Psycho-Somatic Ailments: New Age Flash


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I want to talk about the concept of psycho-somatic ailments, maladies that manifest with symptoms in the body but are catalyzed by problems in the brain's processing circuits.

The idea that psycho-somatic ailments are real has real symbolic value in the modern age of 'consumerism aerobics' (i.e., eTrade, eBay, etc.). Millions people around the world spend millions of hours typing on their Internet-connected laptops and typing and typing. How does this monotonous activity affect the human brain's processing of prioritization schemas? For example, when you know you can order groceries or send mail at the touch of a button, how does your brain, which is genetically programmed to handle environmental-pressure created labors, process the experience of 'fingertip-shortcuts' to labor?

There are theories that modern conveniences create lethargy biases in the human brain. How can such potential biases, promoted by technology, control or affect a person's sense of fitness? Could a modern 'practiced lethargy' give rise to new types of 'psycho-somatic' symptoms usually found in people suffering from forms of narcolepsy or hypothyroidism?

If you're a Wall Street broker working on the high-tension trading floor, you might appreciate the conveniences of shopping very easily and privately and in the comfort of your home on your laptop (i.e., If a friend of yours says something to you such as, "Are you sure you're savvy about using the Internet?" you might feel oddly anxious or even pressured to keep up-to-date with Internet advancements. If you feel you're lagging behind, how does your brain coordinate the contradictory intellectual 'commands' of high-speed trading-floor manual workload demands with the pressures of keeping up-to-date with Internet conveniences?

You can imagine that a Wall Street broker's brain would feel conflicted and challenged and experience some potentially odd psycho-somatic responses to these pressures and contradictions. If the brain can not coordinate these priorities efficiently, it may not be able to organize commands to the body (i.e., energy circulation) efficiently.

These sorts of new age considerations have been explored by 'holism gurus' but are not as thoroughly discussed by medical and psychiatric professionals.

Such debate reveals the real social value of Hollywood (USA) movies such as "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" (2010).


Psychosomatic medicine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Hypothyroidism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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