Public Employees in Texas Who Issue Gay Marriage Licenses Are in for a Major Punishment if This Bill

Where's mental disintegration becomes more obvious every day.

Any state's law must comport with the constitutional law of the land. When marriage equality becomes the law, Texas law must comport.

Where, you simply embarrass your employer when you post on USMB.
Natural Law is the laws which govern nature. That humanity has managed to observe the law, doesn't actually mean that we came up with it... or that we have some control over it.

Sorry, one accepts you as speaking for 'Nature'.

WoW! two pages in and you're already running for ad populum appeal Lifeboat?

ROFLMNAO! Hysterical!

More accurately, I'm rejecting your Appeal to Authority. Where you claim to speak for 'nature' or 'god' or 'morality' or 'objective truth', or whatever. You don't. Your argument requires our acceptance that you do. And no one accepts your fallacy as valid.

So....without our acceptance of your fallacy, what basis of argument do you have? Nothing. As your claims can't stand logically or rationally. They exist only within fallacies.

What that person says or thinks doesn't matter at all in our nation. What matters is the constitution and our laws.

That person can spend all day talking about nature and all that but it means nothing.

Those people lost the argument. Again. Now they only have ridiculous excuses and whining.

Nothing they say will be listened to, nothing they say or do will matter at all to anyone.

What matters is that our courts have ruled that gay marriage is a civil right and no one has the right to prevent it.

Not even the homophobe you're replying to.
So you support sanctioning Colorado for undermining federal anti drug laws?

Dual jurisdiction. Colorado undermines nothing. The Feds permit it.

What's going on in the Lone Neuron state now? This is pathetic. Gay marriage is already prohibited in Texas. This is political masturbation, nothing more.

Also, in the event that Texas' prohibition against gay marriage were overturned (I don't see that happening, but of the sake of argument), this bill would be highly unconstitutional. You cannot simply negate a person's salary.
You're an idiot. Like that's news.
Some court will strke down Texas' marriage law, as has been done in over 30 states already.
Texas is engaging in some soveriegn rights, just like Colorado with its illegal drug legalization.

None of that makes it constitutional to negate a person's paycheck.
What is unconstitutional about firing someone?

Nothing unconstitutional about firing someone. Enough with the red herrings.
So ypu agree there's no problem with the Texas law. Good.
Natural Law is the laws which govern nature. That humanity has managed to observe the law, doesn't actually mean that we came up with it... or that we have some control over it.

Sorry, one accepts you as speaking for 'Nature'.

WoW! two pages in and you're already running for ad populum appeal Lifeboat?

ROFLMNAO! Hysterical!

More accurately, I'm rejecting your Appeal to Authority. Where you claim to speak for 'nature' or 'god' or 'morality' or 'objective truth', or whatever. You don't. Your argument requires our acceptance that you do. And no one accepts your fallacy as valid.

So....without our acceptance of your fallacy, what basis of argument do you have? Nothing. As your claims can't stand logically or rationally. They exist only within fallacies.

What that person says or thinks doesn't matter at all in our nation. What matters is the constitution and our laws.

That person can spend all day talking about nature and all that but it means nothing.

Those people lost the argument. Again. Now they only have ridiculous excuses and whining.

Nothing they say will be listened to, nothing they say or do will matter at all to anyone.

What matters is that our courts have ruled that gay marriage is a civil right and no one has the right to prevent it.

Not even the homophobe you're replying to.
So you support sanctioning Colorado for undermining federal anti drug laws?

I think that if the Federal government decides to enforce federal anti-drug laws in Colorado, Colorado will lose.

Personally I think the drug laws should be repealed, but i don't pretend that the Federal government can't enforce federal law in Colorado- if it wants to.
Natural Law is the laws which govern nature. That humanity has managed to observe the law, doesn't actually mean that we came up with it... or that we have some control over it.

Sorry, one accepts you as speaking for 'Nature'.

WoW! two pages in and you're already running for ad populum appeal Lifeboat?

ROFLMNAO! Hysterical!

More accurately, I'm rejecting your Appeal to Authority.

The fallacy is the appeal to a misleading authority.

Nature literally IS "THE" authority, in human physiology, as Nature designed the species... .

And it is the human physiological standard from which Homosexuality deviates....

And homosexuality doesn't JUST deviate from that standard, it deviates as FAR FROM the standard as is humanly possible.

Therefore, Homosexuality is an abnormal sexuality, which can reasonable NEVER be normalized... .

And that's truly all there it to this nonsense. Homosexuality is a deviant sexuality which stems from a perversion of human reasoning. As a result, homosexuality presents as nothing more or less than a mental disorder.
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Natural Law is the laws which govern nature. That humanity has managed to observe the law, doesn't actually mean that we came up with it... or that we have some control over it.

Sorry, one accepts you as speaking for 'Nature'.

WoW! two pages in and you're already running for ad populum appeal Lifeboat?

ROFLMNAO! Hysterical!

More accurately, I'm rejecting your Appeal to Authority.

The fallacy is the appeal to a misleading authority.

Nature literally IS "THE" authority, in human physiology. And it is the human physiological standard from which Homosexuality deviates...

And it doesn't JUST deviate from the standard, it deviates as FAR FROM the standard as is humanly possible.

Therefore, Homosexuality is an abnormal sexuality, which can reasonable NEVER be normalized... .

And that's truly all there it to this nonsense. Homosexuality is a deviant sexuality which stems from a perversion of human reasoning. As a result, homosexuality presents as nothing more or less than a mental disorder.
Answer me this, since you will never change your mind, and since you will never change the minds of the majority who think you're wrong, why do you bother posting?
Well sure ya can... That's how Republics work. The Legislature decides what is spent where and they have exclusive authority over how that is done. (That's why it was SO important for the Progressives in the GOP to pass the Cromnibus last year.... to fund obamacare out for a full year. If they had not, the new congress would have just stopped paying for that. See how that works?)

No, it would not hold. Federal law mandates that people be compensated by their employers for work. This would be a legislative action by the state contradicting federal law, and thus violate the supremacy clause.

Yes it would.

It doesn't seem like you quite see what's happening here. Texas is telling the US Judiciary to stick it where the sun don't shine. And that Texas Progressives should go find a job other than Texas Government... .

It's amazing how quickly, under those circumstances, that Progressivism dries right up, isn't it? think that Texas having a temper tantrum makes it magically constitutional to simply void a person's paycheck? Well, I guess I shouldn't expect any different from an idiot like you.

Texas has the right to enforce its law... and to set the punishment for such. You may not like it... the Federal Government may not like it, but at the end of the day, neither you nor the Federal Judiciary have any means to enforce your respective feelings.
Well sure ya can... That's how Republics work. The Legislature decides what is spent where and they have exclusive authority over how that is done. (That's why it was SO important for the Progressives in the GOP to pass the Cromnibus last year.... to fund obamacare out for a full year. If they had not, the new congress would have just stopped paying for that. See how that works?)

No, it would not hold. Federal law mandates that people be compensated by their employers for work. This would be a legislative action by the state contradicting federal law, and thus violate the supremacy clause.

Yes it would.

It doesn't seem like you quite see what's happening here. Texas is telling the US Judiciary to stick it where the sun don't shine. And that Texas Progressives should go find a job other than Texas Government... .

It's amazing how quickly, under those circumstances, that Progressivism dries right up, isn't it? think that Texas having a temper tantrum makes it magically constitutional to simply void a person's paycheck? Well, I guess I shouldn't expect any different from an idiot like you.

Texas has the right to enforce its law... and to set the punishment for such. You may not like it... the Federal Government may not like it, but at the end of the day, neither you nor the Federal Judiciary have any means to enforce your respective feelings.
It's not feelings, and gay marriage is the law in 2/3rds of the country, which sucks for you eh?
Natural Law is the laws which govern nature. That humanity has managed to observe the law, doesn't actually mean that we came up with it... or that we have some control over it.

Sorry, one accepts you as speaking for 'Nature'.

WoW! two pages in and you're already running for ad populum appeal Lifeboat?

ROFLMNAO! Hysterical!

More accurately, I'm rejecting your Appeal to Authority.

The fallacy is the appeal to a misleading authority.

Nature literally IS "THE" authority, in human physiology. And it is the human physiological standard from which Homosexuality deviates...

And it doesn't JUST deviate from the standard, it deviates as FAR FROM the standard as is humanly possible.

Therefore, Homosexuality is an abnormal sexuality, which can reasonable NEVER be normalized... .

And that's truly all there it to this nonsense. Homosexuality is a deviant sexuality which stems from a perversion of human reasoning. As a result, homosexuality presents as nothing more or less than a mental disorder.
Answer me this, since you will never change your mind, and since you will never change the minds of the majority...


The majority of people in the United States reject the lowering of the natural standards of marriage to accommodate the need of an illegitimate minority to 'feel' legitimate.
Sorry, one accepts you as speaking for 'Nature'.

WoW! two pages in and you're already running for ad populum appeal Lifeboat?

ROFLMNAO! Hysterical!

More accurately, I'm rejecting your Appeal to Authority.

The fallacy is the appeal to a misleading authority.

Nature literally IS "THE" authority, in human physiology. And it is the human physiological standard from which Homosexuality deviates...

And it doesn't JUST deviate from the standard, it deviates as FAR FROM the standard as is humanly possible.

Therefore, Homosexuality is an abnormal sexuality, which can reasonable NEVER be normalized... .

And that's truly all there it to this nonsense. Homosexuality is a deviant sexuality which stems from a perversion of human reasoning. As a result, homosexuality presents as nothing more or less than a mental disorder.
Answer me this, since you will never change your mind, and since you will never change the minds of the majority...


The majority of people in the United States reject the lowering of the natural standards of marriage to accommodate the need of an illegitimate minority to 'feel' legitimate.
No, they don't. The polls vary but it's been 50+ for some time now. And not that it matters, since the courts are almost done putting the final nails in the coffin, so why do you post?
becomes law.

"The list of states accepting gay marriage continues to grow, but the battle is nowhere near over in Texas, where there’s a recently proposed bill in the state legislature that, if adopted, would profoundly penalize any government employee who issues future gay marriage licenses.

House Bill 623, also known as the Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act, would, in fact, take away the salary of any official who crossed this line, the Christian Post reported.

Text of the bill, which was filed January 7, not only makes it clear that state and local taxpayer dollars cannot be used to support or license gay matrimony, but it also extends this rule to preclude the use of government officials’ salaries for this purpose.

“A state or local governmental employee officially may not recognize, grant, or enforce a same-sex marriage license,” text of the bill reads. “If an employee violates this subsection, the employee may not continue to receive salary, pension, or other employee benefit at the expense of the taxpayers of this State.”

Introduced by Republican state Rep. Cecil Bell, the bill, if adopted, would amend Texas Family Code to ensure that gay marriage does not become legal in the state, the Texas Observer reported.

Bell said in a statement that he is acting on his commitment to constituents to fight for traditional values and defend their constitutional rights.

“Texas is a sovereign state and our citizens have the right to define marriage. We as Texans voted in 2005 to define marriage as being solely between a man and a woman,” he said, according to the Observer. “In Texas marriage is sacred and traditional families are recognized as the fabric of our society.”

It’s no surprise that Bell’s bill is being opposed by gay and lesbian rights activists. ..."

Public Employees in Texas Who Issue Gay Marriage Licenses Are in for a Major Punishment if This Bill Becomes Law
Why hasn't Texas seceded yet?
becomes law.

"The list of states accepting gay marriage continues to grow, but the battle is nowhere near over in Texas, where there’s a recently proposed bill in the state legislature that, if adopted, would profoundly penalize any government employee who issues future gay marriage licenses.

House Bill 623, also known as the Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act, would, in fact, take away the salary of any official who crossed this line, the Christian Post reported.

Text of the bill, which was filed January 7, not only makes it clear that state and local taxpayer dollars cannot be used to support or license gay matrimony, but it also extends this rule to preclude the use of government officials’ salaries for this purpose.

“A state or local governmental employee officially may not recognize, grant, or enforce a same-sex marriage license,” text of the bill reads. “If an employee violates this subsection, the employee may not continue to receive salary, pension, or other employee benefit at the expense of the taxpayers of this State.”

Introduced by Republican state Rep. Cecil Bell, the bill, if adopted, would amend Texas Family Code to ensure that gay marriage does not become legal in the state, the Texas Observer reported.

Bell said in a statement that he is acting on his commitment to constituents to fight for traditional values and defend their constitutional rights.

“Texas is a sovereign state and our citizens have the right to define marriage. We as Texans voted in 2005 to define marriage as being solely between a man and a woman,” he said, according to the Observer. “In Texas marriage is sacred and traditional families are recognized as the fabric of our society.”

It’s no surprise that Bell’s bill is being opposed by gay and lesbian rights activists. ..."

Public Employees in Texas Who Issue Gay Marriage Licenses Are in for a Major Punishment if This Bill Becomes Law
Why hasn't Texas seceded yet?
No balls, only they pretend the never got pulled back in. Besides, they'd have to pay their own bills then so that ain't happening...
People are still fighting gay marriage? Why are they wasting their time?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

And you keep believing that. Meanwhile, gays and lesbians will keep getting married.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

You mean pretend to be married.
Leaving God completely out of this,nature alone says it's a sham.
So...anyone who doesn't get married in a church has a sham marriage, eh?
MCC and UU churches do gay weddings.

No pillows, no shams.

Regards from Rosie
People are still fighting gay marriage? Why are they wasting their time?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

And you keep believing that. Meanwhile, gays and lesbians will keep getting married.

Sounds like a win-win to me.

You mean pretend to be married.
Leaving God completely out of this,nature alone says it's a sham.
So...anyone who doesn't get married in a church has a sham marriage, eh?
He's like that guy who thinks sex is only when you put a penis in a vagina. I suggested to him that for most people finding their teenage daughter with some kid's cock in their mouth just might be considered sex...
MCC and UU churches do gay weddings.

No pillows, no shams.

Regards from Rosie

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. Therefore, all pretense that two men or three woman, or three woman and feminized leftist male and a goat can 'be' married, is a sham.
MCC and UU churches do gay weddings.

No pillows, no shams.

Regards from Rosie

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. Therefore, all pretense that two men or three woman, or three woman and feminized leftist male and a goat can 'be' married, is a sham.

36 of 50 states now have same-sex marriage.

My state is one of them.

Not civil union, full-fledged marriage.

The US Constitution gives the same protection of the laws to gays as to straights.

So the new kind of marriage is identical to the old.

Whether religionist pinheads like it or not.

36 down, 14 to go.

Regards from Rosie
MCC and UU churches do gay weddings.

No pillows, no shams.

Regards from Rosie

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. Therefore, all pretense that two men or three woman, or three woman and feminized leftist male and a goat can 'be' married, is a sham.

36 of 50 states now have same-sex marriage.

My state is one of them.

Not civil union, full-fledged marriage.

The US Constitution gives the same protection of the laws to gays as to straights.

So the new kind of marriage is identical to the old.

Whether religionist pinheads like it or not.

36 down, 14 to go.

Regards from Rosie

Nonsense... a tiny fraction of states, (10ish) have voted to allow pretend marriage by homosexuals. The rest had a judicial decision OVER-TURN the vote of their respective majorities to legalize pretend marriage by Homosexuals.

None of which changes the FACT that Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

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