Psychology ––––– hunting

you fail to understand the prey predator relationship,,,

if not for the predator the prey become sick and weak and that leads to them dying off in large numbers,,
when humans entered the game and killed off all the predators it falls on us to take their place,,,
I don't fail to understand the relationship between prey and predator. Because I asked the question, why do peeps not bat an eyelid for game meat as opposed to killing feral animals such as feral cats? People tend to get shitty over it.
I don't fail to understand the relationship between prey and predator. Because I asked the question, why do peeps not bat an eyelid for game meat as opposed to killing feral animals such as feral cats? People tend to get shitty over it.
those game animals are destructive to the environment if not kept in check,,,

you are free to eat all the cats you like,, but it wont help the environment,,
you are free to eat all the cats you like,, but it wont help the environment,,
You miss my sentiment. I have nothing on killing game meat. I am just in wonderment on how people defend cats, that have gone feral, then after generations, become wild. All in the name of saving a cat that is an invasive and destructive creature that kills and destroys eco-systems and native species.
You miss my sentiment. I have nothing on killing game meat. I am just in wonderment on how people defend cats, that have gone feral, then after generations, become wild. All in the name of saving a cat that is an invasive and destructive creature that kills and destroys eco-systems and native species.
who defends them??? in this country its not a real problem,, I do hear its a big problem down your way and why they are allowed to be killed,, just need more people doing it,, but alas you all had your guns taken away
but thats the premise of your thread,,, WTF??
See, you don't see the sentiment.

Why do most people not freak out over killing game meat, but freak out over killing a creature that destroys native wildlife? How else do you interpret that question? Does it imply anti-game hunting on my behalf? No. A simple 2 part question based on observations.
Why is it acceptable to hunt dear, elk or any other meat game that does nothing to their environment, compared to hunting feral animals that cause wildlife destruction and or destroy livestock production?
I disagree with your premise. Where I live deer ravage crops and most people have to build 8' high fences to keep them out. BTW all deer are feral.
I disagree with your premise. Where I live deer ravage crops and most people have to build 8' high fences to keep them out. BTW all deer are feral.
Another one who misses my point. Why do most not bat an eyelid over killing a deer vs someone killing a feral cat/pig/dog? This is the question. I not advocating against the killing of game meat, but why the above statement occurs?
Another one who misses my point. Why do most not bat an eyelid over killing a deer vs someone killing a feral cat/pig/dog? This is the question. I not advocating against the killing of game meat, but why the above statement occurs?
Cats and dogs are considered pets in America. If a dog kills someone's chickens (for instance) I believe it's lawful to shoot it however, the shooter better have proof. The same would be true of a cat. Identifying a feral cat or feral dog can be a bit tough as well. Feral hogs are generally considered to be destructive so, anything goes with them and, people do eat them. To kill a deer for meat, one has to obtain a legal license and only hunt during deer season which limits the yearly take.
Another one who misses my point. Why do most not bat an eyelid over killing a deer vs someone killing a feral cat/pig/dog? This is the question. I not advocating against the killing of game meat, but why the above statement occurs?

I've seen no one in this thread object to killing feral cats. You're arguing a position no one holds.
Yea I hear ya but cats are associated with pets and sociopaths like to torture pets. I would at least call the cops and raise a major stink on that basis.

Not about cats themselves.

Cats and dogs are considered pets in America. If a dog kills someone's chickens (for instance) I believe it's lawful to shoot it however, the shooter better have proof. The same would be true of a cat. Identifying a feral cat or feral dog can be a bit tough as well. Feral hogs are generally considered to be destructive so, anything goes with them and, people do eat them. To kill a deer for meat, one has to obtain a legal license and only hunt during deer season which limits the yearly take.
So both of you advocate the decimation of native species over a feline gone rouge. So who is to blame? The last owner perhaps.
No dumbass. I am saying cats are viewed as pets . bow hunting cats is weird. Sociopaths do that.
Look at the video Progressive Hunter posted earlier. These cats aren't your lap-dancing type of cats. Psychology ––––– hunting

No, it's not weird. It takes a lot of skill to hit a reasonably small target, obviously, a heart shot is best. My choice for using the bow is cost-effective. Arrows are retrievable and reusable. Also, the bow is much quieter than a rifle/shotgun.

BTW, don't you mean psychopath?

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