

I served proudly under 2 Republican Presidents, 1 Democrat and George W. Bush. (Relax, joke)

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Do you remember how the libs reacted when Reagan said the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history?

Do you remember how certain they were about how he was stupid and reckless and dangerous?

DO you remember how dishonest they were when history proved Reagan Right and them WRONG?

Why should I think this time is any different?
She did best Trump

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Ouch, another grade schooler who doesn't remember Bush vs Gore....

I'm sorry, I did not know you were so young as to be ignorant of recent history.

Ask your history teacher about why and how the FOunding Fathers did not want a pure democracy.

My point, though stands, Trump won. If it was because Hillary was too stupid to remember how the game was scored, that's on her and those won nominated such a stupid candidate.
Making assumptions about who and what someone is , is as stupid as stupid gets. I am a 70 year old and retired. I also have an advanced degree in government. There is not a fucking thing that you can teach me. MY POINT is that she won the popular vote and not because imaginary illegals voted for her.

The Popular vote is not how one "bests" their opponent in the Presidential Election in this country.

Never was.

Soooo, your talking about how experienced and smart you are, while you are seemingly unaware of that, is quite humorous.
/----/ The Libtards who crow about the Popular Vote dismiss the fact that Trump won more counties and being irrelevant.
If you had no problem with his post, it is hypocritical of you to have a problem with mine.

Bullshit......YOUR inane response borders on religious worship.....and to cast that kind of praise on an orange idiot is downright scary......

(I bet you loved Rev, Jim Jones.)

Nope. Both were pure emotion partisan filler.

Except mine was funny and his was bitter and hateful.

And for you to have a problem with mine, and not his, is because you are a partisan hypocrite.

Here, some more for you, since you can't do real debate.

Ask your history teacher about why and how the FOunding Fathers did not want a pure democracy.

Don't need to "ask"....I used to teach political science......The Founders opted for an EC to appease the small states who were afraid of the larger ones' bigger population.

Since there's not another Constitution to be signed in today's political environment (unless Trump declares that a new Trump-Constitution must be entertained, that is) the electoral college system is rather outdated, especially since both Delaware AND California both have TWO senators regardless of population.

Thank me later for the civic lesson........LOL

What makes it "outdated" other than your butthurt over losing?
The Libtards who crow about the Popular Vote dismiss the fact that Trump won more counties and being irrelevant.

Here, moron.....LEARN something.......

Los Angeles County's population.....ELEVEN MILLION

Loving County, Texas'population.......NINE HUNDRED....

Ask a grown up which of these two counties has a larger population.
So, you're dropping that whole, ran on dividing US thing? Just like that?
Thanks for the reminder. Trump has been a divider, pitting right against left, the people against the media, even the GOP against the GOP.

Trump hasn't even mentioned bipartisan. He's droped down to his core supporters, which include nazi's, racists and the rest of the deplorables.

Trumps support is a narrow band of the narrow minded. Who can't even understand Bannons plan to pit neighbor against neighbor, because division helps Trump.
/----/ The Libtards who crow about the Popular Vote dismiss the fact that Trump won more counties and being irrelevant.

Reminds me of the joke, where a restaurant had a "surf and turf" dish, that was half lobster, half beef. When they served a steak and the tip of a lobster claw the size of a pea, the patron complained it wasn't half and half.

The restaurant said it was half and half, made from one lobster and one cow.
You keep choosing worst candidates each time. You've finally hit rock bottom though with Trump. No place left to go but up!

Said the person that was sure that Trump could NOT win.

Are you old enough that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the fall of the Soviet Union?

What? You think you could find worst candidates than Trump? Maybe you're right. I should never underestimate Republican stupidity.

Are you old enough to that you laughed at Reagan when he predicted the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Cause the left were just as convinced then, that that showed how stupid and crazy and dangerous Reagan was. To think that the soviet union would fall...

As they are today about Trump being a "nutjob".

History proved Reagan right and the Left wrong.

Yet, they learned nothing at all from that, not even a little humility.

I can remember when the left was just as hysterical sure as they are now, and they were completely wrong.

Why should this time be any different?

In 1987 Ronald Reagan was my CInC. I was a dedicated sailor.

I served proudly under 2 Republican Presidents, 1 Democrat and George W. Bush. (Relax, joke)

Nobody can be proud when that reality show clown is pretending to be president.

Do you remember how the libs reacted when Reagan said the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history?

Do you remember how certain they were about how he was stupid and reckless and dangerous?

DO you remember how dishonest they were when history proved Reagan Right and them WRONG?

Why should I think this time is any different?

This time it is the USA that is being diminished and will end up on the ash heap of history. Isolationism and xenophobia are not the route to economic success or dominance.

On a positive note, without the US going around the world starting wars, the world will be a more peaceful place. But the civil unrest being created by your bitter divisive President is not likely to abate and will probably worsen as long as he retains power.
Trump ran on advancing AMERICAN interests in trade and immigration, to benefit all Americans.

Like building a wall that Mexico would pay for?

What happened to that?

A work still in progress.
Proto types are being looked at and experiments are being done. Engineers Begin Preparatory Work for Border Wall Construction

If Trump can get a fairer trade policy with Mexico , they will be helping to pay for the wall.
That is not what he promised and vowed as a major topic during his campaign to become President. Changing. flip-flopping, ignoring promises, making excuses and lying about it when he does has become a trademark and pattern of his actions as a President. He promoted his "Mexico will pay" lie and nonsense and his supporters believed him while the rational among us called him out on his bullshyt. We were right and his supporters were wrong. His supporters want to remain suckers and the rest of us refuse to be suckers like them.
There is no cure for the nut job on a rampage. He will continue to be an erratic fool until Republicans grow what it takes to boot his butt out of the White House.

Yes it was.
He said it would be paid for with fairer trade policies from Mexico.
Too bad you missed it.
I'm sure it's out there on you tube.
Are you serious?
Obama took office when unemployment was roughly 10% and most of the drop was normal correction after a deep recession .

How can you say anything is NORMAL, when this country never had a deep recession before.

FIrst deep recession
First black president.

Unique problems called for unique solutions. And Obama turned the economy around for approaching depression, to full recovery.
You're obviously an idiot.
I guess you forgot about the Carter years.
Obama did dick for the economy.
All he did was go around setting mines for next president to have to deal with
Making assumptions about who and what someone is , is as stupid as stupid gets. I am a 70 year old and retired. I also have an advanced degree in government. There is not a fucking thing that you can teach me. MY POINT is that she won the popular vote and not because imaginary illegals voted for her.

I have the same background as you.....and YES, Trump won the electoral college and IS president.......HOWEVER, for right wing nitwits to openly state that Trump was "the will of the people [majority of voters] shows how truly ignorant they are, especially when they panic about Trump's slumping approval ratings.

We mean the majority of the voters ideology as well.
Obama said it many times, that's why he never moved to the middle like Clinton did.
Many leave that part out.
The Libtards who crow about the Popular Vote dismiss the fact that Trump won more counties and being irrelevant.

Here, moron.....LEARN something.......

Los Angeles County's population.....ELEVEN MILLION

Loving County, Texas'population.......NINE HUNDRED....

Ask a grown up which of these two counties has a larger population.
/----/ so? A county is a county.
You're obviously an idiot.
I guess you forgot about the Carter years.

I was born in the 1990's

What I know about the Carter years is from history, and history says that Carter left the USA in pretty much the same shape he found it in, which after Nixon and Ford, was pretty bad.
A work still in progress.
Proto types are being looked at and experiments are being done. Engineers Begin Preparatory Work for Border Wall Construction

If Trump can get a fairer trade policy with Mexico , they will be helping to pay for the wall.

You sound like those medical device commercials, that tell people they can get a mobility chair, or a knee or back brace, and proimise the government would pay for it.

And after their claim is denied, the company sends them a bill for thousands of dollars.

Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall, and now Trump is sending the american taxpayer a bill.

ouch !!!!

You just proved you don't know how things work in gov. and trade.
Of course gov. pays now, trade agreement comes next.
Money comes back from gov. spending with payment coming back from fare trade.

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