"Public Health" Propaganda


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
Look at the facts. Stop believing lies.

Understanding what this is.

Properly understood, the two most powerful public health officials in the United States – Dr. Collins and Dr. Fauci – are running an intelligence operation against the American people. Assisting in the operation is the Biden Department of Justice, who apparently refuses to prosecute Dr. Fauci for his false statements to Senator Paul. Also providing help are those within the government who have been obstructing public and media FOIA requests into the funding of gain of function research.
You are an idiot, and I have a hard time believing you passed a driving test, the multiple guess answers would have been too difficult for you.
Look at the facts. Stop believing lies.

Understanding what this is.

Properly understood, the two most powerful public health officials in the United States – Dr. Collins and Dr. Fauci – are running an intelligence operation against the American people. Assisting in the operation is the Biden Department of Justice, who apparently refuses to prosecute Dr. Fauci for his false statements to Senator Paul. Also providing help are those within the government who have been obstructing public and media FOIA requests into the funding of gain of function research.
I don't see Fauci or the department of healths messaging changing that much from when they were under Trump. Do you?
All of your threads should default to the Conspiracy Theory section
On one side of the argument we have literally every single organization, national, international, research, or response, and they all give the same advice regarding COVID. On the other side we have insane conspiracy theory dot com spreading tons of disinformation and of course, the willing dupes who run around screaming that they have the knowledge and the truth. Sure, they’ve never driven through a medical school but they have the internet and their fellow nuts are happy to share what they’ve learned.

So yes, you’re an idiot.



Of course, everyone who isn’t certifiable knows the truth. And that is why you’re excluded from that group. Idiot.
On one side of the argument we have literally every single organization, national, international, research, or response, and they all give the same advice regarding COVID. On the other side we have insane conspiracy theory dot com spreading tons of disinformation and of course, the willing dupes who run around screaming that they have the knowledge and the truth. Sure, they’ve never driven through a medical school but they have the internet and their fellow nuts are happy to share what they’ve learned.

So yes, you’re an idiot.

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View attachment 537069

Of course, everyone who isn’t certifiable knows the truth. And that is why you’re excluded from that group. Idiot.
On one side of the argument we have literally every single organization, national, international, research, or response,
And that side is controlled by globalists and Communists. They have been caught lying many times. You are the idiot. Are we done troll?
And that side is controlled by globalists and Communists. They have been caught lying many times. You are the idiot. Are we done troll?

Masks don’t work. But as demonstrated many times, they do. So who is lying?

The Vaccine is new and untested. Well they took an existing vaccine, and replaced the Viral compound to be used, and put it out there. Oh that is totally new technology and untested. Nonsense.

And according to you, they all are lying.

Let’s be honest. If you are sick, you go to the Doctor to get well. If you’re injured, same thing. If you have legal problems, you consult an expert, called a lawyer. If you want to invest your money for the future, you consult an expert to determine the best course of action, this person is called a financial planner or broker.

Now, suddenly, the experts are the ones who are wrong. But they’ve been proven right time and time again.

What pisses you off is they didn’t know everything at the beginning, they were operating with insufficient information, and as new information became available, they told you about it, and what that meant.

You call that lying. That’s asinine. A lie is where you intentionally try and mislead people. Such as claiming that deworming medication saves people from COVID. A local cop died from that attitude.

Oh it’s a miracle. Nonsense. It is more conspiracy theory nonsense, and the idiots pushing it should be prosecuted for trying to practice medicine without a license.

All of this was covered in High School. At least it should have during your Health Class. For me the information was reinforced during my training in the Army as a Sergeant when I became responsible for the health and welfare of my Soldiers.

My Doctor, my Wife’s doctor, and another we had a consult with, all agree that we need to get the Vaccine. These are people who have for years seen to our health. But now I am supposed to consider them fools. All that school, and those years of experience mean nothing because of some silly webpage. And I am the liar.

I got checked out by the Doctor at Work after I was exposed to COVID at work. It was two weeks later and I had to get checked to return to work. The Doctor, a man with thirty years experience practicing medicine, well we talked.

I told him that no vaccine will ever guarantee you are not exposed, or that you don’t get sick. But it increases the odds that you won’t get severely sick, or die. Nothing is guaranteed in life, except that you will die. Like wearing a seat belt in a car. Not a guarantee you won’t die, but it increases your odds of survival.

The nonsense spouted by you idiots and your CT nonsense is more akin to this. If you wear an ankle brace, you will survive Covid because the ankle brace will keep Covid from entering your body by the toenail.

CDC, USAMRID, WHO, Pasteur Institute, NHS, and the list goes on and on and on. They’re all wrong. Only your slick little dark side of the web page is the one telling the truth.

Tell me again who the troll is.
I am a very objective person. Just because I challenge points that people make does not mean I am biased
If you were objective you would see the need for the DOJ and FBI investigating evidence for fraud that was presented in the state hearings.
Masks don’t work. But as demonstrated many times, they do. So who is lying?

The Vaccine is new and untested. Well they took an existing vaccine, and replaced the Viral compound to be used, and put it out there. Oh that is totally new technology and untested. Nonsense.

And according to you, they all are lying.

Let’s be honest. If you are sick, you go to the Doctor to get well. If you’re injured, same thing. If you have legal problems, you consult an expert, called a lawyer. If you want to invest your money for the future, you consult an expert to determine the best course of action, this person is called a financial planner or broker.

Now, suddenly, the experts are the ones who are wrong. But they’ve been proven right time and time again.

What pisses you off is they didn’t know everything at the beginning, they were operating with insufficient information, and as new information became available, they told you about it, and what that meant.

You call that lying. That’s asinine. A lie is where you intentionally try and mislead people. Such as claiming that deworming medication saves people from COVID. A local cop died from that attitude.

Oh it’s a miracle. Nonsense. It is more conspiracy theory nonsense, and the idiots pushing it should be prosecuted for trying to practice medicine without a license.

All of this was covered in High School. At least it should have during your Health Class. For me the information was reinforced during my training in the Army as a Sergeant when I became responsible for the health and welfare of my Soldiers.

My Doctor, my Wife’s doctor, and another we had a consult with, all agree that we need to get the Vaccine. These are people who have for years seen to our health. But now I am supposed to consider them fools. All that school, and those years of experience mean nothing because of some silly webpage. And I am the liar.

I got checked out by the Doctor at Work after I was exposed to COVID at work. It was two weeks later and I had to get checked to return to work. The Doctor, a man with thirty years experience practicing medicine, well we talked.

I told him that no vaccine will ever guarantee you are not exposed, or that you don’t get sick. But it increases the odds that you won’t get severely sick, or die. Nothing is guaranteed in life, except that you will die. Like wearing a seat belt in a car. Not a guarantee you won’t die, but it increases your odds of survival.

The nonsense spouted by you idiots and your CT nonsense is more akin to this. If you wear an ankle brace, you will survive Covid because the ankle brace will keep Covid from entering your body by the toenail.

CDC, USAMRID, WHO, Pasteur Institute, NHS, and the list goes on and on and on. They’re all wrong. Only your slick little dark side of the web page is the one telling the truth.

Tell me again who the troll is.
You are the troll.
What, I am lying when I post the results of the study that Masks work? Or do you deny the study is telling the truth?
There are other studies that say different. Some say the masks are harmful. Frankly, I do not believe any information from the media.
I don't see Fauci or the department of healths messaging changing that much from when they were under Trump. Do you?
I don't either....They've been lying out their asses from the jump.

Why the fuck are you carrying the water for a quack who not only has been wrong about everything, but has now been exposed as a stone liar?
If you were objective you would see the need for the DOJ and FBI investigating evidence for fraud that was presented in the state hearings.
I am objective and after objectively looking at the situation I have determined that the stolen election claims are political propaganda and we are best to move on with life

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