Public Schools Produce Dumb Kids

Parents produce dumb kids. There are children in India who literally go to school in a straw hut and they perform better in math and sciences than most American kids.

Parents in Asian countries put heavy emphasis on education whereas unfortunately many American parents don't.

Private school students tend to do better because make sure their kids are studying and doing what they're supposed to do.

Public schools have basically become babysitting centers.
The problem most people have is they think that someone else is responsible for educating them and take no initiative to educate themselves
I think all of you that are grumbling should get active on your local school boards, donate to the PTA fund raisers for $ for updated text books, and if you can, volunteer to tutor in the after school program.
Watters is funny, but do you know how many people he probably interviewed to get some of those stupendously stupid answers?
Teachers are paid plenty to do that. If we are going to do that then let's throw them off the public dime. Public ed scoops up half the property taxes here. Half. That a LOT of money! It won't change until we overthrow socialism.

So, after my sometimes 14 hour days, I have to raise money for my own textbooks? Not my job man!

BTW, what is a textbook? I haven't seen a new one in at least 6 years.
The type of school doesn't matter if the parents are not active.
So why send them to school? My parents didn't do shit and I don't know anyone's that did. They worked. Teachers are supposed to work to but indoctrination is pushed heavily. Academics take a back seat to self esteem and community awareness/social acceptance.

You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.

I am in a school every day and i don't see any of that.
The type of school doesn't matter if the parents are not active.
So why send them to school? My parents didn't do shit and I don't know anyone's that did. They worked. Teachers are supposed to work to but indoctrination is pushed heavily. Academics take a back seat to self esteem and community awareness/social acceptance.

You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?

No one requires Common Core anymore. Maybe you could stay up to speed on education topics.
The type of school doesn't matter if the parents are not active.
So why send them to school? My parents didn't do shit and I don't know anyone's that did. They worked. Teachers are supposed to work to but indoctrination is pushed heavily. Academics take a back seat to self esteem and community awareness/social acceptance.

You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
They are controlled by administrators of districts that make huge salaries and many districts to an area to spread the wealth among themselves.

That sentence looks like it was written by a middle school student. Would you care to try again, in English this time?
The type of school doesn't matter if the parents are not active.
So why send them to school? My parents didn't do shit and I don't know anyone's that did. They worked. Teachers are supposed to work to but indoctrination is pushed heavily. Academics take a back seat to self esteem and community awareness/social acceptance.

You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
I didn't say they taught no academics. Learn to read.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots
The U.S. was ranked 17th in an assessment of the education systems of 50 countries, behind several Scandinavian and Asian nations, which claimed the top spots.

Finland and South Korea grabbed first and second places, respectively, in a global league table published by the education firm Pearson, while Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore ranked third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Sounds like we should pay teachers more:

“Having a better [teacher] is statistically linked not only to higher income later in life but to a range of social results, including lower chances of teenage pregnancy and a greater tendency to save for their own retirement,” the report noted.
Some of the best off people I know are teachers, the teachers I know have other incomes from their time off you know like all summer every single holiday imaginable.
Most teachers that I know that have been teaching quite a while own their businesses on the side because They do have all summer off.

You just outed yourself as a know-nothing blowhard.
You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
Ever hear of Common Core? Where did it come from and who is demanding it be implemented?
Most of the push for Common core comes from the US Military. Military Brats get pretty screwed up education-wise when moved from base to base because standards across States are incompatible.
Trump tell us that when he is elected he is going to eliminate common core. That just goes to show what an ignoramus he is, and how he plays to the uneducated right. Common core is a state program not federal

Congress and Obama did away with the requirement for Common Core already. Look up ESSA Act.
Yeah I am in the Midwest.
Now when I lived in the South I worked hard to keep my kids out of public schools. The South absolutely dominates the lists when you talk about badly run and underperforming schools. They've systematically defunded K12 and broken down tenure laws to nothing down there following Brown vs. the Board of Education. There was massive white flight even in the early 00's where I was in Louisiana because even then the schools were segregated (cleverly) and the Feds had to step in and redraw district lines. Once that happened even more parents left for private school and even less funding for public school was available.

I'm back in the Midwest now and my kids schools are pretty awesome. Easily on par, and maybe better, than what I had as a kid.

Good lord...

I am in the Midwest, but that again means nothing. Do you think p-schools in the inner cities of the Midwest are good? I would bet you dollars to donuts you would never send your kids to p-schools in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Milwaukee, etc.....but it is not just the inner cities that suck. Wherever a p-school is located it is likely to fail in educating students. Yes...there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

My son went to one the nation's best engineering universities. He was so well prepared by his private high school, that he did not have to work hard until his junior year. He said his buddies from the p-schools considered him a genius, because they had to work their tails off. He graduated summa cum laude.
Inner city schools anywhere are questionable. For the most part though, even there the Midwest is still pretty on top of the game.

I've known a lot of public schooled kids that go on to college and kick ass. I've seen a lot of private school kids come out middling to average. Your son's success is mostly due to him to be honest. Teachers can at most encourage interest and support what a student is willing to do.
Glad you admit inner city schools suck. Generations of poor children are getting screwed by the left establishment, that is more interested in pleasing the teachers unions to get their money, then educating kids. It is a crime of enormous proportions, yet nothing is done.

Of course, the problem goes much deeper than inner city schools. All p-schools are questionable...yes some are good, but most are bad.
The problems with inner city schools have nothing to do with teachers unions, or the establishment. Its all about the kids and their families. Too many kids who can't speak English, too many parents who aren't involved in their childs education. No matter how hard the teachers try, if parents aren't onboard its a losing battle.
BS another made up excuse to divert attention from the real culprit...the teachers, the unions and administrators.

My father grew up poor during the Great Depression. His mother died when he was eight and his father was a raging alcoholic. In other words, his parents were not involved in his education as many parents aren't involved...this is nothing new, but your use of this BS excuse proves you are uninformed. However, he did well getting a law degree using the GI Bill. Thing is teachers back then had a great deal of authority. You did not screw up in school or else there were consequences. There are no consequences today.

So that is the teacher's fault?
Good lord...

I am in the Midwest, but that again means nothing. Do you think p-schools in the inner cities of the Midwest are good? I would bet you dollars to donuts you would never send your kids to p-schools in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Milwaukee, etc.....but it is not just the inner cities that suck. Wherever a p-school is located it is likely to fail in educating students. Yes...there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

My son went to one the nation's best engineering universities. He was so well prepared by his private high school, that he did not have to work hard until his junior year. He said his buddies from the p-schools considered him a genius, because they had to work their tails off. He graduated summa cum laude.
Inner city schools anywhere are questionable. For the most part though, even there the Midwest is still pretty on top of the game.

I've known a lot of public schooled kids that go on to college and kick ass. I've seen a lot of private school kids come out middling to average. Your son's success is mostly due to him to be honest. Teachers can at most encourage interest and support what a student is willing to do.
Glad you admit inner city schools suck. Generations of poor children are getting screwed by the left establishment, that is more interested in pleasing the teachers unions to get their money, then educating kids. It is a crime of enormous proportions, yet nothing is done.

Of course, the problem goes much deeper than inner city schools. All p-schools are questionable...yes some are good, but most are bad.
The problems with inner city schools have nothing to do with teachers unions, or the establishment. Its all about the kids and their families. Too many kids who can't speak English, too many parents who aren't involved in their childs education. No matter how hard the teachers try, if parents aren't onboard its a losing battle.

If kids in school don't speak English, they are hard T dork learning it.
This not speaking English is another BS excuse. Millions of Americans in past generations did not speak English but it did not stop them.

Their parents made them learn English. Today, the parents make the schools hire bilingual teachers.
I think all of you that are grumbling should get active on your local school boards, donate to the PTA fund raisers for $ for updated text books, and if you can, volunteer to tutor in the after school program.
Watters is funny, but do you know how many people he probably interviewed to get some of those stupendously stupid answers?
Teachers are paid plenty to do that. If we are going to do that then let's throw them off the public dime. Public ed scoops up half the property taxes here. Half. That a LOT of money! It won't change until we overthrow socialism.

So, after my sometimes 14 hour days, I have to raise money for my own textbooks? Not my job man!

BTW, what is a textbook? I haven't seen a new one in at least 6 years.
I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you stoned?
So why send them to school? My parents didn't do shit and I don't know anyone's that did. They worked. Teachers are supposed to work to but indoctrination is pushed heavily. Academics take a back seat to self esteem and community awareness/social acceptance.

You seem to live in a fantasy world. My kids learn a lot of academics obviously. Indoctrination? More crazy right wing conspiracy talk. Come find the real world.
Oh brother....p-schools kids watch Fat Albert's end of the world AGW lies and for an added bonus, watch Fat Mikey Moore's left wing movies. one film they watch that is right wing? This is to say nothing of the non-stop PC, diversity, homosexual, moral equivalence, big government wonderfulness, socialist shit storm indoctrination they also get.

You don't see the indoctrination...because you are purposely blind.
Public schools are controlled by school boards, made up of parents in those schools.
They are controlled by administrators of districts that make huge salaries and many districts to an area to spread the wealth among themselves.

That sentence looks like it was written by a middle school student. Would you care to try again, in English this time?
It's in plain English, retard. No one can understand it for you.
Good lord...

I am in the Midwest, but that again means nothing. Do you think p-schools in the inner cities of the Midwest are good? I would bet you dollars to donuts you would never send your kids to p-schools in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Milwaukee, etc.....but it is not just the inner cities that suck. Wherever a p-school is located it is likely to fail in educating students. Yes...there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

My son went to one the nation's best engineering universities. He was so well prepared by his private high school, that he did not have to work hard until his junior year. He said his buddies from the p-schools considered him a genius, because they had to work their tails off. He graduated summa cum laude.
Inner city schools anywhere are questionable. For the most part though, even there the Midwest is still pretty on top of the game.

I've known a lot of public schooled kids that go on to college and kick ass. I've seen a lot of private school kids come out middling to average. Your son's success is mostly due to him to be honest. Teachers can at most encourage interest and support what a student is willing to do.
Glad you admit inner city schools suck. Generations of poor children are getting screwed by the left establishment, that is more interested in pleasing the teachers unions to get their money, then educating kids. It is a crime of enormous proportions, yet nothing is done.

Of course, the problem goes much deeper than inner city schools. All p-schools are questionable...yes some are good, but most are bad.
The problems with inner city schools have nothing to do with teachers unions, or the establishment. Its all about the kids and their families. Too many kids who can't speak English, too many parents who aren't involved in their childs education. No matter how hard the teachers try, if parents aren't onboard its a losing battle.
BS another made up excuse to divert attention from the real culprit...the teachers, the unions and administrators.

My father grew up poor during the Great Depression. His mother died when he was eight and his father was a raging alcoholic. In other words, his parents were not involved in his education as many parents aren't involved...this is nothing new, but your use of this BS excuse proves you are uninformed. However, he did well getting a law degree using the GI Bill. Thing is teachers back then had a great deal of authority. You did not screw up in school or else there were consequences. There are no consequences today.

So that is the teacher's fault?
When did he say that? Come back when you come down from your high.
Inner city schools anywhere are questionable. For the most part though, even there the Midwest is still pretty on top of the game.

I've known a lot of public schooled kids that go on to college and kick ass. I've seen a lot of private school kids come out middling to average. Your son's success is mostly due to him to be honest. Teachers can at most encourage interest and support what a student is willing to do.
Glad you admit inner city schools suck. Generations of poor children are getting screwed by the left establishment, that is more interested in pleasing the teachers unions to get their money, then educating kids. It is a crime of enormous proportions, yet nothing is done.

Of course, the problem goes much deeper than inner city schools. All p-schools are questionable...yes some are good, but most are bad.
The problems with inner city schools have nothing to do with teachers unions, or the establishment. Its all about the kids and their families. Too many kids who can't speak English, too many parents who aren't involved in their childs education. No matter how hard the teachers try, if parents aren't onboard its a losing battle.
BS another made up excuse to divert attention from the real culprit...the teachers, the unions and administrators.

My father grew up poor during the Great Depression. His mother died when he was eight and his father was a raging alcoholic. In other words, his parents were not involved in his education as many parents aren't involved...this is nothing new, but your use of this BS excuse proves you are uninformed. However, he did well getting a law degree using the GI Bill. Thing is teachers back then had a great deal of authority. You did not screw up in school or else there were consequences. There are no consequences today.

So that is the teacher's fault?
When did he say that? Come back when you come down from your high.
I don't think he knows WTF he is posting about.

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